Activity For Sentence Building 2

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Activity for sentence

Hanis Wardah Binti
Raudhah Binti
Teh Huijie
Yow Huey Wei

birthday card to daddy, thank you

card to grandma, writing shopping
lists, copying food labels

provide meaningful
context for writing

opportunities for
children to write

give children insights into writing

create an awareness and develop a
deeper understanding of the various
forms and functions of writing

a child writes a simple poem

expressing his sadness that the local
council has cut down his favorite
tree in the park
read to children
reading aloud and participatory
reading of stories provide rich
resources for children to develop
ideas to write as well as increasing
their vocabulary range.

Sentence of the day

Students pick up long strip of paper
every time they enter the class.

There is a sentence for the

students to copy on the board.
Choose simple sentences for the
children to copy and use as many
word wall words as you can.

Interactive Writing
Both teacher and the student
participate in writing.
Most often done with the whole
Teacher chooses the topic =>
begins the topic on a large piece of
chart paper or the whiteboard.
Children: take turns adding
sentences or words onto the larger
Teacher can direct the writing and
model the appropriate way to write
a sentence.

Using Question Words

Explaining to students that all sentences must have a
subject and a predicate can be difficult for children who
struggle with abstract concepts.
Introduce question words to help students remember to
make complete sentences.
Students can form the subject of the sentence by
answering "who" or "what."
They can form the predicate part of the sentence by
answering "why," "where" or "how."
Graphic organizers with boxes to write the subject of the
sentence, plus the action words, along with the "how" or
"why" are a good visual guide for children learning to

Constructing sentences from a
- Promote writing with the use of
question words
- What is happening?
- Who is in the picture?
- Where does this event take place?

Word Cube Set

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