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PROGRAM APPROPRIATION AND OBLIGATION BY fferDeparment ‘AY soHoots a1Ms!ON Fonevon EDUCATION Projentety ELEMENTARY EDUCATION, SECONDARY EDUCATION & ALTERNATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM Fund'SpecialAccourt SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND ANNUAL BUDGET 2075 (OBECTOF EXPENDITURE cone | ov 2013 evan evans weruay |_cestarey | _cestwarey 1 0 Cust Operating Expndiares 1 Perera Serves Salers an age - Renda Non Teaching 58 ror |p so2esers0s |p szass7s400 > szazeo71 00 Pereone Ecnome Rete Alowaroe (PER) mm | 2aznset2s] —zago0000 | 230400000 ‘ing Unter stowarce ns ‘esjo0000| aacoooz0 | eaaa0020, Sibstsere, Landry & Qe. Alowance -Subectence 78 1620000 2180000 2180000 Substence, Landry Ot Allowance -Launiry m8 225000 250000 72500 00 Pratcty ecerere Aware 7 sreoo0c0 | 12200000] 19200000 (orer Bnuses& Alowances Adonai Atovance (LBC 55) ria | syazcase22] — s405¢00000| 1, 1000009 ‘Cher Bowets ane Alovance- Hanis lovance 79 ‘ass30270| 19sce00a0} 05000030 Penoraia-Insrcters Manssews:fratisktwracy@ p2s00/ctet | 720, eaczora7| —cazs0000] "74200 Honora = Set Hep Chi Deviant Tears 7m = | 41800009 Heverana Tm zsro0000| 985009 casnce ra 4575000] _sqgoao0} «e000 Yer Era done a eerrese7| 103718600] 0067763 PAG18G Cention 72 zosseses| 24871500} zane PHLMEAL IF Conmbutens 3 zite2so| 4955000] 1404000 CC Canons 734 sezse2t| rrsaezo0] rea Taming Laie Deve ra | 12aeasoos} —sscc0000) —_eargoo3 roa tnancement neste 7 7390009 = ‘esa Pevona Senees see 34103 [FSS F00SIE00 1 2iaetonanse & Otter Operating Sxpeme> ely Expenses zs |p z2e000|° 5 Teocks &nsiutond Mats Exper 7s | 290979800] 270000000 ner SippiesExpasas MT Egugmanta Stare 72 40,1020 Comer Sunnie Expanos- School Supplee Ereanees zs | 228120000 Repars nd Vantenance - fee Equipment en ‘4500000 Chertlaint # Opuatng Pop -Elet 8 Wate Fete &Recnnre | 668 se54s900 (ner Nit & Operating Exp - Resear Program 98 247500000, Oner ant & Operatng Exp -PE.& Able: Meet sa | —s24p70000| 3.s00.00000 (Ober Mit & Operating Exp -Cutual Academic Deeopment | 969 sear200| — 1.98;00000 (Over Mint & Operating Exp -Aeadore Contests 909 30400000 [Omer & Operating Exp - Hels & Non Programe 988 230800000 (ner Nit 8 Oprat Exp - Heat & Narton Prog. Buses, 988 70100000 us, Tain (BLT Cones Nant & Gpeatng EXD -Ckzerap Cevelopmenrogam — | 969 ‘40¢00000) (her taintenance 8 Operating Eine 68 z ‘41400000 Tots Mantenanee § One Operating Expos [> verenzsaco |p esas 00] Capt Outay Ireructona iT Equpment ‘Sooo Budi Coneractan, Repair & Renab of San isp (tne Fates sa Renan 2 St Joe Elem Seta ec 8 Loca But epartin Fr Ne PROGRAM APPROPRIATION AND OBLIGATION BY OBJECT neerDeparment ‘ITY schoots pMsion Funeton EDUCATION. Prejcttnty ELEMENTARY SECONDAIY EDUCATION & ALTERNATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM FunclSecsl Accaunt _: SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND- ANNUAL BUOGET2015, Page? otpane [iecourn] PAST YEAR | CURRENT VEAR | GUDGET VERE (OBLECT OF EXPENDTTURE cove | cy z019 cy zoe ov2018 wera | estate) | estate, ‘Baldal Elem Sch, 2- Caswroon, Sagle Norey ae e : 1.200 000.05 Sayatas Elem, Sch, 6 Classoon, 2 Storey w! Covered 22 - | 750,000.08 eof Deck Bayanga Elem Sch, 2 Caseroan, Sele Storey 22 E 1.200000. Bongoangan Sem San, 2-Clatoem, Sgle Roy 212 ¥ 1200,90008 ast Ciy Catal Sch, 18 Cissercom, 2 try w Covered 2 : + | 22ecoc0008 Root Deck lvecarean Elem Sch, 6 Classroom, 2 Sorty wi Covered 22 - | 7stocosee oat Deck Manbuoya Een Sch. 2-Clserom, Sige Storey 22 ‘zep0008 Mangaay Elem. Sen, 3 -Clasroom, Sige Storey 22 - | 19006 Tagosrg Elem. Soh, 2-Classcem, Single Storey 22 zeman ‘Wiest oy Cena Sch, 10-Clasoom, 2 Storey wf Covered 212 12500 0000 Foot Deck Totalcapt Oty [peaor.seurr |p zas00 m0 |P “aaeaTeO TOTAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Jp 98329.20400 | 69.0¢6,705 0 [F173 573. 008 | seconnary epucaTION 1 0 cuter Operateg Emenities 11 Perera Sones States an Wages - Regular - Non-Teaching #28 701 |p asiaeceo0|> 1697600 |p 2 xzrrse00. Sele ane Wogrs- Region -Tesng #70 701 5.60835, s ; Personne Econom Rat Alowance(PERA) mm 7020039] s2eor000 | eaaozeoo Cltnng | Unarm Alewance ns 1250000] 900r000, Procuetty ceive Alowance 7 48,0000 52.010.00 ‘thar Bonuses an Alewarce - Astana Alewance (LBC 56) 719 | sz00aze53} —7,380.00000, tr Bonuses ant Alowarce - Harehip Aowanoe ne 0068625] 35008000 can ca 728 ‘25,0000] 19008000 ‘ex EndBonue 75 zz2ssaso| 26054000 Le & Retrement heurance Conmbuions 731 swo2eas| —373587.00 PAGIBIG Contetons 732 s571308 82.25.00 PHILHESLTH Contentions pss 037600 3735900 FOC Corritone 74 aaa 30,765.00 “erminal eave Beets 722 : rodscoy Entancement icentve 199 re0000 : Tota Pesona Sevces Ip aiesssa7e |p asi seco [> ae 1 2iantrance & ter Operating Boerses “eaoks ana nsectonal stra Experece ref rgxseraer|e «50000000 er Mast & Operstng Bm -Elct & Weta Fates & Accesses | 369 28535 S ‘ther Mast 8 Operaing Eo, = Resech Progam ped - | .sec0000 (ber Mant & Opeing Emp -PE Atetc Mast (her Naat & Opering Ep. -Cutal & Academic Development (he Mat & Opesing bp. Gazertip Devlanmert roman Total Martenance & Ott Operating Emenee ome et pone PROGRAM APPROPRIATION AND OBLIGATION BY OBJECT of ceibepartment civ scHooLsaMson Frojectcy ELEMENTARY EDUCATION, SECONDARY EDUCATION & ALTERNATIVE LEARNING Syste FuraspecialAccout SPECIAL EDUCATIONFUND - ANNUAL BUDGET 20:5 pcour] Past ven | CURRENT YEAR] BLOGETYEAP OBECT OF ExPENDTURE. cove | crzore e204 ov ans cruay | cestaarey | estate inetutonal I Equipment za fp > :300c00.00]e annonce {ot Prone (cain eferatn &éocurentaton) 201 4#,000.00.00 70 ,002.00000 Sehos Buidngs Constncton,Repar& Rehab ot Sch Bigs. 2 | 2e2 s86.12032] 24,000,00.0 ther Fates: 2200900. (Copsyan dt O10 Cty NHS, 60. Classroom, 2 Srey Coverss | 212 se,o09000.0 Root Deck Doge NHS. 18. Cassoum 2 Stoveyw/ Covered ef Dek an ss = | 22000000 03 Bula NHS, 4-Ciaeroon, 2 Storey 21 = | zs0a000 0» Coren NHS, 2-Cleeraem, Binge Strey an 4200000009 Indotag NHS, 4 -Classwom, Single Srey a1 = 20000000 Lents Ne, 8 Cleatom, 2a ea “4800900.08 Macabalan NHS, ¢-Cisesrcom, 3 Sey 22 5400000.00 ‘ayanga NH, $-Caestoom, Single Srey 212 ‘800000 00 Mara NHS, 3 Cassroem, Sige Sbrey 22 1.200000. Teta opt utay lp sa5030 [P7300 00000] 20460000000 TOTAL SECONDIRY ECUEATON JP ta.2e090327 [p iol ere set OOP Paar IST Oe IL ALTERNATE LEARNING SYSTEM 11 Perna Serveee Sates ana wages- Repéar #1 voi Jp sweeacss|e —r146ca00[P 5381.00 Persomel Eero Rel owance (ERA) mm n3s0000 24,000.00 24.0000 Sietiag/ Unorn Aware 5 300000 3000.00 $000 00 Froausty cote Aowance cag 200000 200.00 2000.00 Honora 18 etuctonl Managers @ P1200 et 720 | 2.130000) 2386.00] 260.0000 cance 78 3.90000 5.00.00 ‘5000.00 Year Er Sonic 75 Beasoo 95500 2.649000 Le &Ratwemant urns Conibuors 7a 228105 1375800 r3447.00 PAGIBG Casrmutene 732 2oeees 2208.00 220900 PRILEEALT Conan 733 1120000 4.38000 4,350.00 £20 Cerrbvtons 74 vores si790 4958.00 oductaty Emanceent ote 740 300000 i ‘oa PetsnalSanices [> ae 03sse [p> aes aiso > aes aoe 1 2Matnance & Ober Operating Expenses Taveing Epa 1 £8, 0ALS Det Cooctratoe @Prcooye | rer fe rzo.0000 fo a Texooots ag istucions Mateals Expenses 783 0,000.00] aca.00000 beat Erperecs ra 75,008.00 (Oher Mant & Opersing Bp - Caznstp Oewlpment Peg. 60 : 2000 00 ‘onertartenance & Opersing Expenses 09 200020 r Tota Maienance and One Operating Expenses [> tez.000.00 [> ar70006 Jp eeaiesaae O cept Outs, omeanamet ‘ITY sowooLs MIEON — EQUATION Pronctcy PROG?AM APPROPRIATION ANG OBLIGAY ELENENTARY/ SECONDARY EDUCATION & ALTERNATVE LEANING SvETEN FuniSpeca Acseurt SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND ANNUAL BUDGET 2013 [ccoune] Pastvea | CURRENT YEAR BUDGET YER (OBvECT OF EXPENDITURE cco | cyan ov204 ov205 ctuay | estmare)_|_estiarey IWRON- OFFICE SPEDALPROIEST 1 Statory an Conractia Obigaton Exemety Expenses tluing ar yer inpad acount ro JP riasrosse0|e s.sxqc00c0[r ister Sipenses lang pi yore read acount ye | uses) ssm00@ seca Projet mentary 8 Seconday - Const, Repar BRENGD of Sh, Bs +,a00 00000 Irion Easpmantar Senor igh Sl - | eonoo% ‘Sever er Son - Cont, Ropar 8 ahaha ah Dise > 32590 0000 Tens 2 som Inogersus Pose Eaton ss0io.000% | ae.n0c0 ‘Setlawh Exgenses Cy Colege Scholae Presran rs | srg 20 si Setelash Essense Assctance or Senearto ABCCA ze | ssoncon0 2 TOTALNOWOFFICE / SPECIAL PROECT [p eieesesz [> nombre TOR TOTAL APPROPRIATION JP 11540660315 [P 203000000 on [F000 mobo Serban Stes, APPROVED, REviEWeD By arty. peRCY 6. gftzzan Ce Buse Paber OSCARS. HORENO iy aye ‘aime etal Sch oars

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