Naca Test4ansys - Data

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#-----------------------------------------------------------# List of Point Coordinates made with http://airfoiltools.

# Format is: integer Group, integer ID, X, Y, Z
# all delimited by spaces, with nothing after the Z value.
# Group 1
# NACA 2412 Airfoil M=2.0% P=40.0% T=12.0%
1 1 1.000000 0.001260 0.0
1 2 0.975528 0.006241 0.0
1 3 0.904508 0.019774 0.0
1 4 0.793893 0.038286 0.0
1 5 0.654508 0.057319 0.0
1 6 0.500000 0.072385 0.0
1 7 0.345492 0.079203 0.0
1 8 0.206107 0.073015 0.0
1 9 0.095492 0.054458 0.0
1 10 0.024472 0.028266 0.0
1 11 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
1 12 0.024472 -0.023521 0.0
1 13 0.095492 -0.037640 0.0
1 14 0.206107 -0.042413 0.0
1 15 0.345492 -0.039946 0.0
1 16 0.500000 -0.033496 0.0
1 17 0.654508 -0.024516 0.0
1 18 0.793893 -0.015525 0.0
1 19 0.904508 -0.008055 0.0
1 20 0.975528 -0.003044 0.0
1 21 1.000000 -0.001260 0.0
# Group 2
# NACA 2405 Airfoil M=2.0% P=40.0% T=5.0%
2 1 1.000000 0.000525 1.0
2 2 0.975528 0.003533 1.0
2 3 0.904508 0.011657 1.0
2 4 0.793893 0.022591 1.0
2 5 0.654508 0.033450 1.0
2 6 0.500000 0.041503 1.0
2 7 0.345492 0.044451 1.0
2 8 0.206107 0.039348 1.0
2 9 0.095492 0.027596 1.0
2 10 0.024472 0.013161 1.0
2 11 0.000000 0.000000 1.0
2 12 0.024472 -0.008417 1.0
2 13 0.095492 -0.010778 1.0
2 14 0.206107 -0.008747 1.0
2 15 0.345492 -0.005194 1.0
2 16 0.500000 -0.002614 1.0
2 17 0.654508 -0.000648 1.0
2 18 0.793893 0.000170 1.0
2 19 0.904508 0.000062 1.0
2 20 0.975528 -0.000336 1.0
2 21 1.000000 -0.000525 1.0

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