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Shirkah Indonesia is a company which is founded from the big idea, hopes and

dreams by a group of young people who want to contribute for their nation and
country. Our purpose is not only for getting profit but also to be a locomotive of
civilization, to give inspirations, enlightenment, and encouragement of the
importance of life.
Shirkah Indonesia is founded as a means to carry out the duties of human being
which is to organize and to manage the earth with all the potential of the
humans. Moreover, we hope that one day Shirkah Indonesia could be a pride of
the Indonesian people.
Your hope is our hope, your dream is our dream. That is our commitment to
create the innovations, serves, and your business partner in realizing everyones
hopes and dreams.
We believe that Indonesias economic and business growth will be thrive. That is
indicated by the improvement of political conditions, bureaucratic and
infrastructure improvements, economic stability, technology and information
developments, the increasing of purchasing power, the potential of resources
and the profittable demographics. So, we utilize this great opportunity to be a
well-known company in Indonesia. With all of our potential, we believe that those
can be actualize in the future and we can be a well-known company in the global
marketing later.
Your hope is our hope, your dream is our dream, and we present to you.
Ahmad Fil Ardhi
Chairman and CEO

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