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Presentation of E-ICON (E-Learning

International Contest of Outstanding New


Created by: Dwisari Putri H

Welding Department

Older Generation and

Youth Generation

Older Generation in their Era

We know that in older generation like
80s or 90s is so old and different in our
era like just now. The contradiction of the
period makes many differences happen in
youth generation life.

What are the main differences

between the youth of today
and the older generation?

1. Use an internet
We know that the internet is the mostly
used in our activity of today and some people
are hang their life on it. Internet is one of the
difference between it, because the older
generation were not used internet in their era,
and make them to find something by themself,
not like youth of today, if they need to know
something, they can search it on internet.

2. Fashion
Older generation in fashion is disposed
of what clothes or anything they have to
wear, but youth generation is more
creative in their fashion, its because
youth generations mind is more open in

3. Socialization
In socialization, older generation was
meeting face to face, like they came to
their relatives house, had an utterance
card, but in youth generation, socialization
is more practice because we use a social
media to interaction to other people like in
Facebook, Twitter, or BBM.

What is the influence of

this era?

Globalization is the influence.
Globalization is a process concern to a life
system more global and open in many
life. Influence of globalization is very
strong but also have positive and
negative impacts.

Its no chance to compare the old and
the youth generation because the
conditions is very different now and we
cant prevent the new era. So we have to
smart to live in the new era like this.


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