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Mood Board

These images fit the codes and

conventions of all thriller films.

We want to create a short thriller film, our

storyline is set in present day just after a nuclear
bomb has been dropped on London, we follow the
only known survivors, the ones who made it to
the nuclear bunker in time we follow their
experiences and trials. Trust is the main theme in
our film as the characters have to work together
to survive and stay sane. One of our characters will go
mental start to steal things and everyone loses trust in
each other this distrust between characters causes
them to compete to survive and end up having to kill to
survive. The fact the characters are all trapped
together in such a small space heightens the tension.
The characters will all be from different backgrounds
and have different ideas about things to help the
audience understand the frustration of being in such a
confined space with people you generally wouldnt
associate yourself with in everyday life.

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