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HÀ TĨNH Năm học 2009 - 2010

Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút. Khoá ngày: 08/12/2009
* Lưu ý: Thí sinh chỉ cần ghi phần bài làm theo số thứ tự cho sẵn vào Tờ Giấy Thi;
Không được sử dụng bất kì loại tài liệu tham khảo nào trong phòng thi.

ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề thi này gồm 04 trang)

Part 1: Choose the correct word or phrase underlined to complete the sentence

1. Your blouse is similar to/ with/ at/ for mine. Did you buy it in the same shop with me?
2. The policeman saw the thief to entering/ enter/ to enter/ entered the house.
3. This food tastes well/ good/ badly/ best. What is the recipe, can you tell me?
4. She was very surprised at/ of/ on/ about the grade she received.
5. If you walk into the road without looking, you risk been/ to be/ be/ being knocked down.
6. The train will be leaving in five minutes, so you had/ should/ will/ would better hurry up.
7. The reason/ cause/ need/ purpose of sugar is of course to sweeten the medicine.
8. After reading the letter, leaving/ and leaving/ she left/ and she left it on the table.
9. The phrasal verb "to wait on" means to leave/ keep/ serve/ preserve.
10. I don't object/ care/ argue/ complain about the expense as long as you solve the problem.
11. Unexpectedly, the lights turned/ put/ went/ gave out and we were left in the darkness.
12. I can't lend you the money, it's quite out of the order/ question/ practice/ place.
13. The village which/ where/ in which/ what she visited last year is very peaceful.
14. Someone/ every/ each one/ anyone can come to the club. You don't need to be a member.
15. On driving home, I saw some boys play/ to play/ playing/ to playing football in the street.
16. Anyone/ someone/ no one/ everyone has taken the book away.
17. I never go to the zoo because it is not to my liking/ like/ hobby/ concern.
18. For/ by/ with/ under luck, we should be in London by 3 o'clock.
19. She cried/ laughed/ burst/ broke into tears, releasing all her pent-up emotions.
20. He talked about the books and authors who/ that/ which/ whom impressed him.

Part 2: Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word

The city of Melbourne, Australia has always had a (1)______ for unusual weather.
Melbourne people enjoy (2)______ this joke to visitors: if you don’t like the weather in
Melbourne, don’t worry, just wait five minutes, because it’s sure to change.
At the beginning of 1992, Melbourne had its (3)______ January for over 100 years. It rained
for nine days on (4)______. As well as raining all day, the weather was also cold. At night,
people in some Melbourne suburbs were (5)______ on their heating as (6)______ it was winter. It
was (7)______ cold many people could (8)______ believe that it was summer at all.
The best weather in Melbourne, however, is not usually in the summer: it is in the autumn.
The autumn usually has more pleasant days (9)______ the summer. The weather in autumn is
usually (10)______ of warm days and cool, comfortable (11)______.
The (12)______ of the city at this time of year is beautiful, too. Melbourne has many lovely
gardens and parklands with beautiful trees. In the autumn, the trees change their (13)______ to
red, gold and brown. As they are (14)______ in the air by the wind of a late autumn day, the
leaves add life to the city. So even if the summer is cold and wet, people in Melbourne can still
look forward to the (15)______ of a warm sunny autumn.

Anh.HSG 12/2009
Part 3: Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following sentences
1. His busy schedule made him completely (access) __________ to his students.
2. He works for UNESCO in a purely (advice) ________ role.
3. The sun and the moon are often (person)_________ in poetry.
4. I’ve never known such a (quarrel) ______ person.
5. I didn’t care if you wanted to drink. Your behaviour last night was (understand) ______ .
6. Thousands of scientists are working to find out possible (solve) _______ to human swine flu.
7. Only five (apply) _______ were shorlisted for the interview.
8. My father has lately (success) _______ in giving up smoking.
9. After the accident, very few people were found to be (harm) _______.
10. The doctor tried to (health) _______ the soldier’s wound in a fierce battle.
Part 4: Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting
1. For a rattlesnake, a dozen or so meals a year are quite sufficiency.
2. Weather and geography conditions may determine the type of transportation used in a region.
3. When you talk to the old man, please remember to speak out as he's hard of hearing.
4. The old and the new in transportation also contrast sharply in Middle East.
5. The ocean probably distinguishes the earth from other planets of the solar system, for scientists
believe that large bodies of water are not existing on the other planets.
6. Geothermal energy is energy to obtain by using heat from the Earth’s interior.
7. In general the only kinds of cells that cannot replace itself are nerve cells.
8. Historians believe that some forms of advertising must be as old as barter and trade
9. Many television newscasters make the public an eyewitness to the news by means of on-the-
spot, alive reports.
10. Dams are used to control flooding, provide water for irrigation, and generating electricity for
the surrounding area.
Part 5: Choose the best word to fill in each of the gaps in the text below
It is not so much the scandals and disputes of recent years that have (1)_____ the Olympic
Games. It is their (2)_____ enormity, their excessive cost, their (3)_____ of national pride. One very
sensible suggestion is that future Games should be (4)_____ to individual events in which one person
clearly wins. All team games would (5)_____, and no one would feel any loss at the disappearance of
Olympic soccer, a (6)_____ shadow of the more professional game.
Anything which required judging would also be (7)_____ One reason for this is the difficulty of
obtaining fair and accurate judges. An (8)_____ example of this is the case of Jacqueline de Bief, a
(9) _____ world figure skating champion. She revealed to the (10)_____ that she was sometimes
offered generous (11)_____ in exchange for what one newspaper called "an amorous adventure".
If events that required judging were excluded, it would also (12)_____ the Games of boxing,
wrestling, and the boring diving competitions. It would also eliminate sailing, largely a matter of boat
building, and horse jumping, largely a matter of the horse. Under (13)_____ circumstances, the

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individual would be (14)_____ to his rightful place, and a (15)_____ size to the Games would be
1. A. warned B. threatened C. reproached D. shocked
2. A. sheer B. vast C. heavy D. massive
3. A. pampering B. easing C. indulgence D. spoiling
4. A. held B. restricted C. limit D. decided
5. A. remove B. depart C. leave D. go
6. A. slight B. dull C. pale D. empty
7. A. undone B. left C. omit D. excluded
8. A. extreme B. outside C. upset D. unlimited
9. A. former B. ex C. passed D. formerly
10. A. paper B. press C. journal D. magazine
11. A. awards B. marks C. numbers D. odds
12. A. remove B. take C. rid D. scratch
13. A. such B. this C. most D. normal
14. A. retained B. ascended C. renovated D. restored
15. A. sane B. approximate C. accepted D. sensible
Part 6: Rewrite the following sentences, begin as shown and keep the meaning unchanged
1. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.
--> Hardly …………………………………………...............……
2. While I strongly disapprove of your behaviour, I will help you this time.
--> Despite my ……………………………………………………
3. Her hobby is one thing that she doesn't intend to give up.
--> She has no………………………………………………………
4. Nick told one of the detectives that he had taken the cashbox.
--> Nick admitted …………………………………………………
5. The room wasn’t only cold, it was also very damp.
--> Not ………………………………………………………….…
6. They intend to travel round the world when they retire.
--> They are going …………………………………………….….
7. The time of departure for the flight to Hanoi is six o’clock.
--> The plane to Hanoi …………………………………………...
8. We were allowed to stay up late if there was a good film on television.
--> My parents let ………………………………………………...
9. “Don’t swim just after you have eaten”, she said to them.
--> She warned ……………………………………………….......
10. The police accused him of stealing the wallet.
--> He was charged ........................................................................
Part 7: Complete with a word formed from those in the list given
door home build permanent increase
populate luck less treat orphan
You don't need to go to distant (1)______ or African villages to find young people in trouble and
in need of help. The situation in England is bad enough, and gives little optimism for a (2)______ in
the level of (3)______ of young across this (4)______ world. Angela Lambert, reporting for The
Independent newspaper, writes : "There are at least 50,000 (5)______ people under the age of 20 in
London alone, and perhaps three times as many in the whole of England. An estimated 2,000 are
squatting in derelict (6)______;10,000 are living in hostels; 2,000 in bed-and-breakfast hotels; and
the rest, if they are lucky, find temporary accommodation with friends - usually sleeping on the floor.
The (7)______, as is (8)______ obvious to any Londoner, live rough - sleeping on park benches, in
shop (9)______ and anywhere else they can find. Many are (10)______ hungry."

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Part 8: READING - Read the passage and choose the correct answer that follows

History books recorded that the first film with sound was The Jazz Singer in 1927. But sound
films, or talkies, did not suddenly appear after years of silent screenings. From the earliest public
performances in 1896, films were accompanied by music and sound effects. These were produced by
a single pianist, a small band, or a full-scale orchestra; large movie theatres could buy sound-effect
machines. Research into sound that was reproduced at exactly at the same time as the pictures -
called 'synchronized sound' – began soon after the very first films were shown. With synchronized
sound, characters on the movie screen could sing and speak. As early as 1896, the newly invented
gramophone, which played a large disc carrying music and dialogue, was used as a sound system.
The biggest disadvantage was that the sound and pictures could become unsynchronized if, for
example, the gramophone needle jumped or if the speed of the projector changed. This system was
only effective for a single song or dialogue sequence.
In the 'sound-on-film' system, sound was recorded as a series of marks on celluloid which could
be read by an optical sensor. These signals would be placed on the film alongside the image,
guaranteeing synchronization. Short feature films were produced in this way as early as 1922. This
system eventually brought us 'talking pictures'.
1. The passage is mainly about the
A. history of silent movies B. disadvantages of synchronized sound
C. development of sound with movies D. research into sound reproduction
2. According to the passage, films using sound effects were screened
A. before 1896 B. as early as 1896 C. as early as 1922 D. in 1927
3. The word ‘screenings’ in is closest in meaning to
A. projections B. revelations C. demonstrations D. diversions
4. Which of the following is not mentioned as a producer of sound to accompany movies?
A. a jazz singer B. single pianist C. a small band D. a gramophone
5. It can be inferred that
A. most movie theaters had a pianist
B. sound-effects machines were not common because they were expensive
C. orchestras couldn’t synchronize sound with the pictures
D. gramophones were developed about the same time as moving pictures.
6. According to the passage, gramophones were ineffective because they
A. got out of synchronization with the picture. B. were too large for most movie theaters.
C. were newly invented and still had imperfections D. changed speeds when the needle jumped.
7. The word ‘sequence’ is closest in meaning to
A. interpretation B. progression C. distribution D. organization
8. The phrase 'these signals' refers to
A. sounds B. series C. marks D. sensors
9. According to the passage, sound-on-film guaranteed synchronization because the recording was
A. made during the film of the picture. B. read by an optical sensor.
C. inserted beside the image on the film . D. marked on the gramophone.
10. Short feature films produced as early as 1922 _______.
A. were recorded by optical sensors B. put musicians out of work
C. were only effective for dialogue sequences D. preceding talking pictures

Part 9: WRITING - In about 200 words, write about the changes at your home town/city/ village.
Give your opinions on these changes whether they are positive or negative.
HẾT ______________

Anh.HSG 12/2009
Sở GD&ĐT Hà Tĩnh


(Ngày 08-12-2009)

* Tổng toàn bài 20 điểm, cụ thể như sau:

Part 1: Multiple choice (0,2 x 20 = 4,0 điểm)

1. to 6. had 11. went 16. someone
2. enter 7. purpose 12. question 17. liking
3. good 8. she left 13. which 18. with
4. at 9. serve 14. anyone 19. burst
5. being 10. care 15. playing 20. that

Part 2: Gap fill (0,1 x 15 = 1.5 điểm)

1. reputation 9. than
2. telling 10. composed/ comprised
3. wettest 11. nights
4. end 12. scenery
5. switching/ turning 13. leaves
6. if/ though 14. blown
7. so 15. possibility
8. hardly/ never/ not

Part 3: Word formation (0,2 x 10 = 2,0 điểm)

1. inaccessible 6. solutions
2. advisory 7. applicants
3. personified 8. succeeded
4. quarrelsome 9. unharmed
5. ununderstandable 10. heal

Part 4: Error shooting (0,2 x 10 = 2,0 điểm)

1. D 3. B 5. D 7. C 9. D
2. C 4. D 6. B 8. C 10. C
Part 5: Gap filling (MCQ) (0,1 x 15 = 1.5 điểm)
1. threatened 6. pale 11. marks
2. sheer 7. excluded 12. rid
3. indulgence 8. extreme 13. such
4. restricted 9. former 14. restored
5. go 10. press 15. sensible

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Part 6: Rewriting (0,2 x 10 = 2,0 điểm)
1. Hardly had I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
2. Despite my strong disapproval of your behaviour, I will help you this time.
3. She has no intention of giving up her hobby.
4. Nick admitted to one of the detectives that he had taken the cashbox.
5. Not only was the room cold, but it was also very damp.
6. They are going (to go) on a world tour when they retire.
7. The plane to Hanoi takes off at six o’clock
8. My parents let us stay up late if there were/was a good film on television.
9. She warned them not to swim/ against swimming just as they had eaten.
10. He was charged with stealing the wallet.

Part 7: In-text word formation (0,2 x 10 = 2,0 điểm)

1. orphanages 6. buildings
2. lessening 7. unlucky/ luckless
3. ill-treatment/ maltreatment/ mistreatment 8. increasingly
4. over-populated, overpopulated 9. doorways
5. homeless 10. permanently

Part 8: READING - Multiple choice (0,2 x 10 = 2.0 điểm)

1. C 3. A 5. D 7. B 9. C
2. B 4. A 6. C 8. C 10. D

Part 9: WRITING ( 3.0 điểm ): Giám khảo tự cho điểm, một số yêu cầu:
- Thí sinh phải nêu được một số thay đổi (changes) trên quê hương mình;
- Nêu được ít nhất 3 mặt tích cực hay tiêu cực của những thay đổi đó;
- Văn viết trôi chảy, diễn đạt gãy gọn (chỉ cần dùng cấu trúc đơn giản mà diễn đạt rõ ý)
- Sai không quá 5 lỗi nhỏ (về từ vựng, ngữ pháp, dùng từ…) thì không trừ điểm./.
- Giám khảo cân nhắc và vận dụng cho theo thang điểm: 0 - 0.5 - 1.0 - 1.5 - 2.0 - 2.5 - 3.0.

_________________ _______________

* Lưu ý: Nếu thí sinh có cách trả lời khác với đáp án nhưng hợp lí và đáp
ứng được yêu cầu đề ra thì vẫn chấm theo thang điểm đã cho. Tuy
nhiên cần có sự thống nhất giữa các giám khảo.

Anh.HSG 12/2009

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