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NAME ________________________ Class 2 ___


Fila A


1. Completa le frasi con il comparativo degli aggettivi tra parentesi, seguito da than.
Example: Tracy is older than (old) Jason.

The black belt is ________________________ (cheap) the brown belt.

Italy is ___________________________ (big) the UK.

French is ______________________ (easy) English.

History is ____________________________ (boring) Geography.

Dolphins are _____________________ (intelligent) dogs.


Completa le frasi con il superlativo degli aggettivi del riquadro.

famous busy tall expensive hot long

Jake is the tallest boy in my class.

Theyre _________________________ shoes in the shop! They cost 199!

Todays _________________________ day of the year. Its 38oC!

The Nile is _________________________ river in the world.

Heathrow is _____________________________ airport in Britain.

La Gioconda is ___________________________ painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

3. Completa i dialoghi con il comparativo o il superlativo di good, bad e far. (6)


Harry is the best (good) footballer in our team.

No, he isnt. Paul is 1_______________ (good) than Harry.

Roger is 2_______________ (bad) player in the team.

No, he isnt. Youre 3_______________ (bad) than Roger!!

Whats the 4_______________ (far) planet from the sun?

Is it _______________ the Earth?

No, it isnt. Mars is 5_______________ (far) from the sun than the Earth.

4. Completa la tabella dei verbi irregolari:


Past Simple

Past Participle


5. Riscrivi le frasi alla forma negativa.


Example: We went to the cinema last night.

We didnt go to the cinema last night.

Amy bought tickets for the concert.

Carly watched TV last night.

Dad took the dog for a walk.


I wrote an email to Paul last night.


It rained yesterday.

We left the party early.


3. Completa con la forma corretta dei verbi. I verbi in grassetto sono regolari.


Columbus ______________ (believe) that the earth _________ (be) round. He ____________ (decide)
to sail west from Europe to India. He ____________ (ask) for money and ships for his journey from the
king of Portugal, but the king ____________ (refuse). So Columbus ____________ (go) to Spain and
Queen Isabella ___________ (give) him three ships.
Columbus __________ (sail) from Spain on 3rd August 1942. He ___________ (be) a good sailor, but his
men ____________ (be) afraid. Things ____________ (become) difficult and his men _____________
(want) to go back to Spain, but Columbus _____________________ (not listen) to them. The journey
____________ (take) ten weeks. Then a sailor __________ (see) a bird! They __________________
(understand) that they ____________ (be) near land. On October 12th, 1942 Columbus ______________
(carry) the Spanish flag onto the island and he ______________ (name) the island San Salvador.

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