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Jamie Pudsey






A practical exploration of my argument in the written side.

Explore how achievable it is practice professionally as an ethical
designer in real world scenarios. Explore to what extent does
graphic design contribute to positive social and ethical hange
within our society.

The common aesthetic of existing brands of a similar nature are unappealing to the target
audience of this project.

Proposal of a website and a brand which aims to deliver
resources, tools, guidance to graphic designers based in the
UK. Other aims of the website include persuading designers to
consider ethics and using a level of pragmatism to help and raise
awareness of issues of ethics, morality and sustainability.

Target Audience
The audience of graphic designers have been targeted because
they are bearers of power over consumers and can hugley
influence general public and the companies and corporations
they work for into a force for good or bad.

The well crafted aesthetic of GoodBodies appeals to designers and visual communicators. The
brand isnt too stylistic or unapealling to picky graphic deigners but light-hearted enough to be
inviting. It uses an understanding of pragmatism to make it appealing to designers.
GoodBodies does not use negative advertising techniques to persuade and promote itself.

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