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Biology The Study of Life

Biology The Study of Life

-N 0 species,
study the

, can exist
. Thus biologists

-Biology can lead to

preserve species, and show us how we fit

Biology - The Study of Life

Living VS. Non-Living
All living things have
these characteristics:

Biology - The Study of Life

If something has
of life, it is called an
So then what's a species?
A species is a

Biology - The Study of Life

-Growth - Results in an
and the formation of

Biology - The Study of Life

-Environment - Where an organsim interfaces
with its ' surroundings including
any other
organisms in the area, and more ...


Biology - The Study of Life

-Homeostasis - Regulation of
energy, or the ability to do work, to
do this.


-Adaptation - Any structure,

behavior, or internal process that
enables an organism

Biology - The Study of Life

Evolution - Gradual accumulation of

Methods of Biology
Scientific Methods - The
common steps that scientists use
. (specific steps on
next slide ..... )

Methods of Biology
1. Making Observations - getting
infonnation using your
2. Hypothesis - An explanation for a
or a problem that
3. Experimenting - Tests a hypothesis by
collecting infonnation under

Methods of Biology
Controlled experiments - have a control
group and an
group. Only
is changed at a time.
Control group
Experimental group - group in which all
conditions stay the same

Methods of Biology

Independent variable

Dependent variable - the condition that

in the independent

Methods of Biology
Theory - explanation supported by a large
body of scientific evidence.
. Once a theory has been accepted
as fact, it becomes a
held by humans
(what's right and what's wrong ... )

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