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Michelle Svenson

Direct Instruction 5th Grade ELA:

Opinion Writing (Introduction)
Curriculum Standards
Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with
reasons and information. (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.1)
Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an
organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support
the writer's purpose. (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.1.A)

Main Points
The different parts of an introduction are:
1. the hook/background information: Some examples are a direct
statement, a personal connection, a question, a fact or a quote
2. Opinion Statement: What the author thinks of the topic
3. Introduction to subtopics: briefly mention what they are

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
1. Identify the different parts of an introductory paragraph in
opinion essays
2. Create their own introduction, including a hook, an opinion
statement, and introducing the subtopics of the essay.

1. Discuss Homework: Parts of an Opinion Essay, share topic ideas
2. Short Mini-lesson on the parts of an introduction: 1. The hook, 2.
The opinion statement, and 3. Mention sub-topics
3. Each student gets one essay to find and highlight these parts of
the introduction
4. Share and discuss: what are the parts?
5. Everyone writes a different hook for the essay they looked at
6. Begin writing your own introduction using the graphic organizer
(which has blanks for hook, opinion statement, and sub-topics)


Michelle Svenson

Learning Objectives will be assessed with the completion of the graphic

organizer. Did they complete every part? Objectives will also be
assessed formally mid-unit with a formative assessment on the whole

Each topic will be student selected, and therefore something theyre
already interested and invested in. For students that I have noticed are
more advanced readers I will give longer, more complicated essays to
examine while ESL students will receive shorter, simpler essays to
examine. Were this my class, I would use prior reading and writing
assessments to support these claims, but I am going on observation
and my cooperating teachers advice.

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