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Title: Meet Our Solar System: An

Overview (1)

Grade: 4th

Subject: Science

Designer: Sara Cummings

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals: SOL 4.7The student will investigate and understand the
organization of our solar system, Key concepts include: a) the planets in the solar
system; b) the order of the solar system; and c) the relative sizes of the planets.
Essential Understanding: Our Solar
System has an extensive history which
-Our Solar System is extremely large affected the way, shape, size, and location of
with many celestial bodies that have the Sun, all eight planets, and Pluto.
yet to be discovered
Essential Questions:
-Our Solar System has an extensive
history that explains why the Sun, all
8 planets, and Pluto, as well as other
elements (that we know of)
developed the way they did.

-What would happen if we did not have

gravity to keep us in orbit?
-The Solar System is around 4.6 Billion years
old. Do you think there is anything on Earth
that is around that old?
-Do you believe humans still think Earth is
-Gravity keeps us in orbit. Without
the center of the universe?
that, we would be floating away
-Do you think there are elements in our Solar
System that have yet to be discovered?
-Why do you believe the planets are ordered
the way they are?
Students will know
Students will be able to
-The extensive history of our Solar
-Understand how old and vast our Solar
System is
-The order of the Sun, the 8 planets,
-Correctly say the order of the Sun, the 8
and Pluto
planets, and Pluto in the Solar System
-Understand how to make predictions.
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
-Students take notes
-Teacher mentors and watches the students
-Work together in their groups to
work together to make sure they are using
decide what the order and size of
logic and reasoning to come up with the
the Sun, the 8 planets, and Pluto are order and sizes of the elements in our Solar
and, even if what they came up with System
was incorrect, they can explain their -Students discuss with their peers what they
came up with and why.
-After hearing the song and/or
-Students either being saying the mnemonic
saying the mnemonic, students
and/or singing the song describing the order
write the order of the planets in
of the planets in the Solar System.
their science journals.
Stage 3 Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
Before the start of this unit, make sure all students are given a 1 inch, 3-ring binder
for their science notebooks and 1, 3-hole punched spiral notebooks for their science
journals. Make sure students have put both their name and the Unit (Solar System)
written on both items before continuing with the lesson
*They should already know the procedure for the science notebooks and journals
from previous units

1. Gather students to run in the front of the room facing the board/smart board.
Remind them to bring their journals and pencils.
2. Start the PowerPoint and explain to the students that we will be learning about
the Solar System and will be guided by our friends C3PO and R2D2. The teacher
also recommends that students take notes
3. Select students to read the slides of the PowerPoint. R2D2 and C3PO explain how
we will all be exploring the Sun, the 8 plants, and Pluto in our Solar System. They
also explain how we will be greeted by different Star Wars characters at each
location who will give us more information about the celestial body.
4. For this first lesson, C3PO and R2D2 tell us that the Jedi Council wants the
students to see how much they already know about the Solar System. The teacher
brings out an already formatted KWL chart in chart paper and asks the students
what they already know about the Solar System and what they would like to learn.
Write appropriate student responses on the KWL chart and hang up on the science
5. R2D2 and C3PO also suggest starting a vocabulary chart. The teacher also pulls
out an already formatted vocabulary chart and reminds the students they if they
see any words that are related to the Solar System, write them down in their
science journals, find the definitions if they are unsure, and, when the time is
appropriate, they can write the word and definition on the vocabulary chart.
6. Students watch NASAs video on Our World: What is a Solar System? (~5
7. The teacher picks out a students to read the activity that R2D2 and C3PO have
planned for us
8. Students divide up into groups of 3-4
9. The teacher (or Jedi Master as R2D2 & C3PO refer to the teacher as) will give
each group 1 long sheet of paper.
10. The teacher explains to the groups that the students will work together with
their group to try to figure out the order of the Sun, the 8 planets, and Pluto we well
as their sizesteacher also explains that there is no need to color in; outlining and
labeling the planets will be fine.
11. Teacher explains that students have 15-20 minutes to work together
12. After time is up, the teacher calls all students back up to the front of the room
where each group will have a specified section on the Smart Board where they can
draw what their group came up with and explain how and why that what the order
that they chose.
13. The teacher explains that everyone has great predictions but she will not give
away the sizes of the planets right away but she does have a song and a mnemonic
they can use to help them remember the ORDER of the planet.
14. The teacher will play the song for the students. At the same time, she will write
the correct order of the Sun, the 8 planets, and Pluto on the Smart Board. When
finished, she explains that we will be learning a lot more about the Solar System
throughout this unit.
15. The teacher also hands out another long sheet of paper to the students and tells
them they will be keeping these in their notebooks and, every time we discuss a
celestial body, they are required to draw, color in, and label the planet, the size, and
the correct order.
16. Students get ready for their next activity.

Title: Obi-Wan on the Sun (2)

Grade: 4th

Subject: Science

Designer: Sara Cummings

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals: SOL 4.7The student will investigate and understand
the organization of our solar system, Key concepts include: a) the planets
in the solar system; b) the order of the solar system; and c) the relative
sizes of the planets.
Essential Understanding: The Sun is the
center of our Solar System.
-The Sun is the center of our Solar
Essential Questions:
-Do you think humans will ever be able to
-The Sun has a gravitational pull that land on the Sun?
keeps all items in the Solar System
-Why is the Sun classified as a star and not a
from floating away.
-Why does the Sun have a gravitational pull
-The Sun is classified as a star, not a strong enough to keep everything in our
Solar System from floating away?
-What are the different layers of the Sun?
-The Sun has different layers that
What do they do?
affect the way it operates.
Students will know
-Key Terms: Solar Flare, Sun Spots,
Core, Radiation Zone, Convection
Zone, Photosphere, Chromosphere,
Corona, Gravitational Pull
-How the Sun affects the Solar
-How the different layers affect the
way the Sun works.
Performance Tasks:

Students will be able to

-Know key terms: Solar Flare, Sun Spots,
Core, Radiation Zone, Convection Zone,
Photosphere, Chromosphere, Corona,
Gravitational Pull
-Explain why the Suns gravitational pull is
strong enough to keep everything in our
Solar System from floating away.
-Label and define the different layers of the
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Other Evidence:

-Students work individually. They

will receive construction paper,
tissue paper cut into medium sized
squares (all different colors), and a
paper model of the Sun. They will
glue the tissue paper to help
identify the different layers of the
sun onto the model. They will then
receive labels from the teacher for

-Teacher will monitor and scaffold students to

make sure they are following directions and
labeling the different layers correctly
-Sun Facts sheet is filled out completely and

them to glue on their model and

name each layer as well as give the
characteristics. They will also need
to draw sun spots and solar flares.
-Students will fill out a Sun Facts
Stage 3 Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
1. Teacher asks students to come to the front of the classroom facing the Smart
Board and asks them to bring their science journals to take notes. (~2 min.)
2. The teacher calls on students to read what R2D2 and C3PO have to say to us
today and which Star Wars character we are going to meet.
3. As students read the PowerPoint, Obi-Wan explains that we cannot actually land
on the Sun because of the temperature. Students keep reading about different facts
about the Sun including the different layers, characteristics, and how it is the center
of our Solar System and admits a gravity pull that keeps all the planets aligned and
from floating away. (~10 min for reading/taking notes)
4. R2D2 and C3PO explain to the students that the activity they will be doing will
doing consists of everyone making their own Sun layers. Students will go back to
their seats. (~2 min.)
5. The teacher hands out pieces of construction paper, tissue paper cut into
medium-sized squares and a model of the layers of the Sun to each table. She
explains that everyone will have to share! She then explains that students can be as
creative as they would like however, she needs to see a different color for each
layer and students will need to be able to identify the different layers as well. (~3
6. Students glue the model of the Sun to a piece of construction paper and then
glue the tissue paper squares onto the different layers of the Sun. (~20-25 min)
7. Once finished, the students see the teacher who will give labels to cut out and
place on the diagram to identify the different layers of the Sun as well as the
characteristics. Students also draw sun spots and solar flares on their diagrams as
well as label these drawings. (~10 min)
8. Students put their Sun diagrams in the back of the room to dry and pick up a Sun
Facts sheet to fill out and put in their notebooks. Students who do not finish filling
out the facts sheet will be required to take them home and finish them for
homework. (~5-10 min.)
9. Once everyone is finished with their Sun diagrams, teacher explains that, once
dry, these will go in their science notebooks under the Sun section along with
their Sun Facts sheet.

Sun Facts

Age: ________________________________________________________

Type of star: ________________________________________________

Diameter: ___________________________________________________

Mass: _______________________________________________________

Surface Temperature: _______________________________________

Why is the Sun


What makes the Sun a Star and not a planet?


What are Sun Spots?


What are solar flares?


Draw your own Sun and label it with the different layers:

3 other Facts you learned:


Title: Mercury with Mace the Jedi

Master (3)

Grade: 4th

Subject: Science

Designer: Sara Cummings

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals: SOL 4.7The student will investigate and understand
the organization of our solar system, Key concepts include: a) the planets
in the solar system; b) the order of the solar system; and c) the relative
sizes of the planets.
Essential Understanding: Mercury is
incapable of healing itself from impacts of
-Mercurys surface provides
meteoroids, asteroids, and other space
information about the various
impacts of meteoroids and asteroids. Essential Questions:
-Mercury is unable to heal itself
-Mercury is the first planet from the
-Mercury is an inner planet
-Craters on Mercury consist of many
sizes and shapes

-Why do you believe Mercury is unable to

heal itself? What happens when humans
are unable to heal themselves?
-How big or small do you believe the craters
on Mercury are?
-Is there something you can compare the
craters on Mercury to? What about scars on
your body? Does anyone have scares on
their body?

-Mercury has a similar appearance

to Earths moon
Students will know
-Key Terms: Inner Planet, Crater
-Mercury is unable to heal itself due
to its thick crust.
-Mercury is the first planet from the
Sun and an inner planet.
Performance Tasks:

Students will be able to

-Know key terms: Inner Planet, Crater
-Understand that Mercury is unable to heal
-Know that the craters on Mercury are from
different sizes of meteoroids, asteroids, and
space rocks.
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Other Evidence:

-Students will drop various sizes of

rocks and pebbles into a bowl of
flour to mimic how craters are
formed on Mercury. They will then
pour a small Dixie cup of water over
the flour with craters already
present to see what happens when
a planet is able to heal itself; for
some groups, it will show how the
planet it unable to heal itself.
Stage 3
Learning Activities:

-Teacher will monitor to make sure students

are doing the experiment correctly.
-Students will be writing their hypotheses,
observations, data, and conclusions in their
science journals.
-Mercury Facts sheet is filled out completely
and correctly.
Learning Plan

1. The teacher asks students to come to the front of the classroom facing the Smart

Board and asks them to bring their science journals and pencils to take notes. (~2
2. The teacher calls on students to read what R2D2 and C3PO have to say and
which Star Wars characters we are going to meet.
3. As students read the PowerPoint, Mace Windu explains facts about Mercury and
R2D2 & C3PO explain the assignment. (~10 min. for reading and taking notes)
4. The activity is called The Craters of Mercury and the teacher explains that
everyone will be going outside to perform the experiment. She reminds the students
that, before they go, everyone needs to get a data recording sheet to cut and glue
into their science journals as well as their pencils. (~5 min.)
5. Once outside students will get into groups of 3-4 and each group will be given 1
large plastic bowl, 2 cups of flour, rocks and pebbles of various sizes, 1 cloth ruler,
and 1 Dixie cup of water. (~5 min.)
6. Students will pour the flour into the bowl. (~1 min.)
7. Before proceeding, students will make predictions in their science journals about
what will happen when the rocks/pebbles hit the flour and when the water is poured
on the flour with the craters. (~5 min.)
8. Students will drop one rock or pebble at a time from varying distances, into the
bowl of flour. (
9. After the rock/pebble was dropped, have another member of the group measure
the crater, not what you dropped. (~20-25 min.)
10. Once the groups have done this 20 times with varying sizes and distances, pour
the water over the craters you have made. (~1 min.)
11. Students will write about what they saw and any conclusions they might have
formed from this experiment. (~5-10 min.)
12. When the group has finished, they will grab a Mercury Fact sheet to fill out. If
not finished in class, students will be required to take home for homework. (~10
13. Students help the teacher clean up and go back inside to get ready for the next

Mercury Facts

Mass: ________________________________________________________________

Circumference: ______________________________________________________

Orbit Period: _________________________________________________________

Surface Temperature: ________________________________________________

# of Moons: __________________________________________________________

Atmosphere: __________________________________________________________

Distance from Sun: ____________________________________________________

Location: ______________________________________________________________

Type: ___________________________________________________________________

Describe the experiment we did:


What are 3 other facts you learned?


Data Facts Sheet

Experiment ______
1) ___________________________________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________________
4) __________________________________________________________________________________
5) __________________________________________________________________________________
Draw a picture or write your Observations:


Title: Venus with Vader (4)

Grade: 4th

Subject: Science

Designer: Sara Cummings

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals: SOL 4.7The student will investigate and understand the
organization of our solar system, Key concepts include: a) the planets in the solar
system; b) the order of the solar system; and c) the relative sizes of the planets.
Essential Understanding: Venus has
characteristic properties that show what
-Venus is the 2nd planet from the Sun might have happened if Earth was closer to
and an inner planet.
the Sun.
Essential Questions:
-Venus has characteristic properties
that show how Earth would be
-Why do you believe it would be hard to live
different if it was in the place of
on Venus? If it has similar characteristics to
Earth, why would it be impossible to survive?
-Venus is the hottest planet in the
Solar System.

-What do you believe makes Venus the

hottest planet in the Solar System?

-Venus is described as a stormy

desert due to its many craters and
very active volcanos

-What makes Venus the Stormy Desert?

-Why is Mercury not as hot as Venus?

-Venus has an atmosphere made up

of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and
sulfuric acid.
Students will know
Students will be able to
-Why living on Venus would be
-Explain why Venus is the hottest planet in
impossible despite its similar
the Solar System
characteristics to Earth.
-Understand why living on Venus would be
-What makes Venus the hottest
planet in the Solar System.
-Where Venus is in location to the
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
-Students will write a postcard to
the members of the Jedi Council
explaining why it would not be a
good idea to come and visit the
class on Venus. They will explain the
reasons why it is impossible to
survive on the planet despite the
similar characteristics to Earth as
well as draw a picture as to what
they believe the surface of Venus
looks like.
Stage 3
Learning Activities:

-Teacher will monitor to make sure students

understand that Venus is not a good place to
-Students will write their predictions about
what living on Venus would be like.
-Venus Facts sheet is filled out completely
and correctly.
Learning Plan

1. The teacher asks students to come to the front of the classroom facing the Smart
Board and asks them to bring their science journals and pencils to take notes
2. The teacher calls on students to read what E2D2 and C3PO have to say and
which Star Wars characters we are going to meet.
3. As students read the PowerPoint, Darth Vader explains facts about Mercury and
tries to get the students to join the Dark Side (but the students know better than

that). R2D2 also explain the assignment (~10 min. for reading and taking notes).
4. The activity is called Wish you were Here and R2D2 and C3PO explain to us that
the Jedi Council is thinking about taking a trip to visit us on Venus. They believe
since it is similar to Earth, the conditions should be the same right?
5. Students are to work individually and make predictions in their science journals
about what it would be like to live on Venus. The teacher explains that they could
either make 1 long prediction or several predictions based on what they learned
about the characteristics of Venus. While students are making predictions, the
teacher hands each group medium sized poster-board thick sheets of paper as well
as examples of notecards, and any other writing and drawing utensils that might be
needed. (~10 min.)
6. R2D2 and C3PO explain that the students are to write a postcard to the Jedi
Council explaining the conditions of Venus. They are to explain whether it would be
a good idea or not for them to come and visit the class on their tour of Venus. The
teacher explains that it is important to include a picture of what they believe the
conditions of the planet would look like. (~20-30 min.)
7. Once finished, students will fill out a Venus Fact sheet. If this is not completed,
students will be required to take it home for homework. (~10 min.)
8. Students clean up and get ready for the next activity.

Venus Facts

Mass: ________________________________________________________________

Circumference: ______________________________________________________

Orbit Period: _________________________________________________________

Surface Temperature: ________________________________________________

# of Moons: __________________________________________________________

Atmosphere: __________________________________________________________

Distance from Sun: ____________________________________________________

Location: ______________________________________________________________

Type: ___________________________________________________________________

Describe the assignment we did:


What are 3 other facts you learned?


Title: Lets Go Back Down to

Earth: A Quick Stop Home (5)

Grade: 4th

Subject: Science

Designer: Sara Cummings

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals: SOL 4.7The student will investigate and understand the
organization of our solar system, Key concepts include: a) the planets in the solar
system; b) the order of the solar system; and c) the relative sizes of the planets.
Essential Understanding: Earth is the only
known planet in the Solar System that is
-Earth is the only known planet in
capable to sustain life.
the Solar System that is able to
Essential Questions:
sustain life.
-What makes Earth unique compared to the
-Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun. other planets in the Solar System?
-If Earth was closer to or farther
from the Sun, it would be unable to
sustain life.
-The characteristics of Earth that
make it able to sustain life.
Students will know
-Why Earth is able to sustain life.
-Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun.

Performance Tasks:

-Why is Earth able to sustain life? Why are

Mercury, Venus, and the Sun not?
-What would happen if Earth was closer to or
farther from the Sun?

Students will be able to

-Give characteristics of Earth that explain
why it is the only planet able to sustain life.
-Understand what would happen if Earth was
closer to or farther from the Sun.
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Other Evidence:

-Students will be put into groups.

Groups will get a laptop and an
Earth Facts sheet and will work
together to fill out the sheet and
present their facts at the end of the

-Teacher will monitor and scaffold to make

sure students are finding the information.
-Students will write the correct information
they found on the Smart Board
-Earth Facts sheet filled out completely and

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
1. The if not readily available in the classroom, the teacher would have reserved
laptop computers for this activity.
2. The teacher asks the students to come to the front of the classroom facing the
Smart Board and asks them to bring their science journals and pencils to take notes
3. The teacher calls on students to read what R2D2 and C3PO have to say.
4. While reading, the students find out that R2D2 and C3PO would like a day off
from touring and, since the students are the most familiar with Earth, they want the
students to be the tour guides.
5. Students get into groups of 3 (2 if necessary). (~3 min.)
6. Students will find a laptop and wait for the teacher to pass out an Earth Facts
sheet. (~5 min.)
7. Students will fill out everything they can on the Earth Fact sheet (~30 min.)
8. Once time is up, the teacher calls all the students back to the front of the room.
The teacher will have put the Earth Facts sheet on the Smart Board and have the
students come up and write the information they found. (~15 min.)

Earth Facts

Mass: ________________________________________________________________

Circumference: ______________________________________________________

Orbit Period: _________________________________________________________

Surface Temperature: ________________________________________________

# of Moons: __________________________________________________________

Atmosphere: __________________________________________________________

Distance from Sun: ____________________________________________________

Location: ______________________________________________________________

Type: ___________________________________________________________________

Why do you like living on Earth?


What are 3 other facts you found?


Title: Mars With Maul (6)

Grade: 4th

Subject: Science

Designer: Sara Cummings

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals: SOL 4.7The student will investigate and understand
the organization of our solar system, Key concepts include: a) the planets
in the solar system; b) the order of the solar system; and c) the relative
sizes of the planets.
Essential Understanding: Evidence on
Mars supports the idea that life could
-Mars is known as the red planet
have existed on the planet and might
because its rusty soil contains iron.
be able to in the future.
Essential Questions:
-Mars has seasons, polar ice caps,
land masses that are similar to Earth -What makes Mars the only other planet so
which is why scientists believe it
far, that we believe might be able to sustain
might contain life
-Researchers have sent several
missions to Mars in an attempt to
find evidence of life.
-Mars is the 4th planet from the Sun.

-Would you live or visit on Mars if you were

given the chance?
-Have you ever seen soil on Earth that is red
and/or contains iron?

-Mars does not have a protective

layer and cannot store heat from the
Students will know
Students will be able to
-Why scientists continue visiting
-Compare life an Earth to life on Mars and
Mars in an attempt to find life.
vice versa.
-If evidence of life has been found
-Explain why researchers want to visit Mars
on Mars.
as often as they do.
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
-Students will make predictions
about the difference between life on
Earth and life on Mars complete a
Mars and Earth in a bottle
experiment and make conclusions
based on their observations of the

-Teacher mentors, monitors, and scaffolds

students about making hypotheses and
completing the data facts sheet.
-Teacher observes the groups to make sure
experiments are being done properly.
-Mars Facts sheet will be filled out completely
and correctly.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
This assignment comes from NASA:
1. The teacher asks the students to come to the front of the classroom facing the
Smart Board and asks them to bring their science journals and pencils to take notes.
(~2 min.)
2. The teacher calls on students to read what R2D2 and C3PO have to say and
which Star Wars characters we are going to meet.
3. As students read the Power Point, Darth Maul explains facts about Mars and R2D2

& C3PO tell the students to get ready for the teacher to explain the assignment they
are going to do. Students to back to their desks. (~10 min. for reading and taking
4. The teacher explains that the experiment is called Planets in a Bottle and
explains that the students will be comparing life on Earth to life on Mars and if life
could truly exist on Mars.
5. The teacher asks the students to get into groups of 4-5. (~2 min)
6. The teacher passes out the sheet of what the experiment will be as well as a
plastic container with 1 cup lukewarm water, 3 cubes sugar, 1 quarter-oz package of
yeast, 1 empty half-liter plastic water bottle, 1 nine or ten inch party balloon, 1 cloth
measuring tape, and 1 small funnel. (~3 min.)
7. The teacher says everyone will start with the Earth in the bottle experiment.
Before the experiment begins, students should get 2 data fact sheets and write
their hypotheses for both Earth and Mars in a Bottle on each data fact sheet and
predict whether the balloon with grown on Earth and/or on Mars and which balloon
with grow larger. (~5-10 min.)
8. Students will follow the directions on the procedure the teacher handed out: a)
students will mix the water and sugar in the water bottle until the cubes are
dissolved, b) using the funnel, students will add yeast and then gently swirl the
mixture, c) students will then cap the bottle with a balloon. (~15-20 min.)
9. After the Earth in a bottle procedure is complete, students will continue with Mars
in a bottle.
10. Groups will come up and get a frozen bottle of the nutrient mix from the teacher
and let her put the bottle under a UV light for ~1-2 minutes. The students will then
add yeast to the bottle and cap it off with a balloon. (~10 min.)
11. Students will then use the cloth measuring tape to measure the circumference
of the balloon on both the Earth and Mars bottles, every 15 minutes. The Earth
bottle should be fully inflated in 2 hours.
12. Students will fill out a Mars Facts sheet when they are done with everything
except the measuring. The measuring can be done by 1 group member every 15-30
minutes or as often as possible. If the Mars facts sheet is not complete, it will be
required to be finished as homework.
13. Once the balloon is fully inflated (for Earth), students will write and/or draw their
observations and conclusions about the experiment on the data fact sheet. (~10-15
14. Teacher announces there will be a quiz on the Sun and the inner planets next
class and students will be able to take their science journals and notebooks home to
15. Students clean up and get ready for the next activity.

Mars Facts

Mass: ________________________________________________________________

Circumference: ______________________________________________________

Orbit Period: _________________________________________________________

Surface Temperature: ________________________________________________

# of Moons: __________________________________________________________

Atmosphere: __________________________________________________________

Distance from Sun: ____________________________________________________

Location: ______________________________________________________________

Type: ___________________________________________________________________

Describe the experiment we did in class:


What are 3 other facts you found?


Data Facts Sheet

Experiment ______
1) ___________________________________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________________
4) __________________________________________________________________________________
5) __________________________________________________________________________________
Draw a picture or write your Observations:


Mars in a Bottle Experiment

Special thanks to NASA for this experiment!
Earth in a Bottle


cup lukewarm water

cubes sugar
quarter-oz package of yeast
empty half-liter plastic water bottle
nine or ten inch party balloon
cloth measuring tape
small funnel

1. Mix water + sugar in water bottle until the cubes are dissolved.
2. Using the funnel add yeast, the gently swirl the mixture.
3. Cap the bottle with a balloon.
4. Use the cloth measuring tape to measure the circumference of the balloon
every 15-30 minutes or whenever 1 group member is able to.
Mars in a Bottle
1 frozen plastic bottle of nutrient mix (lukewarm water and sugar)your
teacher will already have this prepared
1 quarter-oz package of yeast
1 nine or ten inch party balloon
1. Have your teacher put a UV light over the frozen nutrient mix for ~1-2
2. Pour the yeast into the bottle and cap the bottle with a balloon.
3. See number 4 for Earth in a Bottle.

Title: The Asteroid Belt &

Jupiter with Jar Jar (7)

Grade: 4th

Subject: Science

Designer: Sara Cummings

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals: SOL 4.7The student will investigate and understand the
organization of our solar system, Key concepts include: a) the planets in the solar
system; b) the order of the solar system; and c) the relative sizes of the planets.
Essential Understanding: Jupiters banded
appearance is caused by strong storms due
-The majority of asteroids and
to the planets rapid rotation and clouds
meteoroids reside in the Asteroid
blowing in different directions.
Belt until Jupiters gravity and/or
Essential Questions:
encounters with Mars fling these
large rocks into all parts of Space.
-What do you believe is the biggest rock in
the Asteroid Belt? What about the smallest?
-Jupiter is the largest planet in the
solar system and the 5th from the
-What do you believe it would be like inside
Jupiter? Do you think youd be able to
-Jupiter is the first of the gas giants
where no solid surface is existent.
-Do you think the Giant Red Spot looks
similar to a hurricane on Earth? Why?
-Jupiter has a Great Red Spot that
resembles a hurricane
-How can a planet exist without a solid
surface in which to land?
-Jupiters appearance is caused by
cold and warm high winds that
-Do you think the outside of Jupiter looks like
surround the entirety of the planet.
a storm? Why? Why not?
Students will know
Students will be able to
-Jupiters appearance resembles
high wind storms unlike those of
-Explain why Jupiter looks the way it does.
-Explain the largest and the smallest items in
-Jupiters Great Red Spot resembles
the Asteroid Belt.
a hurricane on Earth.
-Describe the Great Red Spot and what it is.
-Jupiter is the largest planet in the
Solar System.
-The Asteroid Belt contains the
majority of the space rocks in the
Solar System
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
-Students will mimic the strong
storms that give the planet its
appearance using a bowl of milk,
some food coloring, and dish soap.
-Students will predict how many
layers the Asteroid Belt might be by
looking a different pictures and
using different sizes of beans to glue
onto a piece of construction paper.

-Teacher will monitor, mentor, and scaffold

students to make sure experiments and all
work are being done completely and
-See if students create their own Asteroid
Belts educationally by how many layers they
used (too much or too little means they
didnt look at the pictures)
-Jupiter Fact sheet will be filled out

completely and correctly.

Stage 3 Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
1. Teacher gives a quiz on the Sun and the inner planets before students continue
with the lesson. (~15 min.)
2. The teacher asks the students to come to the front of the classroom facing the
Smart Board and asks them to bring their science journals and pencils to take notes.
(~2 min.)
3. The teacher calls on students to read what R2D2 and C3PO have to say and
which Star Wars characters we are going to meet.
4. As students read the Power Point, Jar Jar Binks explains facts about Jupiter and
the Asteroid Belt and R2D2 & C3PO tell the students to get ready for the teacher to
explain the assignment they are going to do. Students to back to their desks. (~10
min. for reading and taking notes)
5. The teacher asks students to get into groups of 3-4 (~2 min.)
6. The teacher passes out 1 cup of whole milk, red and yellow food coloring,
dishwashing soap, a plastic bowl, and a plastic spoon. (~3 min.)
7. She asks the students to write their hypotheses on a data facts sheet before
proceeding with the experiment. While students are doing this, the teacher explains
that everyone will be doing this experiment and they will all be following her
directions. (~10 min.)
8. The teacher tells the groups to carefully pour the whole milk into the bowl. (~1
9. She then tells the groups to put 4 drops of the yellow food coloring in. (~2 min.)
10. She then tells the groups to put 4 drops of the red food coloring in on top of the
yellow food coloring. (~2 min.)
11. The teacher then tells the students to put 2 drops of dishwashing soap on top of
red and yellow food coloring (~2 min.)
12. Finally, the teacher tells the students to take the plastic spoon and mix up the
ingredients. She then tells them to repeat the same process 4 more times using
different amounts of each ingredient (minus the milk). (~ 15-20 min.)
13. Students will then record their observations and write their conclusions about
what they saw in this experiment and if it mimicked the surface of Jupiter.
14. While students are writing on their data sheet, the teacher will hand out a box to
each group with beans, glue, and construction paper as well as different pictures of
the Asteroid Belt. (~3 min.)
15. Students will then look at the pictures of the Asteroid Belt and make their own
prediction about how many layers are in the Asteroid Belt by gluing the different
types on beans onto the construction paper. (~20 minutes).
16. After everyone is done, the teacher explains the final unit project and hand a
rubric as well as a guiding question sheet to all students. (~3 min.)
17. The teacher then tells the students they can work in groups of 2 to 3 people and
gives them 3 minutes to pick who they want to work with.
18. The teacher then comes around with a hat. In the hat, students will randomly
choose the celestial body they will do their project on. Students will discuss with
their group for 2 minutes.
19. Students will clean up and get ready for the next activity.

Data Facts Sheet

Experiment ______
1) ___________________________________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________________
4) __________________________________________________________________________________
5) __________________________________________________________________________________
Draw a picture or write your Observations:


Jupiter Facts

Mass: ________________________________________________________________

Circumference: ______________________________________________________

Orbit Period: _________________________________________________________

Surface Temperature: ________________________________________________

# of Moons: __________________________________________________________

Atmosphere: __________________________________________________________

Distance from Sun: ____________________________________________________

Location: ______________________________________________________________

Type: ___________________________________________________________________

Describe the experiment we did in class:


What are 3 other facts you found?


Title: Saturn with the Storm

Troopers (8)

Grade: 4th

Subject: Science

Designer: Sara Cummings

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals: SOL 4.7The student will investigate and understand the
organization of our solar system, Key concepts include: a) the planets in the solar
system; b) the order of the solar system; and c) the relative sizes of the planets.
Essential Understanding: Saturn has the
most extensive rings in the Solar System
-Saturns magnetosphere acts much made out of many different components.
like solar winds causing it to radiate
Essential Questions:
more energy into space than it
receives from the Sun.
-Can you name any other planet that has
rings around it?
-Saturn has the most extensive rings
in the entire Solar System.
-What else do you believe Saturns rings
might be composed of?
-Saturns rings are composed of
many different particles consisted of -How many rings do you believe are around
ice and small amounts of
carbonaceous dust and rocks.
-Why do you believe Saturn radiates more
-Saturns rings stretch out more than energy than it receives from the Sun?
120,700 km from the planet.
-The rings are thin and only about 20
meters thick.
Students will know
-The particles Saturns rings are
composed of.
-How large Saturns rings are.
-Saturn is part of the gas giants
-Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun
Performance Tasks:

Students will be able to

-Understand what Saturns rings are
composed of.
-Be able to give their predictions as to why
Saturn has extensive rings.
-Understand the extensiveness of Saturns
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Other Evidence:

-Students will create their own Rings

around Saturn. The rings will consist
of different particles such as glitter,
small pom-poms, peppercorn, glitter
gems, etc.
Stage 3
Learning Activities:

-The teacher will monitor students to make

sure they are using different materials to
make up their rings.
-Saturn Facts sheet will be filled out
completely and correctly.
Learning Plan

This lesson was adapted from Science Buddies:
The teacher will bring in her record player for this project (all wrapped up so the
materials do not get inside of it).
1. The teacher asks the students to come to the front of the classroom facing the
Smart Board and asks them to bring their science journals and pencils to take notes.
(~2 min.)
2. The teacher calls on students to read what R2D2 and C3PO have to say and
which Star Wars characters we are going to meet.
3. As students read the Power Point, the Stormtroopers explain facts about Saturn

and R2D2 & C3PO tell the students to get ready for the teacher to explain the
assignment they are going to do. Students to back to their desks. (~10 min. for
reading and taking notes)
4. The teacher explains that students will come up one at a time to create their
Saturn rings and while everyone else is waiting for their turn, they can begin
working on their final projects.
5. For the students making up their Saturn rings, the teacher explains the procedure
and tells them they need to be extremely careful (entire procedure for each student
should take the remainder of the period).
6. Student will select different sized foam rings (teacher will get these from craft
store).Student will then select 3 different materials to make their rings. The
students will spread glue on the entirety of the rings and put it on the record player.
7. The teacher will start the record player and students will put, whatever material
they chose, on the rings. The student and teacher continue this process for the
other 2 rings.
8. Afterwards, the teacher will give the students a circle from poster board for them
to attach the rings to.
9. The student will then go back to their seats and answer the following questions in
their science journals: Are some materials different looking than others? How do the
different types of materials make each ring unique? How do the size and shape of
each material change the appearance of the ring? (~5-10 min.)
10. Students will then get a Saturn Fact sheet to fill out. If not finished in class, they
are required to take it home and complete it for homework. (~10 min.)
11. Students clean up and get ready for next activity.

Saturn Facts

Mass: ________________________________________________________________

Circumference: ______________________________________________________

Orbit Period: _________________________________________________________

Surface Temperature: ________________________________________________

# of Moons: __________________________________________________________

Atmosphere: __________________________________________________________

Distance from Sun: ____________________________________________________

Location: ______________________________________________________________

Type: ___________________________________________________________________

What item did you use for your rings in the class activity?

What are 3 other facts you found?


Title: A Perilous Journey to

Uranus: Lets Recap, Review, and

Grade: 4th

Rest (9)
Subject: Science

Designer: Sara Cummings

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals: SOL 4.7The student will investigate and understand the
organization of our solar system, Key concepts include: a) the planets in the solar
system; b) the order of the solar system; and c) the relative sizes of the planets.
Essential Understanding: Uranus is the
only planet to spin on its side.
-The object that was able to
Essential Questions:
completely alter the spin on Uranus
must have been extremely large.
-How large do you believe the object had to
be to complete alter Uranuss spin?
-Uranus is the coldest planet in the
Solar System and is often referred to -Where do you believe the object came from?
as the Ice Giant.
-Why do you believe the planet is so cold?
-NASA has only visited the planet
once with no interest in going back.
-Why do you think NASA has no interest in
visiting the planet again?
-How is everyones final project going?
Students will know
Students will be able to
-The general size of the object that
-Explain why the planet spins on its side
changed Uranuss spin
-Understand the size an object had to have
-Why Uranus spins on its side
been to change the planets spin.
-Why the planet is referred to as the
Ice Giant
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
-Students will have objects of
different sizes and weight that they
will gently toss at an extremely thick
dictionary (mimicking the mass of
Uranus) and see which object makes
the dictionary fall over on its side.
Stage 3
Learning Activities:

-Teacher will make sure students are filling

out their data fact sheet.
-Uranus Facts sheet will be filled out
completely and correctly.
Learning Plan

1. The teacher asks the students to come to the front of the classroom facing the
Smart Board and asks them to bring their science journals and pencils to take notes.
(~2 min.)
2. The teacher calls on students to read what R2D2 and C3PO have to say and
which Star Wars characters we are going to meet.
3. As students read the Power Point, R2D2 & C3PO explain facts about Uranus. The
PowerPoint also recaps about the planets the class has visited so far and gives the
sizes of each one up to Uranus. The teacher reminds students to make sure they are
filling out their long planet size sheet. (~10 min. for reading and taking notes)
4. The teacher explains that, in the back of the room she set up a very thick
dictionary (similar to the mass of Uranus). She then tell the students their task is to
go into the back and pick objects of different sizes to *GENTLY* toss at the Uranuslike masses. She also explains that students will grab a data fact sheet and make
their hypotheses about which object will knock the dictionary on its side. (~ 50

minutes for the every group to have a turn).

5. The teacher then explains that students will only go to the back of the classroom
one group at a time but the groups will be who they are working with on the Unit
project. Students who are not in the back will be working on their final project, filling
out their Uranus fact sheet, filling out their planet size sheet, and/or organizing their
science journal/notebooks.
6. Anything that is not finished will need to go home for homework so it can be
7. Students clean up and get ready for the next activity.

Data Facts Sheet

Experiment ______
1) ___________________________________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________________
4) __________________________________________________________________________________
5) __________________________________________________________________________________
Draw a picture or write your Observations:


Uranus Facts

Mass: ________________________________________________________________

Circumference: ______________________________________________________

Orbit Period: _________________________________________________________

Surface Temperature: ________________________________________________

# of Moons: __________________________________________________________

Atmosphere: __________________________________________________________

Distance from Sun: ____________________________________________________

Location: ______________________________________________________________

Type: ___________________________________________________________________

What did we do in the experiment today?


What are 3 other facts you found?


Title: Beautiful Neptune with the

Grade: 4th

Beautiful Queen Amidala (10)

Subject: Science

Designer: Sara Cummings

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals: SOL 4.7The student will investigate and understand the
organization of our solar system, Key concepts include: a) the planets in the solar
system; b) the order of the solar system; and c) the relative sizes of the planets.
Essential Understanding: It is impossible
for humans to visit Neptune due to its strong
-Although Neptune isnt the coldest
winds, extremely low temperatures, and
planet, its extremely high winds and atmosphere.
distance from the sun cause
Essential Questions:
extremely low temperatures that
make it impossible to visit.
-What factors make Neptune so frigid?
-Winds on Neptune can get up to
1,500 miles per hour
-The farther away a planet is from
the sun, the colder that planet will
-Neptune has a Great Dark Spot
similar to Jupiters Great Red Spot
and is a hurricane-like storm.

-Why do you believe Neptune has only

orbited the Sun once? How long do you
believe it would take for us to arrive at
-Do you believe Neptune should be the last
planet or should Pluto be reinstated to our
Solar System?

-Neptune has only orbited the planet

once since it was first discovered in
Students will know
Students will be able to
-Why it is impossible for humans to
-Explain why planets get colder the farther
visit Neptune.
away they are from Earth.
-How strong the winds on Neptune
-Understand why it is impossible to visit
can get.
-How cold Neptune is.
-Understand why it takes so long for Neptune
-That Neptune is that last planet in
to orbit the Sun.
the Solar System.
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
-This will be a physical activity.
Students will begin close to a heater
or an object that emits heat. They
will then get move closer to the
opposite end of the classroom
where a fan will be running. By the
time they reach the fan, students
will have gone from heat to cold and
should experience what it is like
moving farther away from the Sun.

-Teacher will monitor to make sure students

are performing the experiment properly.
-Neptune Facts sheet will need to be filled out
completely and correctly.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
1. The teacher asks the students to come to the front of the classroom facing the

Smart Board and asks them to bring their science journals and pencils to take notes.
(~2 min.)
2. The teacher calls on students to read what R2D2 and C3PO have to say and
which Star Wars characters we are going to meet.
3. As students read the Power Point, Queen Amidala explains facts about Neptune
and R2D2 & C3PO tell the students to get ready for the teacher to explain the
assignment they are going to do. Students to back to their desks. (~10 min. for
reading and taking notes)
4. The teacher tells students to pick up a data facts sheet and tells them to get into
the groups they are working on their final project with. (~4 min.)
5. She then tells the students they will predict what will happen when they move
away from the heater and closer to the fan. While students are writing, she tells
them that they will need to stop at 5 different points and have one of their group
members measure how far away from the heater they are. The student will then
record how they are feeling. (~10 min.)
6. Each group will need to make sure each student has a turn.
7. Students will start near the heater or a lamp if the heater is not on or readily
available. On the opposite end of the room, there will be a fan blowing cold air.
8. Students will start at the heater and then move closer to the fan stopping at 5
different points, measuring how far from the heater they are, and explain how they
are feeling. This experiment will mimic how, the farther away from the Sun an
object is, the colder it will be. (~50 min. for each student to have a turn)
9. Students who are not participating in the experiment will be working on their final
project, filling out their Neptune fact sheet, filling out their planet size sheet, and/or
organizing their science journal/notebooks.
10. Anything that is not finished will need to go home for homework so it can be
11. Students clean up and get ready for the next activity.

Data Facts Sheet

Experiment ______
1) ___________________________________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________________
4) __________________________________________________________________________________
5) __________________________________________________________________________________
Draw a picture or write your Observations:


Neptune Facts

Mass: ________________________________________________________________

Circumference: ______________________________________________________

Orbit Period: _________________________________________________________

Surface Temperature: ________________________________________________

# of Moons: __________________________________________________________

Atmosphere: __________________________________________________________

Distance from Sun: ____________________________________________________

Location: ______________________________________________________________

Type: ___________________________________________________________________

What did we do in the experiment today?


What are 3 other facts you found?


Title: The Perfect Home for

Yoda (11)

Grade: 4th

Subject: Science

Designer: Sara Cummings

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals: SOL 4.7The student will investigate and understand the
organization of our solar system, Key concepts include: a) the planets in the solar
system; b) the order of the solar system; and c) the relative sizes of the planets.
Essential Understanding: Pluto changed
the way researchers classify objects in space
-Pluto used to the considered the 9th and is now a dwarf planet.
planet in the Solar System but is
Essential Questions:
now classified as a Dwarf planet
-What do you think makes a planet a dwarf
-We have never actually been to
planet instead of a classified planet?
Pluto because of how far it isour
first visit will be in 2015 (Im sure
-What do you think scientists will find when
this will change when I finally teach
we actually visit Pluto?
this lesson).
-What are the other Dwarf planets in the
-Pluto is considered the second
Solar System? How are they similar and/or
largest dwarf planet.
different than Pluto?
Students will know
Students will be able to
-The classifications of a dwarf planet. -Name the other dwarf planets in our Solar
-The other types of dwarf planets in
System and explain why they are classified
the Solar System.
as dwarf planets.
Performance Tasks:

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Other Evidence:

-Students will work in groups of 2-3

and look on the internet for the
other dwarf planets. The teacher will
give each group a different dwarf
planet to research and students will
work together to create a short
PowerPoint about their assigned
dwarf planet and present it to the

-Teacher will monitor and scaffold students on

good information to present and make sure
they are actually looking for the correct
-Teacher will watch presentationsstudents
will take notes.

-Pluto Facts sheet will need to be filled out

completely and correctly.
Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
Before the activity, the teacher will reserve the laptops for the classroom for her
students to work on.
1. The teacher asks the students to come to the front of the classroom facing the
Smart Board and asks them to bring their science journals and pencils to take notes.
(~2 min.)
2. The teacher calls on students to read what R2D2 and C3PO have to say and
which Star Wars characters we are going to meet.
3. As students read the Power Point, Yoda explains facts about Pluto and R2D2 &
C3PO tell the students to get ready for the teacher to explain the assignment they
are going to do. Students to back to their desks. (~10 min. for reading and taking
4. The students get into group of 3 (2 if necessary). (~3 min.)
5. Students will find a laptop and get with their group and wait for the teacher to
pass out a slip of paper with the dwarf planet she assigned them to research. (~3

6. Students will work together with their group to look up as much information as
possible on their assigned dwarf planet. (~25-30 min.)
7. Once time is up, the teacher will randomly select groups to present their
PowerPoint slides. The teacher will connect their laptop to the presentation feature
on the Smart Board. (~3 min. per group)
8. Students will present the information they found on their assigned dwarf planet
and the remainder of the class will be taking notes. (~5-10 min. per presentation)
9. If time remains, students will have the choice of working on their final project (the
teacher reminds them this is the final class day to work on it), filling out their Pluto
Facts sheet, completing their planet size sheet, and/or organizing their science
journal/notebooks. The teacher tells the class that anything they do not finish will
need to be taken home and completed for homework.
10. The teacher reminds the class that on Monday, they will be presenting projects,
hanging up their planets on the hallway walls, and playing a Jeopardy review game.
She reminds them they will have their final exam on the Solar System on Tuesday.

Pluto Facts

Mass: ________________________________________________________________

Circumference: ______________________________________________________

Orbit Period: _________________________________________________________

Surface Temperature: ________________________________________________

# of Moons: __________________________________________________________

Atmosphere: __________________________________________________________

Distance from Sun: ____________________________________________________

Type: ___________________________________________________________________

What dwarf planet did you present on? What did you learn?

What are 3 other facts you found?


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