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E-Learning Advanced MS Project Exercise

Please complete the following tasks:


Create a new Project (tasks, durations, relationships)
Save your project plan as surname_firstname.mpp

The project starts on the 8th April 2009!

All relationships are finish-to-start relationships except for the
relationship between taks F and G which is a Start-to-Start
Tasks A to C are fixed duration tasks, all other tasks are fixed units

There are 4 resources:

Dan Brown (max. Units = 80%)
Mike Gayle (max. Units = 100%)
Nick Hornby (max. Units = 50%)
Roald Dahl (max. Units = 100%)
The Std. Rate for each resource is 35 / hour.

Resource Assignment
Assign the resources to the tasks:
Task A: Dan Brown
Task B: Roald Dahl
Task C: Nick Hornby
Task D: Mike Gayle + Dan Brown (both together NOT effort
Task E: Roald Dahl
Task F: Nick Hornby
Task G: Mike Gayle
Task H: Nick Hornby

Understanding Project Management

Enter a note in Roll Up 1 and explain (do not simply copy and paste but use
your own words):
The advantages and limitations of MS Project for Project Management.
(100-150 words)
Analysis I

When does the project end? .

What is the total amount of work for Roll Up 1? ..
What is the total cost for task D?
What is the total duration of the project? ..
What is the cost of Nick Hornby for task H? ..


Please save your project plan as Baseline now!

Save your work again!
Add a note to resource Roald Dahl and explain why you should save
your project plan as Baseline.

Fine Tuning the Project Plan

Adjust the individual working times for the following resources:
Mike Gayle is not working on Fridays in May 2009
Dan Brown is not working on 12th and 14th May 2009
Additional resource assignment (effort driven!):
Add the resource Nick Hornby to task B
What is the Variance of the project duration now? .
What is the amount of work of Roald Dahl for task B now?

Tracking Progress

Record in the project plan that all tasks have started and finished as
planned until the 29th April 2009.
Enter that task C is 35% complete.

Save your final version of your project plan.

Please email your *.mpp file to!

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