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Enigne Maets

Entombed in cast iron and mystical steam

A squealing predator entering a familiar lair
Cloaked in a silver, swirling cauldron with architectural flair
It halts in expectation, momentarily unseen
A scene of cinematic vision
A man determined to complete his mission
His muse swept along in ruby rouge
Her face half hidden; a gaze rather obtuse
Their echoing footsteps hollow notes
Cacophony of sounds masterly orchestrated
It melts into the charcoal chrome night
Steam gushing, emotions rushing
A forced embrace expertly camouflaged
The ivory umbrella clasped by her fella
Their union elegant yet malevolent
Specks of bright creating a dizzy mirage
Enigne Maets groans impatiently
Its human cargo destined for Fargo
Sentinels of light deliver reflective sight
Amidst a bleak, black liquid platform
A final, moaning whistle signals the journey planned
Hurried emotions echo in a station grande
Their brief encounter preordained
His farewell kiss momentarily, masterly feigned
As the solar flares bid them farewell
His departing step an ominous, knowing knell
Ive been here before, never forget
I am and always will beEnigne Maets

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