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Allusions towards Christianity and the Bible are littered throughout this story.

story begins with Pelayo, Elisenda, and their sick newborn child. On the third day of
a terrible rain storm, possibly an allusion to the resurrection on the third day,
Pelayo and Elisenda are surprised to find a dirty old man with wings in the courtyard
drenched in mud. At first they are scared of this old man, but eventually label him
as being a sailor lost at sea which is the authors way of depicting how humans are
at first afraid of what they dont know, but attempt to label it using human logic. A
neighbor labels the man as not a sailor, but an angel and shortly after, Pelayos
newborn child is miraculously healed. Throughout the rest of the story, members of
the town come to see this angel and do all sorts of things. However, after the angel
loses its novelty with the entrance of the spider girl, they all forget about it and
move on. This could be an attempt by the author to explain the religious faith
humans have. Even though the angel performs miracles, they are confusing and the
townspeople do not understand it. As time goes on, the child is the only one who
plays with the angel which could be referencing to how children all have the
kingdom God. It is then that Pelayo and Elisenda acknowledge the angel and let him
into the house. However the angel sprouts new wings and moves on while Elisenda
watches him leave through the window.

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