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The Spirit of Discernment in XX

I could have chosen a photo of Japanese horsemen arrow shooting, or a Buddhist Shao
Lin demonstrating martial arts, or any other religious sects wisdom in the world. Each
religion has its own wisdom for human betterment. It would be foolish proving better
than thou attitude here. Sciences approach to analytic mind with facts and
outcomes.In opposition to our vitiated nature, or so to speak, to the flesh which drags
us into sin, the Spirit of God acts within us by grace, a supernatural help given to our
intellect and will to lead us back to good and to the observance of the moral law
(Romans 7:22-25). In the most general sense, psychology is the science which treats of
the soul and its operations. During the past century, however, the term has come to be
frequently employed to denote the latter branch of knowledge the science of the
phenomena of the mind, of the processes or states of human consciousness. see more
Following are inspirational theological documents:

the "Shepherd of Hermas" (1, II, Mand. VI, c. 2);

St. Anthony's discourse to the monks of Egypt, in his life by St. Anthanasius;
the "De perfectione spirituali" (ch. 30-33) by Marcus Diadochus;
the "Confessions" of St. Augustine;
St. Bernard's XXIII sermon, "De discretione spirituum";
Gerson's treatise, "De diversis diaboli tentationibus";
St. Theresa's autobiography and "Castle of the Soul";
St. Francis de Sales' letters of direction, etc.

If you are of different faiths, being able to distinguish the voice of the world from the
voice of God, to have a sense that this is right or this is wrong. Spiritual discernment
fends off temptation and allows us to hate what is evil; cling to what is good (Romans
12:9). Read more:

In an interview with the Civitta Cattolica, if you can retrieve this great article on this
popular Pope about reforms through Time magazine back in Dec 23, 2013Vol 182 No 26, p.49+. Pope Francis advocates for women
stronger role in church decision making. It is necessary to broaden the opportunities
for a stronger presence of women in churchThe feminine genius is needed wherever
we make important decisions. He sees the church as a field hospital after battle. His
vision is of a pastoral, not a doctrinaire church, and that will shift the Holy Sees
energies away from demanding long-distance homage and toward ministry to embrace
of the poor, the spiritual broken and the lonelya vision expanded in Evangelii
Gaudium or The Joy of the Gospel. He goes on I prefer a Church which is bruised,
hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is
unhealthy from being confined clinging to its own comfort zone
What is most charismatic and strong about this Holy See leader is that he made a clear
distinction the difference between feminine suffrage in the third world and the one in the
developed countries systems. My ninety years old mother in Vietnam tries to send old
theologian newspaper articles to the faraway country side poor seminaries. Beyond her
means, she reached out the Bishop but the layer of admin keepers (no doubt from the
cadre structure) kept her out, stating that only accepted papers can be forwarded.
Imagine, if simplify and restructure the circulation and transportation of holy teachings,
how far can this war-torn small country can achieve when parallel thinking with other
Christian nations? Now, compare with the nature of abortion.
In these days, everywhere we heard reforms, evolution, etc remind us what need to
change, what not to change, and the difference between the two
The gift of discernment hence is quintessential to science in terms of objectivity and
integrity, inasmuch the current Big Data rapid transformation. Many facets of life depend
on this discernment factor, vice versa, we need to apply knowledge or practice the
virtue right in daily life. I hope Pope Francis understand as well, the manifold aspect of
geographic racial cascade order in terms of labor division. I have high respects to the
Latin American knowledge and hard work, and we all know how North America rules of
thumb regarding first immigrants sacrifice toil in menial tasks so that their children can
be better. Yet, at work place, how does a world operation rather give higher position to a

high school barely speaks English yet supervise a graduated under employed, just by
using coercion, fist and wit?
Last but not least, democracy and freedom are home for the braves, not for the
bandwagon among the main stream minorities who experienced well human atrocities
in the past history, now rely on American good old system to distort and to destroy the
vulnerables, then swing back accusing the imperialist extortion. In my penny thought,
the spirit of discernment must have a solid background of self-temperance and selfknowledge. Some scientists and engineers disregard the existence of God, treating Him
as Alien. Some atheists good Samaritans believe on self-discipline and training. What
if one day Big Data leads us to a true encounter? How does one deal with mind meld?
What if the day Jesus comes again?
As Christmas is coming, think also the Second Coming, one thousand days as if one
day, one day as if a thousand day I wish we all experience Babe Jesus inspire each
one of us clarity of thoughts, moral sensibilities and the spirit of discernment so that
humanity can be safe from this wicked transitional period
A Late Greeting, Merry Christmas (in Christian calendar we are technically still in the
holy season!) and Successful New Year!

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