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 Successful implementation of the
project lies on effective project plan.
Based on the anticipated goals and
objectives the project planning to be
 The crux of the project lies in the
problem formulation process. The
project team should have detailed
understanding of the problem, scope,
intervention areas and the out come of
the project to be hypothesized.
 Project planning: can be defined as

* A scientific and systematic process, in


* Logical linkages are clearly

established, among

* Various element of projects

 The project budgeting phase is in the
project formulation phase. Two types of
budgets are to be made. The prior one
is the cost category budget (materials,
administration, capital; expenditures
etc) and the later is the activity budget.
This project budget is to calculate the
cost of each project output
 1. Management Appraisal
 2. Technical Feasibility
 3. Financial feasibility
 4. Commercial Appraisal
 6. Environmental Analysis
 5. Economic Appraisal
1 Cursory assessment of input requirement
2 Superficial field investigation
3 Slip- shod method used for estimating cost and benefits.
4 Omission of project linkages
5 Flawed judgment because of lack of experience and expertise
6 Deliberate over -estimation of benefits and underestimation of
1 It is led by a competent leader who is accountable
for project performance
2 The authority of the project leader and his team is
commensurate with their responsibility.
3 Adequate attention is given to the human side of the
project system and method is clearly defined.
1 Develop a comprehensive plan for various activities
like land acquisition, tender evaluation, recruitment
of personnel , construction of building etc.
2 Estimate meticulously the resource requirement
(manpower, materials, money etc.) For each period
to realize the time plan.
3 Define properly the inter linkages between activities
of the project.
4 Specify cost standards.
When the project appears prima facie to be viable
and desirable, advance action on the following
activities may be initiated:
(i)acquisition of land.
(ii) securing essential clearances,
(iii) identifying technical collaborators/
(iv )arranging for infrastructure facilities,
(v) preliminary design and engineering, and
(vi) calling of tenders
Once a project is approved, adequate funds must
be made available to meet its requirements as per
the plan of implementation- it would be highly
desirable if funds are provided even before the final
approval to initiate advance action. Piecemeal, ad-
hoc, and niggardly allocation, with undue rigidities,
can impair the maneuverability of the project team.
1. To minimize time over-runs, it may appear that a
turnkey contract has obvious advantages. Since
these contracts are likely to be bagged by the
foreign suppliers, when global tenders are floated, a
very important question arises.

2. A judicious balance must be sought which

moderates the outflow of foreign exchange and
provides reasonable fillip to the development of
indigenous technology.
 The competence and capability of all contractors must
be ensured one weak link can jeopardize the timely
performance of contract.

 Proper discipline must be inculcated among

contractors and suppliers by insisting that they should
develop realistic and detailed resource and time plans
which are congruent with the project plan.

 Penalties which may be graduated must be imposed

for failure to meet contractual obligations. Likewise
incentives may be offered for good performance.
 Help should be extended to contractors and
suppliers when they have genuine problems they
should be regarded as partners in common pursuit.
 Project authorities must retain latitude o offload
contracts(partially or wholly)to other parties well in
time where delays are anticipated.
In order to keep a tab on the progress of the project,
a system of monitoring must be established. this
helps in:
 Anticipating deviation from implementation plan.
 Analyzing immerging problem.
 Taking corrective action.
 It should focus sharply on the critical aspect of
project implementation
 It must lay more emphasis on physical milestones
and not on financial targets.
 It must be kept relatively simple. If made over
complicated, it may lead to redundant paperwork
and diversion of resources. Even worse, monitoring
may be viewed as an end in itself rather than as a
means to implement the project successfully.
Thank you !

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