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IntegrityResponsible Personal Freedom

Integrity is taking Responsibility for your Individual Freedom

becoming a Whole Person,
becoming your own Authority, Author of your own Life,
creating yourself as a Work/Play of Art.
The etymological meaning of the word IN-TEGRITY is not touched (not structurally
manipulated by an outside influence).
The meaning of the word IN-DIVIDUAL is not divided (into any parts this means YOU
are a WHOLE unit).
BUTmost persons are conglomerations of competing and often conflicting parts. Many of
us are walking warsinside of us are civil wars going on, that is, our many personalities
are fighting over central control of our body, of our time and energy, of what to do with our
How to harmonize these parts into the Whole of You I think should be the central task of the
young-to-middle age adult lifethis is what I call Becoming Your Own SOURCE.
When you have Sourced yourself, you have INTEGRATED the various parts or aspects of
your personality into a single, non-contradictory, morally consistent, whole, virtuous, person
who is ready, able and willing to live a life of Responsible Personal Freedom.
The task of later-age adult life that has achieved maturityonce you have realized your
SOURCEis to become a RESOURCE for other SOURCES to help them source
themselves. By which I mean most simply, you help others be their own final authority and so
be capable of living a life of Responsible Personal Freedom.
This way of approaching how you should live predicates that you should live for and as your
own END or PURPOSE. You do not exist FOR someone or something else; you exist for
YOURSELF. But all of us as Wholes are also Parts of other Wholes.
In being your own end or purpose, it does not mean you do not need otherson the contrary,
we DESPERATELY need others to enable us to enjoy our own life. As Aristotle put it: a
solitary person is either an animal or a godhumans NEED other humans. So, although you
are a WHOLE first, you also need to be a PART of others as Wholes-in-themselves.
To successfully play your part in the Human Comedy-Drama as both Whole and Part is the
great challenge presented to individuals as they learn the central question that has arisen with
Human Consciousness, which is: What Are Humans For?

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