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Cum s-ar traduce:

1. Flood frequency hydrology

With these moments, a GEV distribution gives a 100-year flood runof

(HQ100) of 293 m3/s.
3. T-year floods were estimated from the moments using the Generalized Extreme
Value (GEV)
4. The inundated area of the 1803 event was much larger than in August 2002 but
there were apparently
backwater efects from the Danube which were less pronounced
in 2002, so the associated flood discharges can be
assumed to be smaller than for the 2002 event.

5. To visualize MAF
without the first-order efect of catchment area, MAF has
been normalized to a nominal catchment area of a = 100 km2,
by "formula"
where A is catchment area, and b = 0.33 was obtained from
an analysis of regional flood data.
6.To combine the regional estimates with local statistics
and temporal information expansion, the ranges of the
statistical estimates, spanned by the statistics including the
2002 flood (open circles) and the statistics without the 2002
flood (diamonds) are shown in Figure 4 in dark gray for the
Kamp region.
7. which translates into a 100-year flood of 248 m3/s.

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