3y Pharmacokinetic Q - 28nov10 1

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3Y Paediatric Clinical Pharmacokinetics

November 2010
You are in the dispensary and are required to dispense the following prescriptions. State a) the
formulation product that you would select b) the reason for your choice and whether the
selection is due to c) pharmacodynamic, absorption, distribution, metabolism or excretion
reasons of the d) drug or excipients:

Baby A.

Gestational age 30 weeks

Weight 0.8kg

Epoietin beta at 250 international units/kg sc three times weekly.

c) Pharmacodynamic, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion
d) Drug


e) Amount for one dose in units:

Cost of one dose

Infant B

Date of birth

30 September 2010

Pneumococcal vaccine one dose IM:

c) Pharmacodynamic, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion
d) Drug


e) Volume in one dose:

Cost of one dose


3Y Paediatric Clinical Pharmacokinetics

November 2010
You are the validating pharmacist and receive the following prescriptions. Detail the a)
problem that you identify b) the alternative that you might suggest and whether the
intervention is due to c) pharmacodynamic, absorption, distribution, metabolism or excretion
reasons of the d) drug or excipients:
Infant C.

Date of birth 16 Sept 2010.

Mild lower respiratory tract infection

Zinnat suspension 125mg orally twice daily for 5 days

a) problem
b) alternative
c) Pharmacodynamic, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion
d) Drug


Master D.

Date of birth 25 December 2009

Hydrocortisone butyrate 0.1% ointment

Apply to eczematous area on face and nappy area twice daily.

a) problem
b) alternative
c) Pharmacodynamic, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion
d) Drug


5. The infectious disease specialist contacts you as he is puzzled about TDM results for a
child with resistant TB treated with IM streptomycin. Although he has prescribed the
appropriate dose of 500mg the peak level is reported as 12mg/L (15-40mg/L) and the
trough as 1mg/L (<5mg/L). The nurses have reconstituted the 1g injection with 2mL
of the diluent provided and administered 1mL of the solution.
What might be some explanations for the unexpected TDM result?



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