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Project plan

All group members:

- developing ideas and placing them into spider scribe (later uploaded to

teacher page. - 16th January

- Allocating tasks. - 15th January
- Upload necessary items onto website before due date. - 19th January

A joint statement expressing our understanding of what is required for the

ICT Integration Project. - 18th January

- A mind map which clearly shows what we intend to do and how it fits in with

the Australian Curriculum. - 17th January

- Planning what activities are to happen in each lesson. - 15th January
- Create song of our own for garage band - 15th January


A statement articulating the integration of three (minimum) ICT resources

that will be used in addition to the Internet and the Interactive Whiteboard.
The statement should include why you selected the ICT resources and how
they are being used as a learning tool (rather than teaching tools). - 19th

- Lesson 2 website - find resources, text, pictures make sure suitable for
year 4 science - 25th January
- Ensure all aspects of rubric and unit outline are completed and
incorporated - 15th January
- Write speech for allocated sections and discussion facilitation - 15th
- 4 Forward Planning Documents that specifies the teaching and learning
that is planned over a four lesson sequence. - 19th January
- Write speech & research curriculum & ICT links within the lesson to present
- 15th January
- lesson presentation - lesson plan write up - 16th January

- Sticky notes and positive and negatives to use for discussion - 15th
- Lesson 1 on website - text, resources and videos all uploaded - 25th

- A Project Plan which details what actions will be taken by each group

member and by when. - 16th January

- Look through garage band & write speech to use as a tutorial in lesson

presentation - 15th January

- A statement indicating how your project is underpinned by established

learning theory (e.g., multiple intelligences, social constructivism, and

cognitive theory). - 19th January
- Lesson 3 &4 - ensure up to date, videos and information to fit the lesson

plan. - 25th January

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