The Quality of The Surface Water in 6 NW Region

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‘lable aan at wor prosviccmantza ) i Original paper The quality of the surface water in 6 North — West Region PROGROCU M7, Camelia COSTE®, Tania MIAESCU*, D. VARBAN* 1. ASCHILEAN “Peni Smead ng in Nn Fal at ie = 157 Ch Se, om “nega pc of ramen Prati, Door OE Ci Ai, amas + shat Cer Clap Pa eet De Em 8 ‘Sporn amas Mx Fay th seni en Ne 3 pa 8 Atrace ‘Te sim of the knowledge ofthe sie water quit in th are eo deliver he has cements with he sim of existing the lage and elution ofthe uty of he war teow. Physic ~ chemical, iloical ‘2 tacenoigical analy forthe main aes fm he @ Noch West Repce were perso wih thea of feainng clasafeason of the surface wrtee by the quay class and degree of woptye ta. A unecerization ofthe tdi lakes by the ality class. overl, the war quality iné Noah = Wes Reign ie win the pennr quay cle pa art na, ays asf ly, mpl 1 tateeduction activity, systematically developed, is w supply the basic elemeals for estimating the slage and ‘The human actives exert Simportt evolution of the water reources guilty The ‘quanitatve and quabiative presse on the water potential of the surface water resources tht can ‘resources, Thut the analyse of this component fe used in 6 North = West Region, presented ofthe ambient environment is necesary inorder in fig to supply the water eeturces for the mest oncrtion, with the rxpect af the principle af the austainble development. The bydmaraplic retwork of the 6 North « West Region, which includes the counties of Hibor.Brsrieisiad, Chyj, Maramures, Satu Mane and Silsj is dominated by the mycrapraphic basines of the rivers Somes, Cejari, Cras, Bari, Tar. Tis and Aries. The aim of the knowledge of the surface waters quality fom the area, as speci. = ‘(Ue yin NW Region PROORICU AE ol ration! 1808) 20-38, 2. Material and method “The characteriation of the surface nunnang waters is performed through the inerpretation of the syatbesis data by each element of system structure, comprising the signifiam water structures fom the hy dropruphoe base network, tesuing quality categories by 3 groups of seater physico-chemical Inlogical + hactericlagical. ‘The spmthesic values are obtained by computing the share average wath the debite of ‘the ‘soncentrations determined ia harvesting campigs, by each indicame in each serveillanee ssction The revilled values are ‘compared with admissible limit thesbolds, specified in STAS A7OQ/I998. This STAS regulates the quality categones and. technical -conitions Bor surlace water. ‘Based on the share of the different ‘constituents in forming the water quality stats, ‘he overall water qualiy m surveillance aren i ‘estimated. The water quality is established both ‘by mai groups of chemical indicators (xyzen regimen, degre af tnineral presences specie ‘oxic substances) and assembly ofall indicators, "The water stats i monitored through the seaistical quality water indicators and their evolution i time, By esting the quality reported wo volumes and lengths of river sections, diffrent pollution aspects and measures of fiphting apainst pollution 3. Revalts and discussions “The activity of knowledge of water quality was developed within the tsvitoral unites of eater management from: Water Office Somey - Tis, + Water Office Crigur + Water Office Nlures {pan of the National Admmistation “Romanian Water”, ‘They supplied the harvesting of the water samples rom contol sections states im artace waters, lakes, ground. waters and polluton sources, They determined the physic — ‘chemical and biological quality indicaton ‘rough present ncrrutive (STAS). “The data processing wat perlvomed through ‘the comparison of the value with certitude threshold of 90% (10% for disclued oxygen} for guilty indicators determined according to the stipulations of the “Normative conceming the reference objects for classification of the surface ‘waters quality” approved by the Order no, ‘defi 0.12 2002. “Ths males quality was timated based on the share of ferent sonsiawcmts in forming the quality ste, by determining the indicators fom ‘he rian groups and fase onthe, ang ito assess of quality (Cl = Thermnic egimen and acidification, C2 Osigen eptmen, C3 Nudieats, CA Salinity, (C3 =Specific wxic pollutants of maura origin (C6—Orgamic tei fubstances, A= Biological analyzss, D=Micubiologicl amiyzes “Aralyaiag the water guatity from physica ~ chemical pot of view atthe level of the North = West Developmem Region, we finf that in almost all contol sectons, according to the (Order 1146/2002, the psa indians fate fate Knits ofthe U~ It uality lacs “The exception was recorded in the rivers Aocated the courty of Maramures which are within the limits of I» guaity clases, du to ‘the sectors located upstream dhe moans ofthe waters proceeded fom the mining and srfallargis industries located wathin the Somes ‘basins: + Somes = Ciitisu, Lagu - Bu, avaie-Copalaic, Sar aval Bia Mare, Firizaupuream confluence with Sasa 4+ Mat upskean confluence vith Some {In onder to monitorze the wat quality of the lakes and degree of topic status, analyzes were performed is 6 North = West Regn. They were performed with the aim of quamiative etermmmaions of the quality »indicaors Secondng 1 present stndards stipulated by the ‘Romanian legislation. “According. to the Report concerning the status ofthe environmental faction. im 6 Nort « ‘West Region im 2007, the topic stage of the fakes, esublishad based on the valuxs of the iniicaues concerning the process of Gurropbimton and Rygiens and Sratry tes of the lokes fom the 6 North - West Region are [pecsetad tables 1 and. “The analyze of these reas shows that the state of the sutra and accumulation lakes feo the 6 Narih ~ West Region is goed, majadty inGcatng iow and mille levels “of trophic status, Being included in olgotoph and smezatraph categories, | PROGROCL Me al frre (20002 Tae Toe quay fhe man ak repent ie np sae dace = —— re Pa ee sag = eee Ss | = oa [Ses S GES = an ae ee wa ae Tate 2 Te opie snd byl — sana ange of hc aes ame Nan West Ragin comy tase = RTPA NAIO OS Ska 4. Conclusions ‘The water quality in systematically monitored” sections, reconled recerrently improvements or worenig, Function of the way (af Scticinng the acini depuration sion, the lack of them in some cases, volume of the removed used waters, lows ofthe remwved uscd waters In qverall, the water quality i Nomi = ‘West eign id wile piperioe Guilty chase. Te some cases, the water quality i determining influenced bby the removing of the mining waters not comespoatingly remaved ot ‘even not depurated and waters rested from the activites ef preparing non ferrous ore or non ferrous ictallergy, specific activities for the 6 NantheWest Reason In oer to maintarn the surface water quality by river sections and for quality improving by sectioms submitted to ankupic pressure, the following measures must be taken: + Satisfying the water eequirements at source for hott urhon and mural population: Nigro leak developinict OF Welter sapphjngied seaalialicn nba, Improvement of the quality of the water opine map| References (u) 8, 1996, Miniserul Madiulal 3f Denvolin Dumbile, Leyes apelar ne. 107 ain 29007196, Menitond Ofc, Paras ne. 244, suey 200, Ministers! 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