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Obamas immigration reforms: a new hope for the illegal immigrants in the

By: Jessica Guerrero T.
The United States of America, a country with a great past of immigration since its
foundation, has become in the last century the most important center of
immigration and the best example of multiculturalism in the world. In the last
decades dozens of millions of people from all over the world have arrived and
made it their home; some of them by the legal means and some others have just
taken the chance to come and make a life in it.
Those who have come without papers that gives them permission to live a normal
life are far from being a minority in this country, so called The land of
opportunities. ButWhat does it really mean to be an illegal immigrant in the US?
Is living the American Dream ever possible for them?
Approximately 13 million people are now living illegally in the US, and that number
could be far from how many they are for real. Each day hundreds of men, women,
and children get deported and sent back to a country where some of them may
have barely ever been to, a country they legally belong to but that doesnt feel like
home to them. Thousands of families become separated or broken and children
become orphans due to mass deportations.
In the last weeks, the president of the United States, Barack Obama announced
what it seemed to be a hopeful new for illegal immigrants, an action that is
expected to support this sector of the population and give them the opportunity to
become legal citizens under certain requirements.
California, the epicenter of immigration in the last 30 years has been an important
part of this Pro-immigration movement that has been going on for long and that
finally see results. A state where 1 out of 6 kids are born to illegal parents is whole
heartedly supporting this action, meanwhile other 17 states are even taking legal
actions against Obama, claiming these pro-immigration actions violate the
countrys Constitution.

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