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Date: March 21, 2012


(Phoenix, AZ) Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has sent a letter to the Director of
the U.S. Selective Service System headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. The Sheriff is
asking the agency to conduct an investigation of Barack Obamas Selective Service
registration form from 1980 after the preliminary findings of the Sheriffs six-monthlong investigation determined that it may be a forgery.
The letter also asked Director Lawrence Romo to produce the original form so
forensic document examiners can analyze the document to determine if it is authentic.
(letter attached)
Because of inconsistencies on the form itself including an unusually incomplete date
stamp, Sheriffs investigators suspect the form, which was allegedly filled out in
Honolulu, Hawaii in 1980, may be a forgery.
Sheriffs investigators were able to replicate the alleged forgery by obtaining a circa
1980 pica stamp and a circa 2008 date plug. Investigators were able to clearly
demonstrate the 80 (which should have actually read 1980) in Obamas Selective
Service Registration form resulted from cutting out the 08 from an authentic 2008
date plug, and inverting the 08 to read 80 when the cut plug was loaded into the
year slot on the 1980 pica stamp. (see form attached)
Sheriff Arpaio is asking Director Romo to respond to him within 30 days on whether
or not his national office will provide the Sheriff with the original document and if his
office will move forward with an investigation of its own.
Lawrence Romo, who was appointed as Director to the U.S. Selective Service System
in 2009 by President Obama, reports directly to the President.

100 West Washington, Suite 1900, Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Phone: (602) 876-1801 Fax: (602) 258-2081
Media Contact: MediaRequest@MCSO.Maricopa.Gov

While my office will continue pursuing this investigation, I have spoken of the need
to enlist the aid of other agencies. As a first step to that end, I am now requesting the
assistance of the U.S. Selective Service System asking them to conduct a concurrent
investigation to verify the authenticity of this document, Arpaio says.
Arpaio says he foresees the need to ask for the assistance of other agencies as well to
ultimately determine whether the Presidents birth certificate and Selective Service
registration form are in fact forgeries.
Failure to register or otherwise comply with the Selective Service registration
process is a serious offense, Arpaio says. The law says a person who fails to register
can end up with a $250,000 fine, five years imprisonment and is ultimately prohibited
from holding any job in government.
Arpaio, a Korean War veteran who served in the U.S. Army, believes strongly in the
importance of registering for the selective service. He even started a program in 2004
to encourage inmates, including non-U.S. citizens, to register. Since then, about
40,000 inmates including 9,000 non U.S. citizens have registered for the selective
service. END

100 West Washington, Suite 1900, Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Phone: (602) 876-1801 Fax: (602) 258-2081
Media Contact: MediaRequest@MCSO.Maricopa.Gov

Maricopa County Sheriff's Office

JoeA paio

100 West Washington, Suite 1900

Phoenix, AZ 85003

Ph: 602-876-1801
Fax: 602-251-3877
Switchboard: 602~876-1 000

March 19,2012

Lawrence G. Romo, Director

Selective Service System
National Headquarters
1515 Wilson Blvd. #600
Arlington, VA 22209-2425
FAX: 703.605.4106
Inforn1ationrcv,ss .gov

SE T MARCH 16, 2012.

Dear Director Romo:

On behalf of the residents of Maricopa County, Arizona, my Office is conducting an on-going law
enforcement investigation into the authenticity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate and to
the subsequent question of his eligibility to be placed on the 2012 Arizona ballot for the Office of
President of the United States.
On M(lrch 1, 2012, a press conference was held in which I announced the initial findings of the
Maricopa County Sheriffs Office Cold Case Posse investigation. Among the findings is not only
the President's birth certificate a likely fraud, but furthermore, there is probable cause to believe
that the Selective Service Registration card on file and allegedly submitted by Mr. Obama on July
29, 1980, was also a forgery.
We came to that conclusion after comparing a copy of the President's Selective Service Registration
card to copies of several other known-to-be-authentic Selective Service Registration cards, some of
which were submitted from the same Post Office (Makaki Station) in Honolulu, and in the same
month and year (July - 1980).
The comparison shows the pica stamp used in Hawaii, at that time, stamped a four-digit year onto
the authentic form. But President Obama's Selective Service Registration card has only a two-digit
year designation, specifying only "80" for what should have been "1980."
Maricopa County Sheriffs investigators were able to replicate the alleged forgery by obtaining a
circa 1980 pica stamp and a circa "2008" date plug. We believe we can clearly demonstrate the
"80" in Obama's Selective Service Registration card likely resulted from cutting out the "08" from
the authentic "2008" date plug, and inverting the "08" to read "80" when the cut plug was loaded
into the year slot on the 1980 pica stamp.


Page 2

When the person who cut off the "08" made the cut, the separation of numbers was not made
squarely, so when the "08" was turned upside-down, to make the number print "80" the "80" was
pushed too far to the right when placed back into the pica stamp. This explains how the "80" on
Obama's Selective Service Registration card appears out of line and to the right.
I am requesting that you, as Director of the Selective Service System, produce and provide to my
investigators the original Selective Service Registration card purportedly filled out by Barack
Obama in 1980, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
We would ask that Maricopa County Sheriffs Office selected, court-approved, forensic experts be
provided the opportunity to examine Mr. Obama's originally submitted Selective Service
Registration card, as well as, any and all microfilm or computer copies that may exist of that
Amidst allegations regarding a potential forgery of a Selective Service Registration card, I trust you
and your agency will diligently pursue its own investigation to determine when and how Mr.
Obama's Selective Service Registration card was submitted to the Selective Service System and
entered into your records so that he can be assigned a Selective Service number.
No doubt your agency has established procedures for investigating probable cause suspicions when
a Selective Service Registration card has been forged. We would appreciate knowing what steps
you will direct the Selective Service System to take to investigate these allegations, so that together
we may ultimately identify the person or persons responsible for producing the document.
Please advise how we may work together in undertaking our shared responsibility to investigate this
matter. Given that our investigation is continuing, I would appreciate receiving your response
within 30 days.

Joseph M. Arpaio

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