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User Guide TL-WR740N TL-WR741ND 150Mbps Wireless N Router Rev: 3.04 ‘90010806 COPYRIGHT & TRADEMARKS ‘Specifcations are subject to change without notice. TTP-LINK’ is 2 registered ademark of TPALINK TECHNOLOGIES CO,, LTD. Other brands and product names are trademarks of registered trademarks of hi respective holders [No part the speceations may be reproduced in any frm aby any means or uted Lo make any onvatve such as Yanslten, wansformation, or adaptaton witout permission trem TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD. Capyight © 2012 TPAINK TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD. All hts reserved. to:tatpaink com FCC STATEMENT Fe ‘This equipment has been tested and found to comply with he lini fora Cass 8 dial device, pursuant to pat 18 of tha FCC Rules, Thess lms are desgned o provide reasonable protection against harmful inerfrence ina residential installation. This equoment generates, uses and can racite radio tequency energy and, no installed and wed in accordance wit tho insuctons, ‘may cause harmful itererence to radio communieatons. However, ere is no guarantee that Interference wil not occur In a paricularintllaton. I his equipment does cause harmful Intrforonc to rato or nlovsion reception, which can be detemined by tuning the equipment of and on, th user is encouraged fo ry to correct the Inarferance by one oF more of tr flowing + Roorent or relcate the coving antenna crease the separation between the aqupmant and receiver, + Connect ne equipment into an out on a exci feren tom that to which he receiver is connected. + Consut he dealer or an experienced radio TV teehiian fr hep ‘This device compos with part 15 ofthe FOC Rules. Opeation Is subject to the flowing two condone This dovice may not cause harmfulinteerence “This deviee mist accept any interference ec8ved, incising intrerence that may cause undesied operation. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance ould void the user's auton to operate he equipment Note: The manufacturer fe not responsible for any ratio or TV inleerence caused by unauthorized mosiations to this equipment, Suen mosiieations could vod the user's auhoniy ‘0 operate the equpment. FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement: This equpmont comps with FCC RF radiation expasur tints sol foth fr an uncontlls ‘envronment. This device and ts antenna must not be ex-loated o& operating in arynetion wi any ther antenna or vans “To comply with FOC RF exposure compliance requirements, ths grant is aplcabe to only Noble Contguraons, The antennas used for this Uanemtar must be Installed to provide @ Separation distance ofa least 20 cm fom allprsons and must not be co-located or operating in conjuneton with any ater antenna or transmit” CE Mark Warning C€15880 ‘This is a clas 8 product. Ina domestic environment, this product may cau rich ase the user may be required fo take adequate measures. National Restrictions “This deve is ietended for home an offes use in all EU counties (and ether courts fallowing the EU drectve 19995/EC) without any ination except for he counties mentioned below country Restetlon Ressoniremark bua Noe Geisler eared bron om we or No ean om rene tan ante None ‘Seagal aereaon Nowa rorene “Ts uneon doesot ppyta gona " is nares o 20 nor be cant ot A ist atraton None ‘hi ern ppeaons This device hasbeen designed to operte wih the antennas Ista bol, and having @ maximum gain of 3 63, Antennas nat included inthis Ist or having a gan greater than 3 6B are stictly Prohiites for us wih this dvi, The requrad antonna impedanco i 60 ohms. “To reduc potantal radio intrference to other users, the antenn ype and is gan should be so ‘chosen that the equivalent sotopcally ries power (eli-p) Isnot mee than that pormitod for Industry Canada Statement: This device complies wth RSS-210 ofthe Industy Canada Rules. Operation Is subject to the folowing two candivons: (rth dovce may not cause hamfuliterfrence, ane (2ythis device must accept any it Undesived operation IMPORTANT NOTE: Radation Exposure Statement fence received, including intrerence thal may cause ‘This equipment comptes wity Canada radation exposure limits sot forth for an uncontrolled envionment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20m between the racial & your body Ce posttest conforme dt nme ENR. 210 dinduste Canada applicable aux apparels radio ‘exempts de leence. Son fonctonnement eset aux deux contons suvanes: (1) Le disposi ne dot pas produlte de brouilage 2) Co disposi dot accoptr tout boulage resuy compris un broullago suscoptble do provoquer un oretennementinabsabie. [NOTE IMPORTANTE: DDéclaraton fexpaston aux radiation: (Cet equipement ost conforms aux tines sexposton aux rayonnements IC étables pour un environnement non conrlé. Cet équipament dot re insal et utlsé avec un minimum de 20 ‘mde distance ene source de rayonnement ot votre corps Korea Warning Statements: a4 pads eee aded Hee ae. NCC Notice: ee ee ere =a ULIRIRA ZA HMR. ACARI IR TSAR TAREE ERAT URL. SALA, CROCE ME RZ CR, PARAM TORRE TEB-UINK resin tzecinotocies 60,170 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY For the folowing equipment Model No TLAWR74ON/TL-WRTA1ND Trademark: TP-LINK, We declare under our own responsibly thatthe above products sas all the tecnnical regulations applicable to he product within th scope of Counc Directives: Diocives 1999151EC, Drocives 2008/09, Directives 08SEC, Directives 1998/519EC, ‘The above product fin confer with the following standards ar other normative documents TSIEN 200 328 V4.7: 2006 TSIEN 201 489-1 V1.8.1:20008 ETSI EN 301 499-17 2.41.1:2008 EN 55022:2006 +A:2007 EN 61000-3-2:2006+A1:2000+A2:2000, EN 61000.2-9:2008 ENE0S50-1:2006+A11:2008+A1:2010 The product cartes the CE Mark C€1588O Person is reeponsile for marking tn declaration Yang Honatiang Produet Manager of International Business Date of esue: 2012 TPALINK TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD. Building 26 (loors 1,3, 4,5), and 28 (oars 1-4) Cental Science and Technology Park, ‘shennan Re, Nanshan, Shenzhen, China CONTENTS chapter 1 1 12 1a 14 Chapter 2 24 22 chapters 34 32 Chapter. 4a 42 45 45 Introduetionnnnnnme Overview ofthe Rout, Conventions. Main Features Panel Layout 14. The Front Panel 142 The Rear Panel Connecting the Router System Requirements Instalaion Environment Requremants ‘Connecting the Router ‘Quick instalation Guide ToPAP Contiguration ick Instalaon Gui Configuring the Router Looe tau. uck Setup, ass. Noto 45.1, WAN 452. LAN 453 MAC Clone Wireess 45.1 Wireless Sotings. 45.2. Wieleas Secunty 4.8.3. Wholoss MAC Firing 454 Wireless Advanced 47.4 DHCP Sotings 4.72. DHCP Clon List 4.91 Vitual Servers. 482. Por Tragerng 4.94 UPnP 49 Security 4.91 Basle Secunty 492 Advanced Secuty 49 Local Management 494 Remote Management 4:17 Access Conta 4.911 Role 4.94.2 Hos 4.14.3 Target 4.114 Schedule, 42 Advanced Routing 4.924 Stati Routing List. 4.122 System Routing Tade Bandit Contra. 4.13: Conto Settings 4.932 Rules Lit 4:14 1B & MAC Binding Seting 4.1421 binging Sotings 4.042 ARP List Dynamic ONS, 4154 Comexe.en ODNS. 4.1522 Dynan. org DONS. 4.183 DONS 448 system Tools. 4:64 Tie Seting, 4.162 Diagnoste 4.36: Fimware Uparade 4.184 Factory Dotauts 4.185 Backup & Restore 4.186 Reboot 4.10.7 Passwors 8 st 53 56 52 62 69 se 2 7 15 16 16 19 20 a1 22 a 85 ar 22 90 4.16.8 System Log 4.169 States ‘Appendix A: FAQ, ‘Appendix B: Configuring the PCs. dD GlO88arY nen namne tuwarsonm.we7sino EE en Package Contents “The folowing tems shouldbe found in your package > TLRTAONVTLAWRT4IND 15oMope Wireless N Router > DC Power Adapor fr TLWR7AONTL.WRTATND 150MBps Wisoss N Routor > Quick Instataton Guide > Resource CD for TL-WR74ONITL-WR741NO 1S0Mbps Wireless N Router, including: + This Guide +Other Heol nfrmation © Note Make sure thatthe package contains the above ems. I any ofthe Hed ems is damaged or riasing, please canact wth your tbo Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1. Overview of the Router ‘The TLWR7AONITL-WRT4IND ‘50Mbps Wireless N Rouor inogrates 4p0r Switch, Frowall spsed, whieh can fuly mest the need of Small OflesHome Otica (SOHO) networks snd the users demanding higher networking performance Tneredbie Speed) ‘The TLWR74ONTL-WRTAIND 150Mbps Wireless N Router provides upto 150Mbps wireless connection wits other 802.1in wisoss cons. The incosible spood makes it ideal or handing ‘multiple data sreams a the same tine, which ensures your network slablo and smooth. The periormance of this 602:11n wireless Router wil give you the unexpected networking experience 4 speed 850% faster han 802.11 ts also compatible wih all EEE 802.119 and IEEE 802.110 products. Matiple Security Protections) ‘Winn matiple protecion measures, including SSID broadcast contol and wireless LAN 641128/152-5t WEP encryption, Wi protected Access (WPAZPSK, WPASK), as wall as aevanced Frowall protections, the TL-WR74ONTLAWR7AIND 150Mbps Wireless N Rottor Provides complat data privacy. Fienbi Access contol ‘Tho TLIVRTAON/TL.WRTAIND 150MDps Wicloss N Router provides flexible accoss con, so 1 algo suppers Vitual Server and OMZ host for Port Triggering, and then the network ‘cminstators can manage and meni: the network in eal ime wh the remote management fun, Simple instalation ‘Since the Router Is compatole with vrualy all he malor operating systems, fs very easy to ‘manage, Quick Setup Wizard is supported and detaled instructions are proved slep by sep in this usor guid. Before inlaling the Rovio, please bok trough this guide to krow all the Routor'sunctons, Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee 4.2. Conventions ‘The Router of TLWRAONTLWR741NO mentioned in this guide stands for TLWR74ONTLAVRTSIND 150Mbps Wireless N Router without any explanation © Note: “The two devices of TLWRVAON and TL-WR7éIND snare this User Gulde, Fer simply, we wil take TLWR74IND for exemple thoughout this Gu, “The aference between them i 2 TLAWRTAON Router with one fixed antenna, 41ND Rout with one delachabe antenna, > Make use of IEEE 202.11n wireless tecmnlogy to prove a wiles dala rate of up to *80Mbpe > One 10/1006 Auto-Negotaton RAS WAN por, four 1O/100M Auto-Negotaton RAS LAN pots, supporing Auto MDUMODX > Proves WPAIWPA2, WPR-PSKINPA2-PSK autnentestion, TKIPIAES encryption secunty > Shares data and item access fo users, supporting Dynamic IPStatcIPIPPPOE Iteet > Supports Vitual Server, Special Application and DMZ host > Supports UPnP, Dynamic DNS, State Routing > Provides Automatc-conncton and Scheduled Connection on certain im tothe Internet > Connects nt an demand and clconnects rm the Intemet when idle for PPPOE Bullen NAT and DHCP server supporting state IP access dstbting > Supports VEN Passthrough > Supports Paranal Canal and Access Conl > Proves 64/128/152-bt WEP enerypton secunty and wislss LAN ACL (Access Control ux) > Supports Flow Stastes > Supports femware upgrade and Web manageme Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae 14 Panel Layout 4.44. The Front Panel Figure 1-1 Front Panel ketch ‘Tho Routes LEDS and the QSS button ae located onthe ont pane (View fom to ight. Name | Statue indication On| Power of © Power ‘On Power is on. Fag _| The Rover wring pS #% (system) = = ve ‘0n/0F [The Rosterhas a ayem aor ewan 7 Wels functon fe disable oman) Flashing | The Wireless function is enabled. ‘Of _| Thar iso devs Inkeio te corssponding pam. | © wa, ‘on | There Is devoe inkes to the corespondng port but FANT) thor sno tity. Faring | There isan active devs Inked athe caresponding pa] sow rian [AWIEESdevee f connectng to te newark by OSS functon Ti process wisn the fat 2 nutes TR wielass doin has Boon succesfully add (othe 8 (ass) on network by QSS function. arimn | wees devise faled 19 be added tothe network by ous _QSS funetion. Table 1-1 The LEDs description TF Note: [ter adevce i successful added tothe ntwork by QS function, the QSS LED wilkoep on for ‘out § mutes and then tur ot Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee 1.42 The Rear Panel coupyrs .| “The alloing parts are located onthe ar panel (View ramet torah. > RESET, There are two ways to reset othe Routers factory detauts 1) Uso the Factory Defaults function on System Tools > Factory Defaults page in tho Routers Web-based Ut 2), Use the Factory Default Rese! blton: Poss the Reset btn for fve seconds and the wat forthe Router ta reo. > POWER: The Powor socket whore you will connect the power adapter. Please use the ower adapter provided wi ths TL-WR74ON/TL-WR741ND 150Mbps Whales N Router 132,84 (LAN): Those ports (1,2, 3, 4) connect the Rovior to the feal PCs > WAN: This WAN port is whore you wll connect the DSLicable Modem o ert > Wireless antenna: To receive and tranemit the wees data, > 88:1 you have cient devices, such a8 witless adapters, that support Wii Protected ‘Setup, then you can press this butlon to quickly esablsh a connection between the Route and clot doviees and automatcaly conigure wiles securty for your wireloss notwork. For detailed information, please reer o 44 08S, Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae Chapter 2. Connecting the Router 24 System Requirements > Broadband Inet Accass Service (DSLICablaEtherat) > One DSLICable Modem that has an RUAS connector (which snot necessary ifthe Routrs connected directly to the Eernot) > PCs wih a working Ethomet Adapter and an Etemet cable with RAS connectors >» TOPAP protocol on each PC > Web browser, such as Mlerosot Internat Explorer 5.0, Netscape Navigator 80 or above 2.2. Installation Environment Requirements > Place the Router in a well vetiated place far rom any heater or heating vent > Avod aves radiation of any strong ight (uch as suntight) > Koop at east inches (5 om) of lear space around the Router > Operating Temperature: OC-40°° (82-108) > Operating Hum: 10%-90%4RH, Non-condensing 2.3 Connecting the Router Before insaling the Router, make sure your PC is connected tothe Intemet though the broadband servic successful Ithoreis any problem, please contact yourISP Arta, plas insane Reutor according tothe ellowng slop, Doi forget ul out the power plug and keep your hands dy. 1. Poweraff your CableIDSt Modem, and the Router 2, Locale an optimum locaton for the Rauier. The best place fs usually at the canter of your wireless network, The phce must accord wth the 2.7 Irsalstion Enveonmont Requitements 4. Adjust the crcton of the antenna, Normally, Upright @ good dren 4. Connect the POs) or each SwtchHub in your LAN othe LAN Ports on the Router shown in Figure 21, you have the witless NIC and wan to use the wel function, you can skip ths 6p) 5, Connect he DSLICable Modem tothe WAN part an the Route, show in Figure 2-1 5. Connect te power adaptor to the power socket on the Router, and th other ond into an ecto. The Router wl stato work automate. Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee 7. Powor on your GableDSL Modem, ua WAN ns B _ oa Figure 24 Haraware instalation ofthe TL-WRY41NO 150Mbps Wireless N Routr Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae Chapter 3. Quick Installation Guide ‘This chapter wll show you how to congue the basic funetions of your TLVRT4 ND 150Mbps Wirctoss N Routor using Quick Setup Wrzard wisn minutos. 3.1 TCP/IP Configurat The defaut oman name of the TLWR74IND. 1Sovope hilipindoninne, the defauk IP adéess is 192.1680.1, and the defaut Subnet Mask is 255.255.2550. Tes values can be changed as you des. rts gud, wo aus defo ‘values for destin, ‘Connect the cal PC tot LAN ports ofthe Router, and then you can coigue the P adareas for your PC by fllowing the steps below 1). Setup tne TCPIP Protocol in “Obtain an IP address automatically made on your PC. Iryou need instruction asf how odo ths, plea refer to Appendix: B: Configuring te 2) Than te tin DHP server will assign IP adress fr the PC. Now. you can run the Ping command in he command prompt to vey the nebwor connection between your PC andthe Rouer. The following example fn Windows 2000 OS, (Open a command prompt, and ype ping 192.168..1, and then press Ent > Ite result esplayed is similar to tho Figure 3-1, moans the connesion between your PC and the Routers been establsed wal 91. Suoaees result of Png command Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee Pes check the connection following these step: 4. lethe connection between your PC andthe Router corect? The 1728 LEDS of LAN ports which you Ink toon the Router and LEDs on your PCs adapt 2. ete TCPIP canfguration fr your PC erect? I tha Routors I address is 192.168.01, your PC's IP address must be wiin the range of 192.188.0254 3. Try the I address 192,168.11 & Note: Ifthe LAN IP ofthe modem connected with your router ie 192.768.0., the dofauk LAN IP of he Router wll automaticaly swich from 192 1680.1 to te avo IP confit. Toreore, larder to venfy the networc connecton between your PC and the Router, you can open & 3.2 Quick Installation Guide Win 9 Web-based (Itemet Explorer or Netscape” Navigator) uty itis easy to conigure ana ‘manage the TL-WR741ND 1SoMope Wireless N Route. The Web-based uty can be used on any Windows, Macriash or UNIX OS with a Web browser. Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae ip Rotnkogin.nst the aos fel ofthe browse. So a igre 2-3 Login the Router ‘Ater a moment, login window wil appear, similar othe Figure 3-4. Enter admin forthe User Name and Password, bth in lawer case lars. Then clk the OK blton or press the Enter key. Figue $4 Lega Windows & ote: Ire above screen doesnot pop, i means tat your Wob-browsor has boon sotto a sry. Go i Teel menu>inienat Optons>CannectonsLAN Setings, nthe sereen tat appears, cancel he Using Proxy checkbox and ak OK to ish 2, Afer succesfully login, you can clck the Quick Setup to qucly configure your Rout, Ca Cie Figure $5 Quick Setup 3. Click Next, and then WAN Connection Type pape wil appear as shown in Figure 36 Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee The Router provides AutewDetect function and supports wee popular ways PPPOE, Dynamic and Stati IP to connect oth Int.’ recommmended that you make use of the Auto-Detectfuncton. you are sure of what kind of connection type your ISP provide you can sole ho vary ype and cick Next ogo on configuring Ifyou select AutoDetect, the Rovlr wil automaticly detect the connection type yout ISP Provides. Make sure the cable is securely plugged ito the WAN port before detection. The ‘appropiate confguraton age will be displayed when an actve Inmet sence is successful dotocid by the Router. > Ifthe connec type detocied is PPPOE, the next sro Foue 27, wil appear as shown in oo Figue 3.7 Quick Sep —PPr > User Name and Password - Enter the Us ‘Name and Password provided by your SP. ‘Those fields are case sonive. you have dificult with this ro0es5, please contact yourlse. > Confirm Password + Re-enter the password provided by your ISP to ensure the Password you ented is creche Pasewor is iferent rom tha Canim Password, the scraon will appear 2s shown below. Click OK. and re-enter the Password ana Confirm Passwors Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae the connection ype det tds Dynamic Pte next screen wil appear as shown a “+ you are visting the Router rom the main compute, please select Yes, and ten click Cone MAC Address aicisene acim | CaO = Co Figue $8 Quick Setup WAC Clone ‘+ you ae visting he Route om anther compute, rather than the main computer, please solct No, ang then enlor he main computers MAC in the fils WAN MAC Twmicasine se | Rs HS Ca Ce Figure 3 Quick Setup MAC Clone Ite conection type detected fs Static IP, the next screen wil appear as shown in Figure 3-10, Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee beam tenor 0000 |eomen myous 0000 Jeon SreontayONs: 000 |eoaen Fue 240 Quick Sup State > IP Address - This the WAN IP accress seen by extemal users on the Internet (ietuing your ISP), Enter the IP ade into th fos » Subnet Mask + The Subnet Mask it used for the WAN IP addoss, Wis usualy 255.256.2860. > Default Gateway -Ertor he gateway IP address int the bo required > Primary DNS -Enlor the ONS Server P adress ino th box i aque, > Secondary DNS «if youriSP provides another DNS server, enter nt this ld 5. Click Next to contnue, the Wrsles setings page wil appear as shown in Figure 3-11, gure 317 Quick Setup Wraoss > Wireless Radio - Enable or disabe the wialss radio by choosing fom the dop-sowr at Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae > Wireless Network Name also called SSID) - Entra valu of up lo 32 characters. The ‘same name of $SI0 (Service Set ensification must be assigned to all weless devices in your network. Considering your wireless network sscury, the default SSID is set be TP-LINK_200008X (O00 indiates the last unique sik numbers ofeach Routers MAC across), This valu is case-sonsive. For oxample, TEST Is NOT the same as tos. > Region - Solct your region trom tho erop-doun Ut. This fd species tho region whore te wiles function ofthe Router can be used. K may be Hoga to use the {yu courtty or raglan Is nat sted, pase contact your local government agency for > Chan + This fold dotorminas which operating troquency wil bo usa, The default chanel ls soto Auto, 30 the AP wl choose the best channel automata. ts net necessary ta change the weless channel unloss you notie interference problems with another nearby accoss point > Mode Ths fed determines the wireless mode whic be Router Works on. > Channel Width - Select any channel width rom the drop-own lst The default seting ‘which ean automaticaly ad We channel wath for your eens, > Max Tx Rate - You cn Imi he maximum transmission rao ofthe Reus through this > Disable Securty - The wireless securty function can be enabled or disabled. IF ‘sable, the witless stations willbe able to connect the Router without encryption, Kis stongly recommended ta you choose one of allowing options to enable secur > WRAP nal WPA2-Pereonal -Selact WPA based on re-sh od passphase, Fo: ASCIL the key can be made up of any numbers from Oo 8 an any leer frm ‘AtoZ, and he langth should be betwoen 8 and 85 characters Fo: Hexadecimal, the key can be made up of any numbers om 0 fo 9 and atrs ‘tom A to F, nd he length shoud be between & and Bt charactors Please also note the key is case sensiive, which means that upper and lowercase ays lft the outcome. woul also be 2 good dea to wrie down te key and al olated wireless securty setings > No.Change - you choose tis option, wireless secu configuration wil nol change! ‘These sting ae ony for base wireless parameter. For advanced seins, please afer to 6, Clekthe Next buon, You wilhen ae the Finish page. Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae Iryou dori make any changes onthe Wires page, you wil see the Finish page as shown Figure 3-12. Clk the Fish buon lo ris the Quick Setup. Chapter 4. Configuring the Router This chapter wil show each Web page's key functions andthe coniguraion way | Sexes Rae conmesing out eet Frat gs, 44° Login =a ‘Aer yoursuecessfl login, you wil ee the seen main menus on the let ofthe Web-based ly, On the ight, tare are ta carrasponding explnatone and instruction, Pique S12 Quek Seip Finish i On te ponding exh 1 thre fs something changed on he Wi n Figute 3-13, Glek the Reboot button to make your wrloss coniguraton tke aft an eran) Aish the Quiek Setup. Er age, you wills the Finish page as shown nao Rev na comet yout ret Fortin, Figure 219 Quek Seip - Fin Avance Roti ‘The detailed explanatons for each Web page's Key faction ae liste below 42 Status The Status page provides the eument status infomation about the Router. Al Ifomation Is read-only Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee wan Trafe Statetics ns fac] 4.3 Quick Setup Figue 4-1 Router Stas Pease refer to 32 Quick nsaiation Guide. Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae 44 ass This section will uida you to edd 2 now wireass dovce to an existing network quickly by QSS (Quick Secure Setup) functon. ‘Choose menu “QS and you wlsoe he next sezaen ehown in Figure 4.2 SEEN cum 12945670 Fewet2 ass > QSS Status - Enable o:dsabe the OSS function here > Current PIN - The cuent value ofthe Routers PIN displayed here, The default PIN of he Rouer ean be foun in the abel or User Guide > Restore PIN - Restore tha PIN ofthe Router tie default, > Gen New PIN -Cick this button, an then you can gat a new random valu forthe Routers PIN. You can ensure the network secur by gonevaing a new PIN, > Add deviee -You can ad the new device tothe existing network manually by liking hs baton, Whe wireless adopar supports Wi Protected Seip (WES), you can exabish 9 wielss cannecton betwoon welss adapter and Router using eter Push But Conigraton (PEC) aod o PIN tho > woe: Ta buts 2 successful connecion by QSS, you should aso do the eoresponding coniguraton of tne new device for OSS functon meanwhile tha canfguraton of the new devi, hare takes the Wireless Adapter of our company for vample, 1 ByPEc Irth wiolss adapter supports W- Protected Setup and the Push Button Confguraton (PBC) ‘mathod, you can ad to te network by PBC withthe felling two mathe. Method One: ‘Stop 1. Pross the QS button onthe rot panel ofthe Rout. Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee (Ts zi Step 3. Wat for @ while until the next screen appears. Clek Finish to complete the OSS configuration. “votes Comigerion Completed The GSS Configuration Seren af Wretess Adapter Method Tw Step 1. Press the QSS burton on the rot pane ofthe Router. ee yy = = = 2 9 “TLAWR7AONTL.WRTAIND, ‘Stop 2. For the configuration of the wreloss adapter, please choose Push the button on my access point inthe coniigration uty ofthe QSS as below, and ck Next. (rane tt nm cen pant (Cea Py eae 2 (Oe a ett ete mi 2) Cites Je Cte) ‘The GSS Confguration Scr of Wiles Adaplar ‘Stop 3. Walt fora while unl the rext screen appears. Ck Finish to complate the QSS coniguaton, i) “votes Comigerion Completed “The GSS Configuration Screen of Wireless Adaptor 20 Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee Method Three: Step 1. Koop the default OSS Status as Enabled and clckthe Add device buon in Figure 42, 1 te following Sern will appa. © Emer tne newaeaces PN, a) (© preset btn ote raw deve a rntes que 4 AdtANow Doce Step 2, choose Pass the butlon of the new device nwo mins and clck Connect. Step 3. For the coniguration of the wireless adapter, please choose Push the button on my ‘access point in he configuration uly ofthe QSS as below, and click Next, Oa te an ny cot Oe 9 any cere pte 9 estar Ota PM ta ace pt atte torte) ‘The OSS Contguatin Sewen of Wises Adapter a suweraonm.wereino Et ‘Stop 4. Wait fora while nll the next screen appears. Ck Finish to complete the GSS contguation i) “votes Comigerion Completed “The QSS Configuration Screen of Wireless Adaptor un ByPIN Trine new device supports WI-FI Protected Setup and the PIN method, you can adit tothe network by PIN wih the follwing wo methods Method One: Enter the PIN ito my Router ‘Step 1. Keep he defauk OSS Status as Enabled and click tne Add devieebutlon'n Figure 42. {hen the fotbwing screen wil appear (© Enter trends PN, (© Prestre putn ote row dee ne mins, ‘Step 2. Choose Enter the new device's PIN and enlo the PIN code of he wireless adaptor in ‘he fd bind PIN in the above figure. Then etek Connect. & Noe: ‘Tho PIN code of tho adaptors alaays splayed on te GSS configuration sroan 22 “TLWR74ONITLWRTAAND, ‘Stop 3. For the configuration of the wireless adapter, please choose Enter a PIN Into my ‘accoss point or rogistrar inthe caniguaton uty afte OSS a below, and eck Next, Pak te nan na sect Ont a P ete mace pt ett Ona Ma Pom set atte torte) ‘The G88 Coniguation Seoan of Wisse Adaptor > Note In tis oxamplo, ho dau PIN code of tis adaptors 16952898 as tho above figurs shown. Method Two: Enter he PIN fom my Router ‘Stop 1. Gol the Current PIN code ofthe Router in Figure 42 (each Router ha ts unique PIN code. Hore takes the PIN code 12545870 of hg Route or example), ‘Stop 2. For the confguraton ofthe wreless adapter, please choose Enter @ PIN from my ‘accoss point inthe coniguraton uly ofthe GSS as Blow, and ener the PIN code of ‘he Router into the fd behind Access Pol PIN. Then click Next 2 “TLAWR7AONTL.WRTAIND, {CPt btn ny eco t Oe Pit cen pa fds me Pam pcs pt ace Pt 4 EEEDD used as) Cite Cites) tenet] ‘The 088 Configraton Screen of Wireless Adapter > note: “The dafauk PIN code of the Router can be found ins label or the QS configuration sera a Figure 42 ‘Step 3. You wil see the folowing scroon whon the new davice successfully connected tothe otwork (© Presse tation fhe ne eves nwo mies 1. Tho siatus LED on the Reuter wil ight green athe time if he davice has been succecsuly 1563 he network 2. The GSS function cannot be eonigured Mt Wea Plasse make sure the Wireless Funcon i enabled before configuring the OSS. Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee 4.5 Network “Tere are thre submenus under the Nebwork manu (ehown ie 44): WAN, LAN and MAC Cone, Clek any of hom, and you willbe able o congue the comesponding functon. and then you can configure the P parameters of the WAN on 1 Ifyour SP provides the DHCP service, please choose Dynamle IP ype, and the Router wil aulomaticaly got IP parameters from your ISP. You can soe the page as follows (Figure teeter soe C1 etamincatcncr te veseseant Figure £5 WAN-Dyoamie IP Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae parameters fom your ISP ek the Ra se buitono release the IP paramatere > MTU Size-The normal MTU (Maximum Transmission Uni valu for most Erne networks is 1500 Bytes. isnot recomended thal you change the default MTU Size unloss roquiod These ONS Server DNS Servers -If your ISP gives you ane or two ONS addresses, select Us ri enter te primary and secandary adereses int the corect Flas COthorwiso, the DNS servers wil bo assigned dynamically rom your ISP IryoU fe eror when you goto 8 Web sie ater entring te ONS auresses, is ely that Your ONS servers ae set up mpropery. You shouts contact your ISP to get ONS server adresses. > Get IP with Unicast DHCP - A few ISPs! OCP servers do not support tne broadcast applications. I you cannot get the IP Adress normally, you can choose thi opin, (is rarely required) 2. your ISP provides asta or fred IP Aadress, Subnet Mask, Gateway and ONS seting, select Stati IP. The Stat IP seftings page wl appear as shown a Figue 4-8. tocaomee 3000 cru seusimongen: [50D | ove bute s60,sonegerine aseang Figure 45 WAN. State > IP Address - Enter the IP accress in doted-decimal nation provided by your ISP. > Subnet Mask - Enior the subnet Mask provided by your ISP in éotted-decimal notation, ‘Usually, the Sub Mask 255.255.2550. Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee > Default Gateway - (Optional) Enter te gateway IP arress provides by your ISP in > MTU Size - The normal MTU (Maximum Transmission Unt) value for most Ethemet networks & 1600 Byes. ts not recommended that you change he defaut MTU Size unless required by your IS > Primary’Secondary ONS - (Optional) Enter one of tao ONS addasses In dtte- decimal atton provided by your ISP. 4. your ISP provides @ PPPOE connection, select PPPoEIRustia PPPOE onion And you shoul enter the following parameters (Figure 7): witconantne Fran eRe S| CES) Can) cone > User NamelPassword - Enter the User Nome and Password provded by your ISP. These fold ao case-sensitive. > Confirm Password -Ro-onor tho Password provide by your ISP to ensure the Password > Secondary Connection - I's avalablo only fr PPPOE Connection. your ISP provides an ‘ta Connection typ sucha Dynami Stat P to connect Yo local aaa network, hen yo can check the radio button af DyrallSatie Pt state this secondary connection + Disabled - The Secondary Connection is as connection oly. This recommended le by deteut, so there Is PPPOE Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae + Dynami IP - You can check this ras bution to use Dynamic IP a5 the secondary connacton to connect ote local ares network provided by ISP. + Stale IP - You can chock tis rai button o use Static IP asthe secondary connecton to-connact to the local area network povied by ISP > Connect on Demand - nhs made, the Inmet connection can be terminated automatealy after a spectied inacivty period (Max Idle Time) and be re-stabshed when you atempt ‘0 accoss the Item! again. you want your Inert connection keeps ave all tho time, please entar“0" inthe Max Idle Time fil, Otherwise, enter the numberof minutes you want lohhavestapsed before yourIntemel accass disconnects > Connect Automatically ~The connecton can be re-e ished automaticaly when was down, > Time-based Connecting - The connecton wil only be established inthe pavod rom the Stat inet the end tine (both ae in HHI format, & Note: Cony when you have canigued the system tine on System Tools => Time page, wl the Time-based Connecting function can take eect, > Connect Manually - You can click he Connect Disconnect button to connecsiscannect immesialely. Ths mode also supports the Max lle Time function as Connect on Demand ‘mod, The Inmet connacton can be dconnacted automaticaly ara spectied inactivity peiod and re-established when you atampt to access the Intret again, ‘Caution: Sometimes the connection cannot be tarminated although you speci aime to Make ‘Tino, since some applications are visting the Intemetcotinsly in he backgroun you wantto do some aavanced configurations, please click he Advanced button, andthe page shown in Figure 48 wil ben appt Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee 1 beestec pera 1 tent aour et re Fue 8 PPPOE Aavancod Setings > MTU Size - The default MTU size is "1480" bytes, whch Is usually fre. It is not recommended that you change the default MTU Size unless required by your ISP, > Service NamaiAG Name = The service name and AC (Access Concentrate) name, whi should not be confgured unless you are sure its necessary fr your ISP. In most cases, leaving those elas blank wll work. > ISP Specified IP Address - If your ISP doos rot automatically assign IP adérossos tothe Router during login, please cck"Use P address speci by ISP” check box and enor he IP across provided by your ISP ia deted-decimal notation > Detect Online Interval - The Router wil detect Aecess Concentrator ene at every interval ‘The default va 0", You can inp the value betwoon “and "120". The vale 0" means ro date > NS IP address = your ISP does not automatelly asign ONS addresses to the Router uring login, please cick “Use the following ONS servers" check box and enter te IP ‘asdress in date docimal notation of your ISP's primary ONS server. Ifa secondary ONS server address is availabe, ener it as wal 4 If your ISP provides BigPond Cable (or Heart Beat Signal) connection. please solact BigPond Cable. And you should enter ho following paramatrs (Figure Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae mcimencin ye eho Coie use dmnvese (5) pr ane snag une tse © conan anins (0 amen (0 commas Fue 49. WAN BigPond Cable. > User NameiPassword - Enter the Usor Name and Password provided by your IS®. These > Auth Server Enter he autnentatng server IP adress or host name. > Auth Domain Type inthe domain suffix server name based on your lean. es NSW/ACT-newblgpond netau \VIC/TAS /WA/ SA/NT- ve OLD -aldbigpondinetau > MTU Size -The normal MTU (Maxomum Transmssion Unt) value for most Ethemet networks is 1500 Bytes. tis not recommended that you change the default MTU Size unless roquiod by yours. > Connect on Demand- In this mode, the Intemet connection canbe terminated automatically aftora spect inactivity orion (Max dle Time) and bo ro-olabshod when you atmpt to cease the Inomet again. you want your Inerel connection Keeps ave al the Une please entero” nthe Max idle Tne fll. Otherwise, enter the numberof minutes you want ‘have elapsed before your Intmet access disconnects Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee > Connect Automatically - The connection canbe reestablished automatically when k was > Connect Manually = You can click the ConnectDisconneet butlon to connectsisconnect lmmedately. Ths mode alko supports te Max Idle Time functon a¢ Connect on Demand ‘ode. The Internet connection can be disconnected automatically ater a speced inactivity etiod and re-established whan you alm to accoss the Intamel aga ‘ck the Connect buton to connect mesa. Clek the Disconnect button to #sconnect immediately Caution: Sometins te comecton cannot be terminated athough you spect ative te Max le “me because some applications ae visting the ntmetcontnualy inthe background. (ck he Save button to save your stings. 5. If your ISP provides L2TP coonoctin, pl should enter te following parameters (Figure 4-17): selct L2TPIRUs a LZTP cption. And you [l > User Name/Password - Ener the Usor Name and Password provided by your ISP. These fold ae case-sensitive Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae » Dynamic PY Stati IP - Choose either as you are ger by your ISP. Click he Connect bston to connect mms. Clex the Disconnect butlon to dsconnect immediately > Gonnect on Demand - You can configure the Router to dsconnect from your Inte! connection afer a specied period of inaciviy (Max Idle Time). f your Inmet conection has boon terminated due to inactviy, Connect on Demand nables the Router to automaticaly re-estabiah your connection as son a8 you allempt to access the nme again, I you wish to actvate Connect on Demand, cc the ralobuton you want your Intamet connection te rain ative at all ies ter nthe Max lle The eld, Others, lonter tho numbor of minutes you want to have elapsed before your Intrmat cannecton terminates, option, click he redo button > Connect Manually -You can congue the Router to mak it esnnec or esconnect manvaly Aor a spocit porod of inactivity Max tle Time), the Router wil disconnect from your Intamet connection, and you wil ot be able o re-establish your connacton auton soon as you alempt to access the niet agin. To use this option, clk the radio buon. you want your ntret connacton to remain active a altmes, ent {ils Otrerise, onor tho numbar in minutes that you wish to have the Intomet connecting Ins unless a now tink is requested inthe Max Idle Time Caution: Sometimes he connection cannot be eisconnected although you speci met Max dle Time, since some applations's vatng the Intemetcontual in the Beckgroun. 6. If your ISP proves PPTP connscton, please select PPTP/Russia PPTP opin. And you should ener the flowing parameters (Figure 12) Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee I > User Name/Password - Ener the Usor Name and Password provided by your ISP, These fold are case-sensitive > Dynamic PY Static IP - Choose ether as you are gven by your ISP ans enter the ISP's IP ‘address o the domainname Ifyou choose state IP and enter the domain name, you should also enter the ONS assigned by you SP. And lek the Save button Chek the Connect auton to connect immed. Clek the Disconnect button to disconnect immecately, > Connect on Demand + You can configure the Router lo asconnect fom your Inenet connection after a specfed pero of Inactty (Max tle Tne). your ernst connection has been terminated due to inaciviy, Connect on Demand enables the Router to ‘ulomaticaly re-establish your connection as soon as you atampt to access the Inemet ‘atin, you wish to actuate Connect on Demand, clck the radio button, H you want your Invemetconnacton te remain active at al ines, nto 0 inthe Max ae Time fed, Otherwise, Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae > Connect Automatically Connect automatically atthe Rovers dsconnected. To use his option, ck the radio button > Connect Manually You can configure the Rover make connector ésconneet manual ‘Att a specie petod of inactivity (Max tle Time), the Router wl disconnect rm your Intamat connection, and you wil not be abl to re-establn your connection automaticaly a2 soon as you atmpt to acces the niomet again. T us this option, clk the radi bution If ‘yeu want your ntemot connection to remain active atl ines, ster "O inthe Max le Time Fett. Otherwise, enter the number in minutes ts you wih to have the Inomet connecting los nies na tink is aquest Caution: Somatimes the connection cannat be clconnected athough you spac atime to "Max ale Tine, since sme applications ae visting the Inlet continual inthe background. Iryou doit know how to choose the appropriate connection ype lek the Detect button to allow ‘he Router to automaticaly soarer your Iniamat connection for servers and protocols. The conection ype willbe reported when an active Intamet service is successful detected by the Router. This repr is fr your reference any To make sure the connection type your ISP provides, lease refer to tha ISP. The varous types of Intomot connections that the Rouir can detect are 8 follows 1+ PPPOE - Connections which use PPPOE that requires a usar name an password ‘+ Dynami IP -Connectons which use dyrami IP adéress assignment 1+ State IP- Connections which use static P addres ass.gnmant ‘Te Rout can not datect PTPILZTPIBigPond connections wi your ISP. Hf your ISP uses one cof hese protocol, then you must eaigure your connection manually. 452 LAN (Choose menu ‘Network-LAN’, and then you can configure the IP parameters of the LAN onthe screen as below, Figueai2 LAN Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee > MAC Address. The physical address of te Router, Seen fom the LAN, The value cat be changed, > IP Address - Enter the IP address of your Rouler or reset tn deteddecmal notation (factory dau 192.1680.) > Subnet Mask - An adeross code thal dolrminos the size of the rotwork, Normally use © note 4. ttyou change the IP Address of LAN, you must use the new IP Adress fo lgin he Route. 2. Hf the new LAN IP Address you set's nat in the same subnet, he IP Adress poo! of the DHGP server will change accordingly a he sams time, while tho Vetual Server and OMZ Host wil a tke ofc unl thoy are ro-onfgued 45.3, MAG Clone (Choose menu "Network-+MAC Clon WAN on the seroon below Figure 4-13: and then you can canfgure the MAC addoss of tho ‘arrose (Coie) Fue 1a WAGAdaraas Glare Some ISPs require tat you ragltar he MAC Aatiese of your adapter. Changes are rarely neaded ere, > WAN MAC Address - This fold displays the cuent MAC adéres of the WAN por. your ISP requies you to register te MAC adds, please enter the eoreet MAG aderess ito hin XXXHH-AXHK-HE forma is any hexadecimal dig) > Your PC's MAC Address - This fold displays the MAC adress of tha PC thats managing the Router Ifthe MAC adress is require, you can click the Clone MAG Address button and his MAC across wil lin the WAN MAG Address fl Cok Restore Factory MAC to resto the MAC adress of WAN port to the factory default value Ck the Save button o save your ating. (nly the PC on your LAN can uss the MAG Address Clone function Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae 48 Wireless oe Figure 416 Wireless mens ‘There ar five submenus under the Wireless menu (shown in Figure 4-14): Wireless Settings, = Security, Wireless MAC Filtering, Wielass Advanced and Wireless Stat ‘any of thar, and you wil be able to congue the crraspandng function. 46.1 Wireless Settings (Choose menu “Wireless-Wireless Setting’, and then you can configure the basic stings for the wzeless network on this pape. tiogz Ties ane lee Rawr i enmiesso eset ran i rene Coss) Figure 415 Wraloes Setings > Wireless Network Name (algo called SSID) - Enter val of up io 92 characters, The same name of SSID (Service Set Idoticaton) must be assigned to al whreless devices in ‘yur network, Conedering your wie curity, the dsfauk SSID is set to be TP-INK 200000 (0000 indicates the last unique si numbers ofeach Route’s MAC audeross. This valu is case-sensitive. For example, TEST is NOT tho same as fost, Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee > Region -Select your region trom te drop-down Ist. This ll species te region where the iets function o 1 Router canbe used. may be legal to use the wireless function of the Router in a raion other than one of those spec inthis fal, M your county or region 's notte, please contact your local govemmant agony for assistance. \When you selbe your lca region rom the srop-down i, lik the Save button, and then the Note Disiog wil appa, Click OK Note Balog © Note Lites by fea la regulations, vorson for Nos America do not have region selection opton, > Channel Ths field determines which operating Frequency willbe used, The default channel 1a set to Auto, so the AP wil nose the best channel automaticaly. ks nt necessary to change tho wireless channel unless you nate interference problems with anotrer nearby accoss pint. > Mode -Select te dosed made, The default setting is than mixes ‘Mb only -Solct al of your wireless clnts aro 802.178 ‘Ag only - Select all of your wireless dents are 802.118, ‘Am only: Select onli al of your wireless cents ave 802.1%. ‘Yibg mixed - Selec you are using bth 802.11 and 802119 wireless lens. ‘ibgn mixed» Select i you ate using a mx of 802.1%, 11g, and Tn wiles cons, Select be desir wioloss mode, Whon 802.119 mode is selectod, only 802.119 wireless stations can connect tothe AP. Its stongly recommended that you sel the Mode to 802.11b&ghn, and all of 802. 11b, 802-11, ana 802-119 wees sttons can connect the Router, > Channel width - Select any channel with from the rop-down Ist The default seting Is automat, which can automatically adjust the chanel with fr your cents F Note IF Mth only, 1g only, or 1tbg mixed is selected inthe Mode feld, too Channel Wieth selecting le wil turn grey ar the valu wl become 20K, which Is unable tobe changed, > Max Tx Rate -You can iit the masimum trate ofthe Router trough ths Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae > Enable Wireless Router Radio - The wisless radio of this Router can be enabled or > Enable SSID Broadcast - When wisessclnts survey the local area or wioloss networks tw associate wih, thay wl detect the SSID roadcast by the Router. Mf you selec the Ena ‘SSID Broadcast checkbox, te Wislass Router willrcadcast its nama (SSID) onthe aX > Enable WOS - Chack he box fo anable WOS, With ns functon, he Router ean bridge wo or more WLANs. Ithis checkbox is selected, you willhave lo set the falloning parameters as shown blow. Make sure the following stings are croc 7 Ens sone it amtemioeetta3 taaype + SSID to be bridged) - The SSID of the AP your Routes going io connect a a clon ‘Yu can ako use the search function fo ele! the SSID to jon + BSSID (tobe bridged - The BSSIO af he AP your Rowers going to connect to a8 8 client. You can also use the search function to select he SSID jon + Survey -Clck this button, you can soarch the AP which run inthe current channel + Key type - This opion shouldbe chosen according to the APS securty configuration. Is recommended that he secu type is the same as your AP's securty type WEP Index - This option should be chosen if the key ype i WEP (ASC) or WEP (HEX, indicates the Index ofthe WEP key. + Auth Type ~ Ths option should be chosen ifthe kay type is WEP (ASCII) or WEP (HEX inaicates the authorization type of he Root AP. + Password Ifthe AP your Routor is going io connect rood password, you reed ofl ‘the passwordin tis blank 46.2 Wireless Security (choose menu “Wirelass—Wi ess Security’, and tnen you can configure the sacutyeatings cof your wireless network, ‘There are fv wrlesssocurly modes supported bythe Router: WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) WPA (WL Protected Accoss), WPAZ (WF Prolected Access 2), WPA2-PSK (Pre-Shared Key) ang WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key). Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee Figo 18 > Disable Securty- you do nt want o use wireless secury, select tis check box, but ts > WEP tis basod onthe IEEE 802.11 standard Ifyou select this checkbox, you wil nd 2 we ie vr ented te [ban ae [betes 9 ne | betes Foue as? Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae + Type - you can choose the type forthe WEP secu onthe drop-down Fst. The default sting Automatic, which can Selct Open System or Shared Key authentication type automatically based on the wise tations capably and request + WEP Key Format - Hexadecimal and ASCH formas are proved, Hexadecimal frm: Stands for any combination of hexadecimal digs (0-8, a, AF) in th spected length ASCII format sands for any combination of keyboard charactor inthe spoied length, + WEP Key- Sole! which of the four keys willbe used and onto the matching WEP koy that you creale, Make sure these valie ae dente on all wireless stations in your network. + Key Type = You can soloct the WEP key long (G4, 0° 128-bit, or 152-1) for encryption. “Disabled” means hi WEP key ety i vai {G4-bit- You can ortr 10 hexadecimal js (any combination of 0-8, 4, AF, zoo hoy is not promoted) or § ASCII characters, 128-It- You can enter 26 nexasecmal digs (ary combination of 0-9, af, AF, 280 kay is not promoted) or 13 ASCII characters, ‘524i - You can enter 32 hexadecimal dis (ary combination of, 4, AF, 20 key ¢ not prometed) or 18 ASCII cnaractars, F wot: IF you do net set the key, the wislss secunty function Is sti sabied even If you have solocied Shares Key as Authentication Type > WPANWPAZ-Enterprise I's based on Radiss Server. + Version = you can choose the version af the WPA secunty on the rop-down lt, The dofelt sting Is Automatic, whic can solct WPA (WHFi Protected Access) or WPA2 (VPA version 2) automaticaly based on the wireless station's capably and request, + Encryption - You can sleet other Automatl,o* TKIP or AES. F wot: you check the WPAIWPAZ-Enterprie radio button and choose TKIP encryption, you wil fi a notice in red a shown in Figure 4-18 [= wranead-trerpase omer tanrene —g (eseang rum 3 amen Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee + Radius Server IP-Entor he IP acess ofthe Race Server. + Radius Port -Enterthe port that radius service used, + Radius Password -Enter the password forthe Radius Saver. + Group Key Update Period -Speciy te group key update iniervalin seconds, The valve shouldbe 20 or above, Ente Oto dab the update > WPAWPA2-Personal(Recommended) - I's the WRANWPA authontcaon ype based on pre-shared passpirase +e on - you can chaoae the version of the WPA-PSK sacuty on the rop-doun it.The Gefout song Is Automatic, which can select WPA-PSK (Pre-sharad kay of WPA) or WPAZ-PSK (Presharod key of WPA) automaticaly based on the wrelbss station's apobity and request + Encryption - When WPA-PSK or WPA is set a the Authentication Type, you can salact ‘einer Automatic, or TKIP or AES as Encryption F Note I you check the WPAMPA2-PersonalfRecommended) casi butlon and choose TKIP encryption, you wl ind ance in ed as shou in Figure 419 Fue 9 + Password + You can enle: ASCII charactors between B and 65 charactors of 8 to 64 Hexadecimal characters + Group Key Update Period - Spacty tho group key update intrvalin seconds. The value shoul be 30 oF above, Enter 0 sable he pate Be sur to click the Save buton to save your setings on t's page 46.3 Wireless MAC Filtering socees by coniguing the Wireless MAC Address Fitering function, shown in Figure 4-2 Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae wearin Ohad CEE) toring ul Figure 4.20. Wireless MAC aarss Fitering Totter wielss users by MAC Adres, eck Enable. The default seting is Disable, > MAC Address - The wi 18 station's MAC aderess that you wan fier. > Status ~The sats of his enty either Enabled or Disabled > Description -A simple description ofthe wireless sition To Adda Wireless MAC Across Faring erty, ck the Add Now. button, The “Add or Modity Wireoss MAC Addross Fitering entry” 290 wil appear as shown in Figure 421 canes | 1 sco suet Ean Ee) ae) Figute £21 Add or Modi Welss MAG Address Fitering ety 14 or modify a MAC Addr = Fitring entry, follow these instructions: 1. Enter the appropiate MAC Adress into the MAC Address fd. Tho format ofthe MAC Aiross. fs XXIONIKKAK Kis any hexadecimal igi. For example: 00-08-£8.00.07-5A, 2. Enar @ simple descripion of Wieloes station A 1 wireless station In the Description fl. For example 23, Status - Select Enabled or Disabled for this ty on the Status drop-down Is. Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee 44 Click the Save button to save this ony To modify oF delete an exiting entry: 4. Click the Madly in tne entry you want io marly. f you want to de bal the eniny ct the (ek the Enable Allbutt to make al antes enabled Ck he Disa All button to make all entesdeabled Ck the Delete All button to delet all ene, ‘ek the Next bution tog tothe next page Cok he Previous bution to etm to the previous page. For example: you desi thatthe wireless sation A with MAC aderass 00-08.€8.00.07-88 and the witless station 8 with MAC addeoss 0-0A-6.00-23-1 are able to aecoss the Router but al ess MAC the other wireless tations cannot access the Router, you can confgure the Wh ‘Address Filtering ist by follwing these steps: 4 Chek the Enable button to enable hs function, 2. Select the raio button: Dany the stations specified by any enabled entries inthe lst to access fr Filtering Rates. 4 Delete al rceabl all enri rere are any entities alsa. 4. Chek the Add News. button and enter the MAC adéress 00-08-€8.00.07-08 00-08-E9-00-25-11 in the MAC Address fold, hen enter wseless ston AB in the Description fel, while select Enabled in the Status drop-down st Final, cick ne Save ‘Tho iterng rules that conigured should bo siar tothe flowing lis: Fitering Ru 6 coves ee Jp sesarmonor aint ss stan ma ee Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae 464 Wireless Advanced Cchoose meng "Wireless~Wieless Advanced’, and then you can confgure the advanosd sotings of your wielss network nent eestor Den Cosa Figue 4.22 wiseless Aavanced ‘The boacons ars the packets sent by the router to synchronize a wireless ne:work. ‘Beacon Inlerval vale detrmines the time inteval ofthe beacons, The defauk vale +00. you can spect the RTS (Request to Send) Thveshold. the packets larger than the specties RTS Thrsshole size, the router wil end RTS frames to 2 particular receiving station and negotiate the sending ofa data frame. The default vale is 2346, Fragmentation Threshold - Ths value i¢ the maximum sizo determining whether packets willbe fragmented. Seting the Fragmentation Threshold oo low may result in oor network performance since excessive packets, 246 isthe default seting and i commended, TIM Interval = Ths valve detormines the itera of the Delivery Tra Ieeaon Message (DTIM). A DTIM tld sa countdown felt nfrming clents of he next window for Istoning to broadcast and mubicast messages. When the Router has buffed broadcast or multicast messages for assciatod clos, i sends the next DTM with a DTIM intorval vale. You can specty the value between 1-255 Beacon Inoral. The faut vale 1, which nates the DTI Intervals the same ns Beacon nto Enable WMM - WM function can quaranlee the packets wih high: preniy messages boing tansmitse preferentially is svongly recommended enable, Enat Short GI This uncon is recommended fort wilinrease the data capacty by redueing the guar interval time, Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee > Enabled AP Isolation. This uncon can slate wireless stations on your network rom ‘each ear To use tis uncon, check this box AP lslaton fe abled by deta F Note: IF you are not fare wh the eating ems nts page, ts stronly recommended o kee ‘he provided default valves; otherwise it may rsut in lower wisless network performance 46.5 Wireless Statistics Choose menu "Wielaes-Wirel 45 Statistis", and hon you can soe the MAC Adress, Curent Slatus, Received Pacols and Sent Packets foreach connected wireless staion, Figee 4-23 The Router attaches wheles stations > MAC Address - The connected wielesssaton's MAC adaross > Current Status - The connected wireless staton's runing sats, ne of STAAL 1 > Sant Packets - Packets sent ay te staton You cannot change any ofthe values on this page. To update this page and to show the current ‘connected wireless stations, click onthe Refresh button, the numbers of connected wireless stations go beyond ane page, clk the Next buon to goto tne next page and click the Pravious button ta return tthe previous page. F note Tis page wil be refreshed automatealy every 5 seconds Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae 47 DHCP et) Figure 424 The DHCP mens ‘There re these submenus urder the DHCP menu (shown in Fgute 424): DHCP Settings, DHCP Clients List and Address Reservation. Click any of them, and you willbe abl fo configure the omesponcing function. 4.74 DHCP Settings Choose menu “DHCP--DHCP Settings’, and then you can configure the DHCP Serer on the ago (shown in Figure 425).The Routr is set up by dofaull as a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server, whic provides the TCPHP configuration fo ll the PC%s) that are connected othe Router onthe LAN. Figure 4.25 DHCP Setogs » DHCP Server «Enable or Disable the DHCP server I you disable the Serve, you must have another DHCP server within your network oF else you must congue the computer manually > Start IP Address - spect an 1° across forthe DHCP Server to start wih when assigning IP adresse. 192.168.0100 he default start adress > End IP Address - Spey an IP adress fr tne OHCP Server to and with when assgning IP adresses. 192.168.0198 the default end actrees Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee > Address Lease Time -The Address Lease Time isthe amount of tinea network user wil be allowed eannactlon to the Router wih thelr cuent éynanse IP Adéress. Entar the wil be leased" this dynamic IP Adress. Ater the ime is up, he user wll be automatically assigned a new dynamic IP aderess. The range of amunt of time in minutes and te us ‘he time is 1 ~2880 minutes. The default vale is 120 minutes. > Default Gateway -(Optonal) Suggest to input the IP address ofthe LAN port the Rute, faut vale is > Default Domain - (Optional) Input the domain name of yur network, > Primary DNS - (Optional) Input the DNS IP addeess proved by your ISP. Or consul your ise. > Secondary ONS + (Optonal) Input the IP adsress of another ONS server if your ISP” provides two DNS servers. & note Tose the DHCP serve unction af he Router, you must conigure all computers on the LAN as “Obtain an IP Across automaticaly 477.2. DHCP Clients List Choose menu ‘DHCP--DHCP Clients List’, and then you can view the infomation about the cents attached tothe Roworin the next screen (shown in Fire 426), i Figue 425. DHCP clon Lis > 1D Theindox ofthe DHCP Chet > Clant Name = The name ofthe ONCP chent > MAC Address - The MAC addrss ofthe OHCP clit. > Assigned IP The IP adress that te Router has albcated tothe DHCP clint > Lease Time -The bine ofthe OHCP elt eased, Ar the dynamic IP addoss has oxpies, ‘new dynam IP adares wll be automatially assigned tthe user. Yu cannot change any ofthe values on tis page. To update this page and to show the curent attached devices, click he Refresh button Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae 4.73. Address Reservation choose menu “DHCP--Address Reservation’, and then you can view and ada a reserved across for clants via the next sereen (chown in igure 4-27. When you specify reserved IP asdross fora PC on te LAN, that PC wl always rcolve the sam P address each tire when it accesses tho DHCP serv, Rosorved IP arasses should be assigned to tw sorvers that require permanent P setings. aa) Cea Ca CoRR gue 427 Adeross Reservation » MAC Address ~The MAC addoss ofthe PC or which you want a reserve IP addess > Reserved IP Address - The IP across ofthe Rover reserved > Status - The status of his entry, ether Enabled or Disa 1. Clik the Ade New... uton. Popup Figure #28) 2. Enter the MAG address (i XXXXKAOXX XX formal) and IP adress ofthe computer you wish oad in dotted decimal notation. 3, Click the Save button when fish, re Stats: Epsind © Fipwe428 Addo Modify an Adeross Reservation Eriry ‘To mosify or delete an existing entry 1. Chek the Madity in the enty you want to modi. H you want to delete tne entry, cek the Dela, 2. Mody the iformaton 3. Clckthe Save bust, Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee ek he Enable! Disable Allbuton to make all entes enabledesables Ck the Next buton to goto the next page and lek the Previous button to return to the pravious age, 4.8 Forwarding ari) Figure 4.29 Tho Forwarcing mem “There ar four submenus under the Forwarding menu (shown in Figure 4.29}: Viral Servers, Port Triggering, OMZ and UPnP. Clk any of them, and you willbe able Lo configure the comespondingfuncton 4.8.41 Virtual Servers (Choose menu ‘Forwarding~Virtul Servers’ and then you can vw anda vitual srvers in the next screen (shown in Figure 4-0). Vital servers canbe used for seting up public services fon Your LAN. A virtual server is detiod 25 @ servis port, and all oquests fom Inemet to this service pot willbe redirected othe computer specie by the server IP. Any PC thal was used fora vinual server must have asa or reserved Paddess because its IP address may change when using the DHCP funtion aie) Cama) Coma) Cos Figure 480 Vitual overs > Service Port - The numbers of Exemal Servce Ports, You can enter ie port or @ range of service ports (te formals XXX YYY; 200s the Sta port and YYY isthe End > Internal Port ~The Inlemal Service Pot number of the PC running the service application, ‘You ean leave i blank the Internal Port isthe same as the Service Port, or ent a psctic por number when Service Portis a single one. Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae > Address ~The P adress ofthe PC running the service application, > Protocol - The proloea used for he appt, either TEP, UDP, of All (al protocols supported byte Route) > Status ~The status ofthis entry, Enabled” means the vitual server enty is enabled > Modify. To modiy or delet an existing airy To setup a vital server entry: 1. Chek the Ade New..-butlon pop-up Figure 43), 2. Selec the senice you want o use from the Common Service Pert Ist. If he Common Service Port mens doos not isthe service hat you want to use, ener the rumber ofthe sore prt or sow port range inthe Service Pert fold 3. Enar the 1 addrass ofthe computer tuning the serves application in the IP Address fel 4. Select tn protocol used for hs applicaton inthe Protocol crop-down Is, ether TCP, UDP orl 5. Selec the Enabled option in the Status erop-down st. Chk the Save button, SS Figue 431 Add or Maat a Vewal Sever Entry F Note: lis possible that you have a computer server that has more than one ype of avaiable sence Ifs0, sleet another service, and ype the same IP adress for at computer of server, ‘To modify oF dlate an existing entry 1. Find the desicedenty in the abe 2. Click Modify or Dette as desires onthe Medity column (ck the Enable! Disable All buton to make al estes enabled ead. Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee Ce the Next buton to go tothe next page and click the Previous buon to return tothe previous page, © note 1 you 80 he servic pot ofthe vital server as 8, you must sa the Wo management pot o Security -> Remote Management page to be any othor value except 80 such as 8080. (thers tere willbe a conf to lable he vidual server 4.82 Port Triggering Choose menu "Forwatding--Port Tilggering’ you can vew and add pot tiggerng inthe next serean (shown in Figue 432), Some appleatons requre mule connections, Ike Itemet ‘ames, video conferencing, Intemet telephoning and so on. Port Tigering is used for some of these apptiations that canrol work wit a pure NAT Router i rig Pot tgp eto reaming como Ste Sy psa nonneA raoes uous Dae Foue 432 Por Tragering To add new rus follow the stops below. 4. Clekthe Add New... utlon, the next screen wil popup as shown in Figure 4-93, 2. Selecta common apptcation rom the Common Applications ciop-down lst then the “Triggee Port fold and the Incoming Ports eld wil be automaticaly lod. the Common Applications do not havo tho applcaton you rsd, onor the Trigger Port and tho Incoming Ports manually 8. Select the protocol used fr Trigger Port tom the Tigger Protocol drop-down Is, other cP, UDP, o Al. 4 Sotect the protec! uted for Incoming Potts tom the Incoming Protece! diop-down lt ‘ther TP oe UDP, or All 6. Clckthe Save buon to save the naw ul Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae ERs Woe Pe Wwe atet Aw) omighrsurot AL] ‘sane Ekle Coxmon toicstine: —Sieionme 9 Figue 433 Ads or Moaty Tiggeing Entry > lager Port- The port fr autging afc. An outgoing connection using thie por wil ager Trigger Protocol - The protec used for Tiger Ports, ether TEP, UDP, or Al (a protocols supparted bythe Router). > Incoming Port - The port or par range used by the remote sytem when responds tothe outgoing rquest. A response using one of thos ports wl be forwarded tothe PC which tggeed sul. You can input at mast 5 groups of pots (or pot sections). very group of ors must 86 separated win *7, for example, 2000-2088, 2086, 2050-2051, 2085, 3010-2020, > Incoming Protocal - The protecl used fr Incoming Port, ether TCP, UDP, or ALL (all protocols supported by tre Router. > Status -The satus of his ony Enables moans the Por Triggering enty is enables ‘To modify oF dlate an existing entry 1. Find the desied enty nthe able 2. Clck Modify or Dette as desire onthe Modify cok Clicktne Enable Al but to make allenies enables Click he Disab Allbuiton fo make all entos sable ‘once the Router Is configured, the operation Is as follows: 1. Aloeal host makes an outgoing connection to an extemal host using @ destnation por umber defied inthe Tigger Prt fl Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee ‘ety in the Port Triggering abe, and associates them with the eal Nos When necessary, the extemal host willbe able to connect tothe lcal oe using one of the ports dein nth Incoming Ports fl © note 4. When the tigger connection is released, the corresponding opened ports wl be closed 2. Eachrule can only be used by one host onthe LAN at aime. The tigger connection of ther hosts onthe LAN willbe refused, 3. Incoming Ports ranges cannet overlap each ater 433, DMZ (Choose manu "Forwarding--DMZ", and thon you cn view and conigure DMZ hostin he sereon (shown in Figure 494). The DMZ host feature allows one local host tobe expaked tothe Internet fora specs purpose service such as Internet gaming or vdeoconterenclng. The Reuter forwatds Packets of all services to the DMZ host Any PC whose pots beng forwarded must haves DHCP cent function deabed and should have a new stat IP Adress assigned to because As IP Across may be changed when using the DHCP function, ‘curemouz Sus: —_@ Enable © Disb OieHoeP Ades: |390:1680.100 Cosme) Foueaae omz To assign a computer or server tobe a DMZ server: 4. Chek he Enable bution 2. Enter the IP address ofa local PC that fe seo ba DMZ host ithe DMZ Host IP Address. fo 3. Chek the Save button, 484 UPnP (Choose menu “Forwarding--UPnP", and than you can view the information about UPAP lathe sereen (shown ln igre 4-35). Tho Universal Plug and Play (UPHP) feture allows the devas, such as Itemet computers, fo access the localhost resources devices as needed. UPnP «ovis canbe automaticaly dscoverd bythe UPnP serves application on the LAN Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae Current UPnP Setings it Fue 435 UPnP Soting > Current UPnP Status - UPnP canbe enabled or abled by clicking the Enable or Disable bouton, Tis feat enabled by cefat, > Current UPnP Settings List - This abl splays he current UPA? information, + App Description - Ths description about the applcation which intites tho UPnP request. + External Port- The por which the Router opened forthe apelin, + Protocol - The ype of proto! whichis opened + ternal Port The port which the Router opened or oct hos + IP Address -The IP assross of tho local host which itiates the UPnP requos + Status - Eiior Enablod or Disabled. “Enabled” moans thatthe pot is stil active: Click the Enable button o enable UPnP. Click he Refresh button to update the Curent UPnP Seng Ls Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee 49° Security ey eter Se “There ar four SubyPenus under tw Seculy menu as shown in Figuo 438: Basic Security ‘Advanced Security, Local Management and Remate Management. lick any of then, and yo ibe able fo configure the coresponding function. 49.1 Basie Security choose manu ‘Security ~ 8 the scroon as shown in Figure 437 Security’, ane then you can configure the base secur in > Flrewall- A frewalprotets your network rom the ousde worl, Hare you can enabler sable the Rote’ firewall, + sPiFy wall- SP (Stat Packet nspecion, leo known as dynamic packet ering) ops to proven cybor attacks by tacking more stat per session vada thatthe traf passing through he session conforms to the protocol SP Frowall is enabled by factory detaut you want al the computers onthe LAN exposed tthe outside word you can disable. Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae > VPN - VPN Passthrough must be enabled if you want to alow VPN tunnels using VPN protocos to passthrough the Reuter + PPTP Passthrough - Pointto-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) allows the Pintt-Point Protocol (PPP) tobe tunneled tough an IP network, To allow PPTP ‘uonels to pa58 through he Router, clk Enable + LTP Passthrough - Layer Two Tunneling Protecl (L2TP) isthe method used to ‘onable Poin-te-Point sessions via the Interne onthe Layer Two lve. To allow L2TP tunnels o ass through the Router, ck Enabh + IPSec Passthrough -iniemet Protocol seculy (PSee) is sute of protoeas for ensuring pevate, secure communication over Internet Protocol (P) network, through the use of eypiographic sacuty sarees. To allow IPSec tunnels to pass through the Router, click Enable, > ALG - Its recommended to enable Appleation Layer Gateway (ALG) because ALG allows customized Network Adéress Transaton (NAT) traversal fiers lo be plugged into the gateway lo support adéess and por Landation for certain application layer “onto” protocols such as FTP, TETP, 325 ee. + FIP ALG. To alow FTP cons and servers transfer dala across NAT, clk Ena Enable + H323 ALG - To allow Mteroso NetMootng cons to communicate across NAT. cick Enable + RTSP ALG- To allow some mdi player lions to communicate wih some steaming (ck the Save button to save your stings. 49.2 Advanced Security (choose manu “Security > Advanced Security’, and than you an protect the Ruler trom being atackad by TCP-SYN Flood, UDP Flood and ICMP-Flood nthe seen as shown a Figure Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee estratcine Cite Ole ew noconacate renege [pa ea ea eee Figure 438 Advanced Secuty Packets Statist Interval (5-80) - The dau value is 10. Selecta value batween 5 and 60 soconds rm tho drop-down Fst, Tho Packets States Interval valu inscates the tine section of the packets stasis. The esl othe salts used for ana by SYN Flog, oS Protection - Deral of Service proaction. Check the Enable or Disable butlon to ‘enable or dsable the DoS protection function. Only when ts enabled, wlth fo ers be enabled F Note Des Protection wil tke fect only when the Talle Statistics in “System Tool + ‘Statistics ie enabled Enable ICMP-LOOD Attack Filtering - Enable or Disable the ICMP-FLOOD Attack Fitri, ToMP-FLOOD Packets Threshold (5-3600) - The defaut vale Is $0. Enter a value between 5 ~ 2600, When the curentICMP-FLOOD Packets numbers beyond these val, ‘ho Route wil startp the blocking function immediatly. Enable UDP-FLOOD Filtering -Enable or D'sable the UDP-FLOOD Fitarng. Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae > UDP-FLOOD Packets Threshold (5-3600) - The default value 1 500. Enter a vale between 5 = 3600. When he curTent UPO-FLOOD Packels number ks beyond these value, ‘he Router wil sarup he blocking function immediately > Enable TCP-SYN-FLOOD Attack Filtering + Enable or Daable the TCP-SYN-LOOD Atak Fiterig, > TEP-SYN-LOOD Packets Threshold (5-3600) - The default value Is 50. Ente 9 valve between 5 ~ 3600, Whan the curent TCP-SYN-FLOOD Packets numbers Is beyond the vals, the Router wllstartipthe blocking function immediatly > Ignore Ping Packet From WAN Port - Enable or Disable kore Ping Packet From WAN, Pr. The default soting is disabled. f enabled, the ping packet from the Infemet cannc acc908 the Router, > Forbid Ping Packet From LAN Port - Enable or Disable Ford Ping Packat From LAN Pat. ‘The default sotng ie disabled. If enabled, the ing packet trom LAN cannot access the Router, This unetin canbe Used to dofend agaist some vse. Click tne Save buton to save the stings. Clk he Blocked DoS Host List buon to dlsplay the DoS host table by Blocking, 49.3. Local Management (Choose menu "Securlty ~ Local Management’, and then you can configure the management rule in the streen as shown in Figure 429, The management feature allows you to deny computer in LAN from accossng the Rover. © mma © cone st Fgure 499 Local Management By detaut the rasio button “Al the PCS on tho LAN are allowed to access the Router's Web-Based Utility is checkes you want lo allow PCs with specie MAC Addresses lo access Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee baton “Only the PCs listed can browse the builtin web pages to tasks, and then enter each MAC Adaress ina separate felt. The format forthe MAC Aderess Is ROO HKIOCIKAX (Kis any hexadecimal gi) Only the PCS wih MAC ad uso the password fo browse the bulln web pagos to porfrm Administrator task while all the thors wil be blocked, 8 Fated can ‘Altr clic tho Add button, your PC's MAC Al 355 willbe placed inthe Ist above. Ck he Save button o save your stings. F note: Ir your PC i blocked but you want o access the Router again, use a pinto press and hos the Reset Button hol) on the back panel fr about S seconds to ese the Rout’ factory defaults ‘on the Routers Wob-Sased Ut, 49.4 Remote Management Choose monu “Security + Remate Management. and then you can configure the Remate Management funclon inthe seen a5 shown n Figure 4-40. Ths feature allows you to manage your Reuter frm a rem location via the Inte Cs) Figure 4-40 Remota Management > Web Managomont Port = Wob browser access normally uses the standard HTTP savice ott 80. Ths Roulers defaut remote management web por number is 80. For greater secutiy you can chang the rte management web porto custom port by entering that rumor inthe box provided. Choose a number between 1 and 65534 but do nol use the ‘number of any common seve po. > Remote Management IP Address This the curent ars you wil use when accessing your Router fom the Intemat. This funtion Is esabled whon the IP adress is set to the Gefaut valu of 0.0.00. To enable tis function change to aval IP adress. I set to, then all the hosts can access the Routes rom inte. 1. To access the Rover, you should type your Rout's WAN IP adress into your browsers adress (in IE) or Location (Navigator) box, followed by a colon and the custom port umber. For example, f your Routers WAN addross is 202.98.128, and the port number Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae forte Routes password. Aor succasstuly entaing the username and password, you wil be able to aceses the Routers web-based uty. 2. Be sure to change the Routers deft password oa very secure password 410 Parental Control (Choose menu "Parental Contre”, an than you can configu the parental conto in he seen 8s shown in Figure 4-41. The Parenlal Control function can be used to cont the infomet activi f the Ci, ii the eh o cess cortain websites and reste te of sing Puantcomet © onze ene Figure Parental Contol Stings > Parental Control = Check Enable if you want tis function to ake affect otherwise, creck Disable > MAC Address of Parental PC In hs, ener the MAC address ofthe controling PC, or you can make use of he Copy Te Above bition below. > MAC Address of Your PC - This field daplays the MAC adress ofthe PC tat s managing thes Router. Ifthe MAC Adoss of your adapter is rgistaed, you can cick the Copy To [Above button lil his acess tothe MAC Address of Parental PC eld above, 14a new onty, plate follow the stops below. 1. Clik he Add New... buon and he next sereen wll Pop-up as shown in Figure 4-42. Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee este sie z Figure 442 Add or Mot Parental Cntl Enty 2. Enter the MAC address af the PC (e.g 0-11-22-32-44-AA) you'd Ike to contin the MAG [Address of Child PC fol, or you can choose the MAC aderess rom tne AlI MAC Address, in Current LAN drop-down lt 3. Gives description (19, low Google) fort Desecripton fl, 1 wobste allowed tobe accessed inthe W te 4, Enlar the allowed domain name of the website, either the fall name oF the keywords (eg. 00aHe) in the Allowed Domain Name fla. Any domain name with keywords ini (om. gooale com, www dooce wl be allowed. 5. Select fom the Efectve Tme drop-down lst the schedule (2.9. Schedule_1) you want. ‘hare are not sutable schedules for you cick the Schedule In red below to go to the ‘Advance Schedule Setings page and rato the schedule you ness 6. nthe Status fold, you can select "Enable or “Deablad to enable or sable your ety 7. eke Save bution Ck the Enable Allbutt o enable athe rules inthe. Ck he Delte All button to Galt all te ani inthe table Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae Click tr Next butlon to go fo the next page, o lick the Previous button to return tothe previous age, For example: you desire thatthe chit PC with MAC address 0-11-22-28.44.8A can azcess ns on Saturday only whl the parent PC wih MAC adress 00-1-22-99-44.8 ig witout ary restieton, you shoul alow the settings blow. 1. Chk "Parental Control menu on th eto ents th Parental Conta Settngs page. Check Enable and enter the MAC adress 00-11.22.33-44.98 in the MAC Adress of Parenal PC 2, Clek “Access Control» Sehedul on the lf to enter the Schedule Setings page, Clk [Add Neve... bon fo create anew schedule wih Schedule Description is Scnedule_1, Day ia Sat and Time i al ay-24 nour, 3. Click "Parental Controt menu on the lat 0 go back othe Ads ar Maly Parental Cont! Eniry page: 1) Chek Add Now button, 2), Emr 00-11-22-39-44-AA inthe MAC Address of Child PC fl 3) Enter Allow Google nthe Website Deserption ld 4) Emer’ inthe Allowed Domain Name it 5). Select Schodul 5) Status fel, select Enable you create ust now from the Effective Time drop-doum it. 4. Click Save to complete the sotings hen you wl go back to the Parental Contre! Settings pa shown in gure 4-43, and see the folowing Hs, 28 ree cron ca, Figure 443, Parorial ContolSetngs| 4.41 Access Control Figure <4 Access Control Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee “There are four submenus under te Access Control menu as shown in Figure 4-44: Rule, Host Target and Schedule. Clk any of them, and you wil be able Lo configure the coresponding function. 4444 Rule (Choose menu “Access Control + Rule’, nd hen you can ew and set Access Contain the aceon as shown in Figure 4-5, seme acoec a | sac) a Figure 445 Access Conl Rule Management Cont function, #0 the Default Fiter Poy can take eect Rule Name - Hore splays the name of tre rule an this name is uniue. > Host Here displays the hos selected in the contesponding rl. > Tag Here dplays the target selected inthe corresponding ie. > Sehedul Here copays the schedule selected inthe corresponding le. > Enable - Here dapays the status of the rule, enabled or not. Check this option to enable @ spect ent, > Mosity Here you can eat or an existing rue, > Setup Wizard» Cick tho Setup Wizard buon to creat anew rule ony. Add News. =Clex the Add Now. bition to adel 8 now rule ent. Enable All-Clck the Enable Allbutton to enable all te ues nthe it > Disable All-Clok ne Dis Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae Delete All - Click he Ds Allbutt to delete al the env inthe tale Move - You can chango the ont’ order as deskod. Enter inthe fst box the ID numbor of the enty you want to move and in the second box ancher ID number, and then cick the Move butlon to change the ones order. "Next - Click to Next butlon fo go fo tho next page Previous -Cick ne Previous button a retum tothe previous page. ‘There are two methods to add 9 new rule. Method One: Cex Setup Wizard burton and the next scran wll appear as shown in Figure 4-46 > Host Description Inthis ola reato nia descr forthe host (2.9, Hott) > Mode Here are wo optons, IP Address and MAG Address. You can selec ther of them from the dropdown fs I the IP Addross is slocted, you can soe the owing tom: > LANIIP Address - Enter the IP adcress or address range of the host in dated-decimal format (og. 192.168.0251, line MAC Address i selected, you can see the fllowing kam: > MAC Address - Enter the MAC ares of the Mos in XXX XIX IK format (0. 00-11-22.9-44-AA), Cock Next wren ishing creating the host ety, andthe naxt screen will appear as shown in Figura 4.47, Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee Quick Setup -Create an Access TargetEnty Mode: [PAdsese Taret Deter TrostPor: Poet All w Te Figue 447 Quick Sotop- Crate an Accoss Target rity > Mode - Hore are wo options, P Address and Domain Nam. You can choose etter of ‘thom from the drop-down it > Target Description - In ti felt, craste description for the target. Note that this escrption should be unique (9. Target, > IP Address - Enior the IP addross (or adress rango) of the target targets) in tad decimal format (e.. > Target Port -Specity the port or port range for the target. For some common service port, you can make use a the Common Service Port tem blow. > Protocol -ore are four options, Al, TOP, UDP, an ICMP. Salct one of them fom the ‘rop-down it or the target > Common Service Port - Hore lists some conmon sevice ports. Select one fom the top-down Istana the coresponding ort number wit be filed in the Target Port ls ‘atomatialy, For example you select “FTP*, "21° wil be flld inthe Target Pot automaticaly, the Domain Name ssolocte, you wil 0 the following ito: > Domain Name - Hare you can enter 4 domain names, ether tho fll name oF the keywords (or example, google) Any domain ramo wits Keywords init wa., wi google) willbe blocked or alowed 3. Click Next when tnshing creating ne access target entry, and the next screen wil appear as shown in Fgure 4-48, Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae Ome © Bree, © Sonaone Tine ags-2nass Figue 4.48 Quick Setup - Crete an Advancod Schedule Enty > Schedule Description - Inti fl, create a description forthe schedule. Not that this oscrton shouldbe unique (eg. Schedulb_1) > Day -Choose Select Days and select the cara day (days). or choose Evanday. > Time - Select 24 hows, or specy the Start Time and Stop Tine yours, > Start Time -Entorthe stat time In HHMI format (HHIM ore 4 numbers). For example 800 is a0. > Stop Tima Ent the sop time in HIM formal (HHMM are 4 numbers). For example 2000 6 20:00, 4. Clk Next when frishing crating the advanced schedule entry, and the nex screen wil 9p 98 shown in gure 49, CIE Wow: Fost Tart: Tago 9 Senet: Scheie 1 ¥) sane [Enabad Figure 4-49 Quick Sotup ~ Crate an Intmet Access Conrl Enty Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee > Rule Nam nigue (8 Rle_1) In his et, erate 2 name forthe rule, Note that hi name should be > Host Inthis fee, select host rom the drop-down lst for th rl. The deal valuo is ‘he Host Description you so just now: > Target nts led, solct a target rom tho érop-down Is for he rule. The default value & the Target Description you sot just now. > Schedule - In this eli, select a schedule rom the dropdown fit forthe rule The olaut vale ig the Schedule Description you ot just now. > Status - nts ld, there are two options, Enable or Disable, Select Enable so thal he ral wl tke fect. Select Disable so that the rule wort ake offers, 5. Clk Finish to complete axing now re Mathod Two: 1. Cloke Add New... buton and he next sera wil op up a8 shown in Figure 4-50 lve name (2g. Rule_1) forthe ul nthe Rue Name ld Select host rom the Host drop-down Ist of choose “liek Here To Add New Host List’ 4 Select a target om the Target dop-sown Ist or choose “Click Here To Add New Target Schedule’ ule drop-down Ist ox choose “Click Hare To Add Now led o enable or sabe your entry 7. Glckthe Save but, ‘Add Internet Access Control Entry Teroet [Any Faget] Shahid a Tas i soi: [Angora ¥) Slice sas (see) (pack) Figure £50 Aad inemet Access Conrl Ey For example: Ifyou dese to alow the host wih MAC address 00-11-22.9-44-AA to access evn only am 16:00 ta 20.00 on Salus an Sunday, and orbs eter host inthe LAN to cess tho inom, you should follow the stings bol: Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae Cex the submony Rule of Access Contolin the le to return to te Rule List page. Salct [Enable Internet Access Contrl and choose ‘Alow tha packets specified by any enabled ‘access contol pole o pass through the Router 2. Weo,ecommend thet you ck Setup Wizard btn to fish athe folowing settings. 3. Click ne submenu Host of Access Control inthe eo enter the Host List page. Ade anew lent withthe Host Description is Host ana MAC Adress is O0-11-22.82-44-AA, 4. Click he submenu Target of Access Contra inthe lo enter he Target Lis page. Add @ new enty wih he Target Description is Targt_1 ang Domain Namie is 5. Clk ne submenu Schedule of Access Control nthe let to enter the Schedule List page [Ada 8 now antry wits the Schedule Oeserpion is Schedule_1, Day is Sat and Sun, Star Tine is 800 and Stop Time ¢ 2000 6, Clk the submenu Rule of Access Control inthe lt Click Add New. blton to ads a new ‘+ In Rule Name fils, create a name fr fxample Rule rule, Not that tis name should be unaue, for + In Host fel, sleet Hoot 1. + In Target el, select Target + In Sched field, select Schedule 4 + ln Stats fl, soloct Enable, ‘Then you wl go back tothe Access Contol Rule Management page and see the flowing lit + ait sat a sta 2 cis 4.11.2 Host Cchoose menu “Access Control ~ Host’ and then you can view and set a Host list in the screen as shown in Figure 4-51. The hott necossary forthe Access Control Rue Fue 51 Host Setings > Host Description -Hero displays the description ofthe host an this descriptions unius, > Information - Here displays the information about the host. Itcan be IP or MAC. Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee > Modify -To madly o delete an existing entry To add a now entry, please folow the steps below. 1. Click the Add New... bitlon 2, Inthe Mode fl, select P Aderess or MAC Address, © Ifyou sleet Adress, the screen shown is Figure 452, 41) InHost Description fos, create a unique descripton forthe host (2.9. Host 2) In LAN IP Address fol, enter he IP adress. Ifyou sleet MAC Address, ne sereen shown is Figure 4-5, 1) InHost Deseription fos, coat a unique deseripton fr the hot (6.9 Host 2) InMAC Adds fl, enter the MAC adress. Click he Save button o compl Ck the Delete Al button to delet al te ens inthe table. the stings. Ck he Next buton to ge lo the nex! page, o cick the Previous button to return tothe previous age, Ca Cee) Figue 4-52. Addor Meaty «Host Enty (see Cae Figure 459. -Addor Moy a Host Envy sxample: If you dosive to reset the inlet acvtias of host with MAG address 22.33-48-AA, you Should frst fotow the settings blow: 1 Click Ad Now. blo in Figure 4.51 loaner the Add or Moy a Host ty age 2. In Mode fl, select MAC Adress rom the drop-down His, 3. In Host Description ld creat a unique description fr to host (e.g. Host_1, Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae -OIALAA, 4. In MAG Address fol, enter 00 5. Clck Save io complete he sotigs. ‘Thon you wl go back to tho Host Settings page and se the following Is. 0 Host Deseret Terai wot 1 ost uo 004 122-448 tate 4.1.3 Target (Choose menu ‘Access Control ~ Target’ and then you can wow and seta Target Ist nthe screen as shown in Figure 45¢. The target Ist is necessary forthe Access Control Rule. fo twosome os a Figure 56 Target Sotinge > Target Description - Hare splays the desenpion about he target and ths desertion is > Information - Tho target can be IP adress, por, or domain rams, > Modify To moaty or delete an exiting ent. To add a now entry, please follow the stops below. 1. Chek the Add New... buon, 2. InMode als, select IP Address or Domain Name. 2. you select I Address, the sroen shown s Figure 4-55 Tost Figure ©55 Aad or Moaiy an Access Target Ey Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee 1) In Target Description fel, croato a unique deserpion for he target (es. Target 4 2) Address Flt, enor tho IP addass of he tego 3) Select @ common serve from Common Service Pert crop-down Is, so thatthe “Target Port willbe automaticaly file. the Common Service Port op-doun Ist doesn't have the service you want, spect the Target Pert manual. 4) in Protocal fil, select TCP, UDP, ICMP or ALL rm the top-down Hs 4, you selct Domain Name, the sroen shown is Figure 458, Figure 486 Add or Mody an Access Target ent 1) tm Target Description fel, create a unique deserpton for he target (es. Target 2) in Bomaln Name fet, enter he domain name, ether the fullname or te keywords (for example, google) in tho blank Any domain namo wih keyworss in it (wan, wwe.googleen) wll be Blockad or alowed, You can enter 4 5. Click he Save button. Ck he Delete All button to delet al te ents inthe table (lek the Next buon to go tothe next page, clk the Pr page fous buton to return tothe provious For example: If you dosvo to restict tho intomot activi of host with MAC addoss 00.11-22.33.48AA in the LAN to access only, you should fist fallow the stings below: 1. Glick Add New. buton in Figure 4-54 t enter the Add or Maly an Accoss Target Enty page In Mode fils, solect Domain Name rom the dop-down ls In Target Description fel, create a unique description forthe target (2.9, Tage). 'n Domain Name Feld enter wor. google com. lick Save to complete the setings Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae ‘Thon you mil go back tothe Target Setings page and soe the following Est Jo toro ecn ‘woman wear fy rene seoaazalocom arb 4.114 Schedule (Choose menu “Access Control > Sched ‘he next sereen as show In Figute 457. The Schedule It fs necessary forthe Access Cont ‘and then you can view and sot a Senedue Ha in 1 0 fa one0 2400 ata > Schedule Description - Here displays the description of the schedule and this description I unique. > Day Here cisplays ne day(s) ina week > Time - Haro splays the tie pei ina ay. > Modify: Here you can el or delete an existing sched ‘To add a now schedule, follow the stops below: 1. Clk Add Now.. button shown in Figure 4-57 and the next screen will pop-up as shown in Figue 4-58 2. In Schedule Description fel, cesta a unique desorption for the schedule (es. Sched‘). 8. InDay fed, selnct ne day or cays you nee. 4, In Time fet, you can select al day-26 hous or you may enter the Stat Time and Stop Time In the conesponding feta 5. Clee Save to complet the satings. (ek ne Delete Al bitonodelte athe entries in te table (Gck tne Next buon to got the nxt page, o lek the Previous blton to rear othe previous page, Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae 4.12.1 Static Routing List Cchoose menu “Advanced Routing ~ Statle Routing List’. and then you ean configure the iene Ra stato out nth next green (chown in Figure 60), A stat rout is a pre-determined path that network information must ravelto rach a specie ator network. atom Dm @ Ermey O sean wo ano 1D DewUnatonMetwuik —Sabnot Mask DetounGatewsy Ste Mody ope ‘ue esse) Oo a Figue #80 Sie Roving Foure 458 Advances Schedule Stings To add state routing entries: For example: If you desire to resict the intemet actives of host with MAC address 1 Chek Add Now. sown niga 00, you wt ml 00-11-22-33-44-AA to access only Kom 18:00 to 20:00 on Saturday and Sunday, you should est fotlow the satin bot: iy a Static Route Entry 1) Glick Add Now.,butlon shown in Faure 4.57 to ener the Advanced Schedule Setings “ —— suas: [Ents 2) In Schedule Description fol, coals a unique description for tho schedule (0.9. Schedule 4). 3) ImDay ald chock tho Soloct Days aso bution and than soloct Sat and Sun 4) InTime fe, ter 1800 in Str Time ele an 2000 n Stop Time fal (ae ae 5) lek Save to complate the setings “Then you wllgo back to the Schedule Setings page and see the folowing Hs Fue 451 Add orMadty @ Sate Route Evy fe semascnencm a oe 2. Entortho following data: sees seen ae > Destination Network The Destination Notwork isthe acess ofthe network or hos that 4.42 Advanced Routing you want o asign toa late rute. > Subnet Mask - The Subnet Mask determines which parton of an IP Address Js the network portion. ard which prton she host portion. > Default Gateway - This isthe IP Ades ofthe gateway devi tat lls for contact Figure 459. Advanced Rong between the Router and the network or nos “There are two submenus under the Advanced Routing menu as shown in Figure 4-59: Statle 3. Select Enabled or Disabled for his enty onthe Status erop-down ist Routing List and System Routing Table. ck any of thom, and you willbe able to configure the 4, Click the Save ston make the entry take eet comtasponding function ‘Other configurations forthe entries: Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee (lek the Delete button to det the entry Cok he Enable Al button to enable all tne enti, Ck he Disable Al button to csable all he aires. Ck he Delete All button to delete al he ents. Ck he Previous button to vlew the information in the previous sereon, elk the Next buttan to vow the information in the next eee, 4.122 Systom Routing Table Choose menu “Advanced Routing -» System Routing Table, and then you can view the ‘System Routing Table inthe nest screen (shown n Figure 482), System retng table vows all of the val route ens n uso, The Destination I adress, Svbnat Mask, Gatoway, and Interface Figure 42. Sysiom Routing Tobe > Destination Network - The Destination Nebvork isthe address ofthe network of host to whch estate out ls asigned > Subnet Mask - The Subnet Mask determines which potion ofan IP address isthe network potion, and which orion i the host porn. > Gateway This she IP accross of te gateway device hal allows for contact butwoen the > Interface - This inetace tls you eter the Destination IP Address ison the LAN & WLAN (intemal weed and wireless networks), orn the WAN (Iteme!) 4.13. Bandwidth Control Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae ‘Thor ar two submenus under the Bandwih Contol menu as shown in Figure 4.63: Control Settings and Rules Lit. Ciek ay of them, and you wil be abi to congue the corresponding ‘uncon. The detaled explanations for each submenu are provides below, 4.13.4 Control Settings choo yess Bardwith and Ingress Bandwidth inthe next screen. Tei values you configure shoul be less than 100000Kbps. For optimal conta ofthe bandwith, please select the right Line Type ‘ad ask your ISP fr the ola banda ofthe egress ana ingress, manu "Bandwidth Control ~ Control Settings’, and then you can confgure the Tate ok ED ee hnpesctae ch ‘a > Enable Bandwidth Control - Check ths box 3 ha he Bandwidth Conta setings can take fect. > Line Type Solect he ight ype for you network conmecton yu dont know how to choose, lease ask your ISP fr the information, > Egress Bandwidth - The uolad speed through AN port > ingress Bandwidth The downlad speed through the WAN port 413.2 Rules List (choose menu “Bandwidth Control ~ Rules List’, and than you can view and configura the ‘andsth Conall in the screen below. | evenicnsnaassemer = mh fo iu Figure £65 Bandwidth Conval Rue Ua > Description -This's the infomaton about the rules such as adress rage, Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee > Egress bandwidth «This fod slays the max ané mi upload bandwidth trough te WAN pot, the defaut is 0 > Ingress bandwidth - Tis fold ciepliys the max and mix download bandwidth trough the WAN por, the defatis0. > Enable - This copays the status of the le. Modify -Cck Modify toed he te. ick Delete o delete the re To addimodity « Bandwidth Control rule, follow the stape below. 41. Click Ad New. shown in Figure 45, you wl see @ new screen shown n Figure 4-86, 2, Enter the formation tke the screen shown Belo En ene: [OT —_]- aOR] fovsouovon Fd) oT Figure 48 Bandwidh Coral Rue Sings 8. Clk the Save buon, 4.14 IP & MAC Binding Setting Figure 467 the IP & MAC Binding manu “There are two submenus under the IP BMAC Binding menu (shown in Fgure 457): Binding Settings and ARP List. Cick any of them, and you wil be able to scan or configure the corresponding funcion. The detled explanations for each submenu are provided below. 4144 Binding Settings ‘This page aspays the IP & MAC Binding Setting tbl; you can operate tin accord wth your desire shown in Figure 4-6) Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae none © Deve O Ente Ems) mac asa ‘ade Bind aay 1 foeanctines ——wemtan goannas |(aactien—) Cenane ar) Cosanear) (amear) (ens) Figur 08 Binding Seting > MAC Address -The MAC access ofthe conta computer the LAN. > IP Address - The assigned IP addres of the contoled computer inthe LAN. Bind - Check this option to enable ARP binding fora specie device, Modity -To mod o delete an existing erty. ‘When you want toad or mol an P & MAC Binding enty, you can ck the Add New... buon oF Modify button, and then you wil go tothe next page. Ths page Is used for adang or ‘modtyng an IP & MAC Binang entry (shown In Fgure 459), Eero Bint) acraros Sd wade Figure 4.09. IP & MAC Binding Seting (Ads & Mosty) To add IP & MAC Binding ents, folow the stops below. 1. Clk the Add New... button as shown in Figure 4-8, 2, Selec the Bind checkbox ‘To modify or delete an existing entry follow the steps below. 1. Find he desired enty nthe abe 2, Click Mody or Da Tofind ano 35 desired onthe Mody colin. lng entry, follow the stops below. Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee 4. Click the Find button as shown in Figure 4-88 2, Enforthe MAC Adéres or IP Address, 5. Click he Find button nthe page as shown in Figure 4-7, [| Figure 4-70 Find MAC Bing Entry Ck the Enable Allbutt to make all entes enables Chek the Delete All ution to delet al ene. 4.142 ARP List “To manage the computer, you could observe the computers in the LAN by checking the Telaonship of MAC adress and IP aderess onthe ARP lt, and you could also configure the items onthe ARP lt Ths page daplays te ARP List shows athe exating IP & MAC Binding nites (shown in Figure 4-71), 10 WACAdsese IPA Sis Cone + marascesees — tnseeason ead Lone Fue 67) ARPLst 4. MAC Addr “The MAC adress of he controlled computer nthe LAN 2. IP Address -Tho assigned IP adcross of ho cartlls computer nthe LAN 3. Status «Indeates whether or nt the MAC and IP addosses are Bound 4. Configure - Load or delete an tem > Load - Load the tm othe IP & MAC Binding It > Delete - Dee the ta, Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae Click the Bind All button obi al he current toms, availabe ater enable, (ek ne Load AI bution to load al Res to the IP & MAC Bing Ut. Click tne Re h button ortresh al ems ‘A tom could not be loaded tothe IP & MAC Binsing lit the IP addrss of he tom has boon loaded belore,Erot warring wil prompt as wal, kes, Load AI" ony loads the ems without Interterence tote IP & MAC Binding st. 4.15 Dynamic DNS (choose menu “Dynamic DNS", ana you can conigur te Dynamic DNS function, ‘The Router offers the BONS (Dynamic Domain Name System) este, whi allows th hosting of a webste, FTP server, ermal server with a fied domain name (named by yours) and 2 ‘éynamic IP adress, and then your tends can connect o your server by eng your domain name no mater wal your IP addess i. Before using hs feature, you need sign up for DONS service providers sch as wi.comexs.en, yw dyidos.o1g, oF yaww.n049.c, The Dynamic ONS client serie provider wl give you a password or ay. 4.15.4 Comexe.en DDNS I the dynamic ONS Service Provider you selec is wu.comexscn, the page will peer as shown in Figure 4-72. Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee 11 ete Figure 4.72 Comexo.en ODNS Sotings To sot up for DONS, follow these instructions: Name your dyramic ONS serie provisr gave. 2, Enlorthe Us 1 Name for your DONS account. {Enter the Password for your DONS account 4, Clckthe Login button ta agin the ODNS service, Connection Status Tho slats ofthe DONS service connection i splayed here Cex Logout to logout o © Note Iryou wantt lagn again wit anctharacoount stra sucsssfullgin, please clk tne Logout buon, then input your new userame and passwerd and cick ths Login button. 4.15.2 DONS It dynamic DNS Service Provider you s own in Figue 4-75, cts wm. dundns or, tha page will appear as Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae ‘sarteorowme: [Dyas [ome djndeon) W Sekuke Uwertine: —[vesane 1D tratecone Figure 73. OONS Setings To set up for DONS, folbw these instructions: 1. Entorthe User Name fer your DONS account. 2. Enter the Password for your DDNS account ‘3. Ener the Domain Name you received ftom dynamic ONS service prover 4. Click the Login button to login tthe DONS serves Connection Status -The status ofthe DDNS service connection is played hare. Click Logout to egout of the DONS service. © Note: you want agin again with another secount ser svccostu login, place click te Logout baton then input your new username and password and ck the Login button 4.15.3 DONS Irthe dynamic ONS Service Provider you select is wawnc-iocom, the page will appear as shown in Figure 4-74 Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee Sener (NeiP(wnreipeem) — ¥ cobieit 1 evan Ca Co Figure 474 DONS Setings To setup for DONS, folbw these instructions: 4. Enter the User Name for your DONS account 2 Enerthe sword for your DONS account. Enter the Domain Name you recived tom dynamic DNS sence provider. 44. lek he Login button o login othe DONS sevice, Connection Status - The status ofthe ODNS service connecton is displayed hare Cex Logout to logout tho DONS service. © Note Ir you wantto login agin wit another account aera succsstulogin, please cx he Logout buon, then input your new usemame and password and elek he Login button. 4.16 System Tools rs ey rr omit Figue 4.75. The System Tole mens 8 suweraonm.wereino Et choose menu "System Tools, and you can see the submenus under the main menu: Time Settings, Diagnostic, Firmware Upgrade, Factory Defaults, Backup & Restore, Reboot, Password, System Log and Statistes. Click any of them, and you wil be able to conigure the corasponcing functon. The detailed explanations for each submenu are provided below. 4416-1 Time Setting CChoose menu “System Tools~Time Setting’, anc then you can confgute the time on the folowing soon. fresua] emuecnsonsane ———] Figue 478. Tine stings > Time Zone - Select your local tme 2on8 tom this pl down ti > Date-Enteryourloca dato in MMDDIYY int tho right blanks. > Time - Ener your lal ime in HHMI into the ight lank. > NTP Server 11 NTP Server I «Enter the aséess or domain ofthe NTP Server | of NTP serv the Router builin some common NTP Servers, soi can get te automaticaly once connects the Inmet, I, and ten the Router wl get the me fom the NTP Server preterentally In adtion, > Enable Daylight Saving - Check the box o enable he Daylght Saving fancon. > Stat The ime to sa the Daylght Saving. Select he month inthe fs ld, the week in the second ld the day in tho third fil andthe tine in tho las fle Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee > End -The time to nd the Daylight Saving. Select the month in heft fe, the week inthe ‘second fs, the day nthe tid el’ ar the time inthe lst fl > Daylight Saving Status - splays the status whether the Daylight Saving sn use To sat ime manually ‘Seloct yourlocal bine zone Enler the Date In MontvOayrYear forma. Enter the Time in HourNinutetSecond format, lek Save. To sat ime automaticaly 41. Sete your local ime zone. 3. Click the Gat GMT button to gat system time from Intet you have connected to the Invert. To sot Daylight Saving 4 Check the box ta enable Daylight Saving. 2. Selecthe state rom the drop-down Ist inthe Start eld 3. Selectthe ena tims rom the drop-down Issn the End fel 4 Click the Save button o save the setings, enate banat same sure [ar @][2na 2 sun W200 fmt [aw | it | Sun tam © oy Sung Stakes dah soonoup Figure 6.77 Time sotigs F Note: 1. Ths soting wil be used for some time-based functions such ae firewall, You must speciy you time zone once you log to the router succesful, other, these furetons wl nat 2, The time wil be ost fhe ovr etme ot 3, The Routr wll automatcaly obtain GMT from the Inemat itis configures accosingly. 44 The Dayght Saving wllake effect one mine afer the configurations are completed, 4.16.2 Diagnostic Choose menu “System Tools -+ Diagnostic" and then you can transact Ping or Traceroute function to check connect of your networkin the folowing screen revere waren PS Diagnostic Parameters omonieToe om Diagnostic Resuts C= Figure 478. Dagnestc Tools > Diagnose To! - Cneck the aco button to select one agnostic to, > Ping This éagnostc too! voubleshootsconnectiviy, eachabity, and name resolution toa given nos or gatoway. > Traceroute - This dagnoste toa teats the performance of connection. F wot You can use pingacoroute to test both numeric IP address or domain name. If Pingingftracerouting the IP adres fs succesful, but pingingraceroutng the domain name isnot, you might have a name rsoluon proba. nth ease, ensure hat he domain name you ae speciing ean bo resolved by using Domain Name System (ONS) quotes. > IP Address/Domain Name - Enter the IP Adis or Domain Namo of the PC whose connection you wih oiagnos, > Ping Count - Specs the number of Ecno Request messages sent, The default i 4 > Ping Packet Size - Speci the number of data bytes tobe sent. The defaults 64 > Ping Timeout - Tine to wat for a osponse, in illsoconds. The detalis 800. > Traceroute Max TTL - Set the maximum numberof hops (max TTL to be reached) in the pat to soarch for tho target (destination). The dofault is 20, Cek Stato chack he conneciy ofthe Item Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee The Diagn tie Results page displays the result of diagnosis tthe rsuti simlar to he flowing screen, the connec ofthe Itomets ne Diagnostic Results| Bing Ea Bi aa Reni om 202108225: foe epiiom 202 18 225: oe opi 2021 opi 2021 Figure 478. Diagnose Results 1. Only one user can use he agnosie tots at one ime. 2. "Ping Coun, "Ping Packet Size" an “Ping Timeout" are Ping Parameters, and “Traceroute Max TTL is Traceroute Parameter. 4.16.3 Fiemware Upgrade Choose menu “System Tools ~ Firmware Upgrade’, and then you can update the latest version of fmware fe the Router onthe following sree me Figure 480 Femware Upgrade > Firmware Version -Depays the cure mare version > Hardware Version - Displays tho curent hardware version. Th hardware version ofthe ‘parade flo must accor wth the Routers erent hareware version, To upgrade the Routers frmwar 1. Download-a most econ fare upgrade fle tom our website (wea tp-nk com). follow these instructions below: 2. Enter or select tne pathname where you save the downloaded fle on the computer into the 3. Clckthe Upgrade button. Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae & Noe: 1) Now fmware versions are posted at paw ‘pink com and can be downloade for fee ‘There is no need to voprade the fmware unless the naw frmware has a new feature you want to use, However, when experiencing problems causod by the Router rater than the 2 ‘When you uograde the Routers fmware, you may lose is curent configurations, so before upgrading the frmwareplbase wite down some of your customized sotngs to avoid losing important stings 3) Do not tu ofthe Routor or pross the Reset button while the femwara is being upgraded Loss of paweraurng the upgrade could damage the Route: 4) ‘The femware version must eorespond tothe hardware “The upgrade process takes few momenis and the Rovler restarts automatically when the parade is compet, 4.164 Factory Defaults (choose menu “System Tools ~ Factory Defaults", and then and you can restore the contiguatons of the Router to factory detauts on the ftlowing screen Figure £61 Resore Factory Oeaut Click he Restore button to osst all configuration sottngs to thor dtaut values +The defau User Name: san +The default Password: admin +The dofaut Subnet Mask: 255.255.2550 ‘Allchangea sotings willbe lost when defaults aro restored 4.16.5 Backup & Restore ‘Choose menu “System Tools Backup & Restore’, and then you can save the curont configuration of the Routor as a backup fle and restore the coniguaton via a backup fle as shown Figure 82 Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee EEE Jom sc Figure 482 Backup & Resore Coniguaton Clk the Backup sutton to save all configuration settngs as a backup fle In your local > To.uprade the Routers caniguraton, flow hese instructions. + Clk the Browse bution toh ho coniguation le which you want to restore + Clk the Restore euiton to update the configuration withthe fle whose paths the one {you havo input or slecodin he blank, “The curont confguraton wil be covered wth the Unloading configuration le. Wrong procoss wil lead the device unmanaged. The restoring proces lasts or 20 seconds and the Router wil etart automaticaly than Keep the power ofthe Rout on durng he process, in eas of any damage 4.166 Reboot Choose menu "System Tools — Reboot, and hen you can cick the Reboot button to reboot the Router via the next seraen Fgure 483 Roboot the Router ‘Some satings ofthe Route wil ako effect only ator booting, which incluso ‘+ Chango the LAN IP Ado (system wll aboot autora. ‘+ Change tne DHCP Settings. ‘+ Change the Wireless configurations. ‘+ Change the Web Management Port + Upgrade the tears ofthe Router (eytem wil reboot automaticly, ‘+ Rostoro the Routo's stings fo factory doa (syst willroboot automaticly). ‘+ Update tho configuration withthe Mo (eytom wil rset automaticaly Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae 4.16.7 Password (Choose menu ’System Tools —~ Password’, and then you can change the factory default user ame and password of the Rout inthe next soreen as shown in Figure 424 CS ca I's strongly commended that you should change the factory default username and password ofthe Router, because allusers who ty o access the Route’s Web-based uly o Quick Setup wil bo prompt forthe Router’ default sor name and password The now username and password must net exceed 14 characters in engin and not incade any spaces. Enter the naw Password tice fo confi it Click ne Save buton when fishes Click the Clear All button o clara 4.16.8 System Log {Choose monu "System Tools System Log’, an thon you can view the logs of tho Router. Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee ae a Ca Coto ‘Auto Mail Feature -Icicates whether auto mal featur is enabled or nat Mall Settings - Set tne receiving and sending mailbox address, server adres, validation Information as wll as the timetable for Auto Mail Feature, as shown in Figure 4-26, CD enaiensmnreave Cae Ca Figure 4.08. NeailAccountSotings + From -Yourmalboxadéress, The Router woul! connec to send log. + To Recents adaress. The destination maibox where te logs woul be recewved. Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae Yau can log onthe relevant webste for help If you are no clear wih the adress. ‘+ Authentication - Most SMTP Serer requres Authentication. IIs requited by mos mailboxes tat need User Name and Password ogi, (nly when you select Authentication, do you have io enter the User Name and Password in tho fallowing fos. +) User Name - Your mall aout name filed in the From fal. The part behing @ ls excuse, ‘+ Password -Your mail acount password, +) Confiem The Password Enter the password again to contin. ‘+ Enable Auto Mall Feature - Solc it mall logs automatically. You could mall tho ustont logs ler a specified tie everyday of by interval, but oly one cul be the custont affective rule, Enir the desived te or itera inthe corresponding eld as show in Fgure 4-86, (ek Save to keop your songs Ck Back ta return tthe previous page > Log Type By selecting the log type, onl logs of t's type willbe shown, > Log Level By slecting the lag love, ony logs ofthis lve will shown, > Refresh -Retesh he page to show the atest og st. > Save Log Clio save all he bgs na ete > Mall Log - Clk to send an oral of curant logs manually according to the adeross and vakdaton information sot in Mall Setings. > Clear Log -Alhe logs wl be deleted rom the Rouor permanent, nat just Kom the page. Click te Next butlon to got the next page, a lik the Previous button ott othe previous age, 4.1639 Statistics (Choose menu "System Tools —> Statistics", and hen you can view the saistes ofthe Router, including total afc and curent vac of holst Packets Stasi Intoval, Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee res wt gue 487 Satatex > Curren Statistics Status - Enable or Disable, The default value i csabed. To enable cick the Enable button, itis asabled, the uncon of 9S protection in Sacutly etings wl > Packets Statistics Interval (5:60). ~The default vali i 10. Selecta value Between 5 ana 60 seconds inthe top-down Ist. The Packets Sits interval inate the time secton of the packets state. > Sorted Rules = Choose how the displayed states ae sorted Select the Auto-rfresh checkbox to rokesh automaticaly Ck he Refresh button ta refesh immediatly, (ek Reset Alto raset tha values of al he entries to zero Cok Delete Alto Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae ‘Statistics Table Byte _ | Te wa romero bys acewed en arene by he Ro. The Wa munar of bes accel a Waraned he lst Packs Pr | ssa ntvalearonds May ‘Thore would be 5 enios on each page. Cex Previous fortum tothe provous page and Noxt to ‘he next page Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae 2. How do configure the Router to access Internet by Ethernet users? Appendix A: FAQ 4) Login tothe Router, lk the °Netwark’ menu on the lft of your browser, and lk "WANT submenu On the WAN page, elect ‘Dynamic IP" for WAN Connection Type finish by ceking “Save 1. How do | configure the Router to access Internet by ADSL users? ) Fest, contgure he ADSL Madam configures in RFC1483 bridge model 2), Some ISPs require tal you register the MAG Address of your adapter, which is connected to your eabla/OSL Madem durng installation. If your ISP requves MAC register, agin othe Router and lk tne "Network manu nk on hel of your browser, 2} Connect the Ethernet cabo fom your ADSL Medsm tothe WAN port on the Router. The telephone cord plug into the Line prt ofthe ADSL Mos. 2) Legh 0 the Ru chek te Netw mer on he at f your ee, and ek toate ec NAC Cresta nk On e"WAC Coe poe yur PC's MAC “WAY Suomen On he WAN page. select "PPPCERssa PPPOE fr WAN deans oper MAC oats cc “lone WAC Aes” btn ant your PC Comecton Type. Typo wer rane ne “User Rane felt and passer he NAC ater wl 9 Be ‘WAN MAC Aden fell ree, ype he MAC Ass “Faso fl ype ase th “Conf Pass ft ah hb ing fo te "WAN HAC Adres” fo The foma ‘er te MAC. Aden fe “Comoe 190790004 Then oe “Sven wlohe fc ater toting ES Ss] P| rrreeraata wineries 050150005 — — SS | om ast Fareh WiC Che Fare 1 PPPSE Comecon Tipe 2. |wantto use Nemesting what dined to do? 4) yur ADSL lease i in “baysccoring Sie" mode, sleet "Comet on Demand” o 41. youn Nerang ote. you eo naa do anybing wth he Rou “Came Mana for hse cometen mode pean agpopat ane Max - eae eee iam ie Tie ead waning pl tre. Ore, ou con we “Aocomecg ) Hy sta espns, ou need cong VitlSene or DMZ Hos and mate ll ie id wa sorte M23. oat, a 3), Howto congue Veta Sever Lag into the Rout, ek th “Forwarding men on ee eT the of ou bowser ar dk Via Server stbmen. On he "Val Serves ars peoe, ik Add Wow. Ton on “Add or Mealy « tat Server Er. pge omen rt “172 frie Sevcn Po an, and our Pacis fr a" Aten lr Srecae lo Tem ee tang 1221680169 ran entero Enable an av = on [ aac) Cename ar) Coston) (oemear) 1 Stetines to conacon cana 8 scone then yo sect ate 6 Deskin Fare ha Viva Gover ii Iryou are Cable user, please configure the Routo following tne above steps Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee EET C3xe) aa) FigueAS Addo Modify a Vital somar Enay F wot Your opposite side should all our WAN IP, whens splayed on tre “Stat” page. 4) How to enable DMZ Host: Log in tothe Router, click he ‘Forwarding’ menu on the lft of your browser, and clk “DMZ” submanu, On the “OMZ" page, cl Enable radio baulon and type your IP adaress inlo the “DMZ Host IP Aderess” fla, using 192.108.0109 a8 an exam, remember ocx the Save baton, caret Sata @ Enate © Diatle (ose Fowens OMZ 15) How to enable 1323 ALG: Log in othe Router, eck te “Securty” menu onthe lat of your browser, and elk "Basle Security’ submenu. On the "Basle Security” pag ‘eck ne Enable rade buton next to H923 ALG, Remember to dlek the Save bution Firewall Eno © Date ven PIP Pessina: Enble © Date Law rassiwante © cnale © osha wsechassteomte © Ens © Disa ALG TRPALG — Enaale © oleate wasme enn) O onate RISPALG —D Ewble © Distle FigueA7 Basie Secunty 1) Because the WEB Server port 80 wl netare with the WEB management port 80 on the Router you must change the WEB management prt number lo avoid interference, 2). Ta change the WEB management oc numbor Log in othe Rowe, clk he “Security” ‘menu on the lt of your browser, and ck “Remote Management” submenu. Os the "Remote Management” page, type a port number except 80, such a5 88, nto the "Web Management Por felt. Clck Save and reboot the Rout en sate 8 88g Figure 8 Remote Management Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae > vote 3) Make sure the wists staions have right KEY for eneyption when the Router ks VF the above configuration takes effec, you can visit and confgure the Reker by Wyping sneryped ps192.188.0.1:88 (he Routers LAN IP adcross: Web Management Pod) nthe address 14) tne wireless connection is ready, but you cant acces the Router, check the IP Adc fed of the Wed browser, the LAN IP of the madam connected wit your roe Is 192.188.4.x the default LAN IP ofthe Router wl automatically etch fom 182.188..1 to of your wiolss stations. 192.1881. to avo IP confi inthis case, please ty hipi/192. 1681188 3) Log into tho Ruts, cick th “Forwarding” menu on the let of your browser, ad eck the Virtual Servers” submenu. On the “Vetual Servers” pag, clck Add New... then on the “Add or Modify a Virtual Server’ page, ener “80” info te Blank next to the “Service Port’ and your P address next to the "TP Address" assuming 192.168.0169 {or an example, remember to Enable ana Save FoueAd Vinal Severs Pere Cae) Cae Figure 10 Addo" Mody a Vital sree Ey ) Make sure th "Wiel 2 Router Radlo"e enabled 2), Make sur that he wireless stations! SSID accor with he Routers SSID, Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae 44) Inthe prompt page that showed below, double cick onthe Internet Protocol (TCP). Appendix B: Configuring the PCs axl {In this section, well introduce how to install and configure the TCPIIP correctly in Windows XP. (Genes | uthenioation| Advanced | oS ROnIATTSFaAyPORaIe [Tab 4. Install TPP component 1) On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control “Tis comectin ures ihe lowing tems B raacPesete! eat 0030 2) Click the Network and Internet Connections icon, and then click on the Network 2 = LAN or High-Speed Internet Trreison Cael Procalrtret Poco The df videte reves pec riences communion ‘eer chess notcmeadrena 1 Showrioninrafeaten se when ceed IF Nc enti corechnhas ed ar arrest ide connectors creme short Rename 5) The folbuing TCPIIP Properties window wil dspay and the IP Address las open on this window oy defeut, Fouee-t Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee 6) Seloct Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain ONS server automatically, 36 shown nthe Figure batow: TT I ax eral | Aten Cena ‘oucan gPetnr atrnd loath Kern ically Ghenasescte okie vse sore a a athens uote ross | eres | © HieabRS ar asia ame Eesha rr | Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae Appendix C: Specifications General ‘Sandarde TEEE 002.3, IEEE 002.20, (EEEG02.1¥n, IEEEAO?.1%b, IEEE 202.119 Protcale "TOP, PPPoE, DACP. IGMP NAT, SNTP pow ‘One {0/T00N Auto‘Negotaton WAN RIAS pat, Four Trt00N ‘Aut-Negotiation LAN RAS pots supporting Auto MBIMIDIX {SOBASE-T- UTP oategory 2,4, cable (maximum 100m) EIAMTA.588 1009 STP (maximum 100%) Cabins Type TOOBASE-DC UTP category 5, 5 cable (maximum 100m) EIAMTIA-588 1000 STP (maximum 100m) Tbe PWR, SYS, WLAN, WAN, LAN (1), 5S Safely & Emissions | FOC, CE Wireless Frequaney Bang | 24-24895GH2 Tins upto 1oWeps (Alomaic) Rio Data Rate | 11g, $4/48;05/2418/1210M (Automatic) Fraqueney Expansion | DSSS(Deee Sequence Spread Speci) Modlin DBPSK, DOPRK ¢ OFDM, GAM, 6&-GAN [SOM BadBmGTON PER 08M: -8548@ 10% PER: 54 -684Bm@10% PER WV: -85a3m@6% PER: 6M: -B5eBmerTO% PER sm -906m@a% PER Serstwiy @PER Environmental and Physical Operating: _ OC ~AOT (G2F 1087) Temperature Storage AOC-TOCAOT SEF ‘Operating: 10% O03 RH, Nor-conaensing amity ‘Storage: 5% OSG RH, Nen-condansing Tuweraonmuwe7sin> EE ee Appendix D: Glossary > 802.t4n -802.11n bulls upon previous 802.1 standards by adding MIMO (mutiple-nput ‘utiple-utput). MIMO uses multiple vansmiter and receiver antennas to allow orncreased ata rvoughput via spatial multiplexing and increases range by explatng the spatial versity, perhaps tough coding schemes ike Alrout coding. The Emanced Wireless Consortia (EWC) [3] was formed to Melp accelerate the IEEE 802.11n development process ans Promote @ technology specication for intropersbily of next-generation wireless local area ‘elworking (WLAN) products. > 802.4%b + The 602.110 standard species a wirelbss networking at 11 Mbps using cect-sequence spread-specum (DSSS) technology and operating in the unlicensed radio spectum at 2.4GHz, and WEP encryption fr secur. £02.17B networks are also refered to 8 EFI network, > 802.419 + specication for wieles networking at 54 Mbps using dreck-sequence spread-specrum (DSSS) tecmnology, using OFDM modulaton and operating in the Uunlconses radio spect ai 2.4GHz, an backward compattty with IEEE 802,11b doics, ‘and WEP enerypon for secu. > DNS (Dynamic Domain Name System) - The capabity of assigning & feed host anc Gomain name toa dynamic ntemot P Adress. > DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - A protocol that automaticaly congue the ‘TCPII parameters fr heal he PCs) that are connected toa DHCP sever > DMZ (Demitarzed Zone) -A Demitarzed Zone alows one loca host to be exposed tothe Intmet for spacia-purpoee service such a Intemet gaming or vdeoconerencng > NS Domain Name System) An Intomst Sori that Lanslas the namos of wobsios into > Domain Name - descriptive name for an adress or group of aderesseson the Iteme. > DSL (Dial Subscriber Line) -A technology that allows data to be sent or received over ‘xing tradtonal phono ines, > 15P (ntemet Service Provser) «A company that provides access tothe Intel > MTU (Maximum Transm transmit, on Unit) ~The size in byes ofthe largest packet that can be > NAT (Network Adsross Translation) -NAT technology tanslates IP addresses of local are network ta a ferent Paddess forte Internet > PPPOE (Point to Poet Protocol ever Ethernet) - PPPOE Is a proocol or connecting remote host othe ntemat over an always-on connection by simulating a dial-p connection, Tuwr7sonrL.we7aino Ee eae SSID - A Sorvce Set Identification is a tity-two charactor (maxxmum) alphanumeric Key Identying a wireless local area network, For the witless devices in a newark to communicate with 2sch other, al devices must be configured withthe same SSID. This is ‘ypically he configuration parameter for a wireless PC car, I corresponds tote ESSID in ‘he wielass Accoss Point anc tothe wisless network name. WEP (Wo Equivalent Privacy) «A data privacy mechanism batod on a 6é-bt of 126.b8 oF 182-b¢ shared Key algorithm, as deserbed inthe IEEE 802.11 standard WIFI trade name for he 802.11B wireless natwerking standard, given by the Wireless Evemet Compatbilly Alliance (WECA, see hitpiiwww.wifine), an industry standards sf0Up promoting interoperabity among 802.1%» dovices. WLAN (Wirelbss Local Area Networt) ~ A group of computers and associated davces communicate wih each cther wirolossy, which natork saving Users aro Ito in 2 local

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