Handling Customer Complaints ROLEPLAY

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Customer Complaint Roleplay

Georgia CTAE Resource Network

Instructional Resources Office
Written by: Amanda Supra and Frank Flanders
July 2009

Students will be able to:
Analyze a situation where there is a customer
Identify ways that the situation can be helped.
Formulate a solution that is best for the given

Note to teacher:
Click here to go to the student worksheet.

Examples of customer complaints will be
For each situation, explain:
Your initial reaction
What you will say to the customer
What actions you will take

Situation 1
(Airline Ticket)
You are a customer service representative for an
airline. A customer comes to your desk stating
that they purchased a first-class ticket but when
they checked in, they were given an economy
ticket. You check your computer and see that
they had bought a first-class ticket and that it
was a glitch in the computer system.
What will you do?
Write your response on the work sheet provided.

Example Response: Situation 1

(Airline Ticket)
Apologize for the mistake.
Take the economy ticket and print out the
correct first-class ticket.
Ask the customer if you can be of further

Situation 2
(Dental Office)
You are a receptionist at a dental office. A lady tells
you that she is upset because when she called to
reschedule her appointment, she learned that she
was actually scheduled for the week before, and has
been charged a late fee for missing the appointment.
She refuses to pay since she claims it was
scheduled on the wrong day by the person who
made the appointment.
What will you do?
Write your response on the work sheet provided.

Example Response: Situation 2

(Dental Office)
Apologize and tell her that she will not have
to pay the late charge because of the
Note that if this situation happens two or
more times, then the complaining customer
becomes suspicious and the fee may not
be dropped.
Help her reschedule the appointment.
Double-check with her to make sure the
date is correct.

Situation 3
(Clothing Store)
You are a new employee working in sales at a
clothing store. A customer claims that your company
has charged her credit card twice for one purchase
and wants you to refund her money in cash.
What can you do to help this customer?
Write your response on the worksheet provided.

Example Response: Situation 3

(Clothing Store)
Consult a manager to help with or handle
the situation.
The manager, or you, under the direction
of the manager should:
Apologize and explain that she should present
her credit card statement to support the claim.
Explain that, if substantiated, a credit must be
made to her account and cash cannot be

Situation 4
(Store Manager)
You are the manager of a store. Watching your
employees, you notice that a customer came in and
nobody acknowledged or approached her to ask if
she needed help. She looks a little lost, as if looking
for something. Getting frustrated, she then leaves
the store.
What will you do to help your employees become
better at customer service?
Write your response on the worksheet provided.

Example Response: Situation 4

(Store Manager)
Gather the employees for a store meeting.
Explain what you saw while observing them.
Explain the right way to acknowledge,
approach, and assist customers.
Explain that providing customer satisfaction
keeps the business going and everyone
Possibly offer an incentive to employees
who do well.

Situation 5
(Restaurant Server)
You work for a restaurant as a server. One customer
says he found a hair in his soup.
What will you do?
Write your response on the worksheet provided.

Example Response: Situation 5

(Restaurant Server)
Apologize for the problem with his food and
immediately offer to get him a new bowl of
If he doesnt want more soup, ask if he wants
anything else as an appetizer instead.
If he still has problems, consult a manager.
The manager may discount the mans food.

Situation 6
(Toy Store)
You work at a toy store. A man comes in with a toy
robot. He shows a receipt and says that it is
defective. The toy shows obvious wear and use. You
determine that his warranty expired three months
What will you do?
Write your response on the worksheet provided.

Example Response: Situation 6

(Toy Store)
Apologize for the problem.
Show him that the warranty on the robot expired
three months ago.
Explain that it isnt up to the individual store or
employee, and that you must adhere to store
If the situation escalates, consult your
A manager may try to appease the customer
with a discount coupon on a future purchase or
some other incentive.


Beware that situations and circumstances vary but

general guidelines should be followed.

Be kind and courteous.

Be attentive to the customer.
Listen carefully.
Ask questions for full clarity.
Apologize for the problem.
Follow company policies.
Do not argue with the customer.
Handle the situation for the satisfaction of the customer if it
is at your level of authority.
9. Know when to call a superior if the situation escalates.

Customer Complaint Student Response Worksheet

Name: __________________________________________ Date:_____________________
Directions: For each customer complain, explain how you would respond to help remedy the situation.




Initial Reaction:


Initial Reaction:

What will you say to the customer?

What will you say to the customer?

What action will you take?

What action will you take?

Initial Reaction:


Initial Reaction:

What will you say to the customer?

What will you say to the customer?

What action will you take?

What action will you take?

Initial Reaction:


Initial Reaction:

What will you say to the customer?

What will you say to the customer?

What action will you take?

What action will you take?

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