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The 2014 HEC-DowJones Private Equity Performance Ranking

For Release Monday, 19 Jan 2014

Executive Summary
The 2014 HEC-DowJones Private Equity Performance Ranking lists the worlds Top PE firms in
terms of aggregate performance based on all funds raised between 2001 and 2010. This ranking
answers the question: Which firm(s) generated the best performance for their investors over the
past years? The ranking draws on a comprehensive set of data on PE fund performance provided
by DowJones and directly from PE Firms and uses a unique methodology to calculate the
aggregate performance of a PE firm based on difference performance measures for all the funds
managed by this firm. The method is able to aggregate performance across vintage years and
considers relative and absolute returns. In total, we analyzed performance data from 329 PE firms
and the 558 funds they raised between 2001 and 2010 with an aggregate equity volume of

The Ranking: Top 30 out of over 300 PE Firms


Vista Equity Partners
Waterland Private Equity Investments B.V.
Platinum Equity
Odyssey Investment Partners
ABRY Partners LLC
Clayton Dubilier & Rice
Astorg Partners
Onex Partners
Sun Capital Partners Inc.
Baring Private Equity Asia
Varde Partners Inc.
Apollo Investment Corp.
BLUM Capital Partners
Ares Capital Corporation
J.H. Whitney & Co. LLC
Oaktree Capital Management LP
Equistone Partners Europe Ltd.
Leonard Green & Partners LP
TowerBrook Capital Partners LP
Centerbridge Partners LP
Angelo Gordon & Co.
Water Street Healthcare Partners LLC
Warburg Pincus LLC
Advent International Corp.
Doughty Hanson
Silver Lake Management LLC

Performance Score

The Private Equity industry is notorious for being opaque and access to any data is chronically
difficult. In particular, little is known about the performance and competitive behaviour of the
key PE Firms. While performance rankings exists for many other areas (the best business
school, the best place to work, the best stock market analyst etc), nothing worth that name
exists in PE. Until recently, the only available rankings for Private Equity were based on size
alone, which has very limited meaning. Since 2009, HEC Paris and DowJones have joined forces
to publish regular rankings of PE Firms based on their historic performance and expected future
competitiveness respectively.

Simply Speaking, what does the performance ranking mean?

This ranking answers the question: Which firm(s) generated the best performance for their
investors over the past years? It draws on performance information from all buyout funds
managed by a given PE Firm and aggregates their performance based on a novel and proprietary
methodology (see below) into one overall performance score.
What are the data sources behind the rankings?
To obtain a most accurate picture of the universe of PE Firms and their investments, we drew on
a variety of available databases and performed a number of cross-checks of the information used
in this study. We used the DJX DowJones database as the primary database for fund performance
information, in addition to an increasing amount of information directly provided by PE Firms to
HEC for the purpose of these rankings.
While HEC has access to additional proprietary information on the activity and performance of
PE Firms (HEC Buyout Database), this data is anonymous and cannot be used for this study.
How have the evaluated PE Firms been selected?
We gathered data, as of October 2014, on the universe of PE firms worldwide on which
DowJones provides performance data or which provided data directly to HEC for the purpose of
the performance rankings. This results in a sample of 329 PE firms and the 558 funds they raised
between 2000 and 2009 with an aggregate equity volume of $1014. From this starting sample, we
selected all those PE firms that met the following objective criteria:
At least 2 funds with raised over the 2001 to 2010 period for which full performance
information is available;
At least $1000m raised during this time;
At least 10 observation years (i.e. the sum of the 'age' of all funds as of today);
Why these selection criteria?
It is our intension to limit the analysis to PE Firms that are of relevant scale in terms of their
activities. (i.e. minimum capital under management). Also, we want to make sure that we do not

report any one-hit-wonders, hence the requirement to have at least 2 funds with full
performance information and 10 observation years. We do not consider funds raised after 2010,
as their performance is still too unreliable to be judged at this point.
How large and representative is your sample of PE Firms?
The 106 firms that passed the criteria raised 316 funds between 2001 and 2010 with total equity
of $828bn. This corresponds to roughly 82% of the starting sample in terms of equity.
How has the aggregate past performance been assessed?
Private Equity is an asset class that makes it particularly challenging to assess the aggregate
performance of a given PE Firm. Performance is typically recorded at the fund-level (and not for
the entire PE Firm). Furthermore, three factors make the aggregation of performance to the firmlevel challenging:
1. Alternative, complementary performance measures are used to assess performance (e.g.
IRR vs. Return Multiple), so that it is not trivial to know what measure to look at.
2. People disagree whether firms should be assessed according to their absolute performance
or based on the performance relative to a performance benchmark.
3. Private Equity Firms typically manage a number of limited-life funds raised at different
vintage years simultaneously and the so-called J-Curve phenomenon makes it difficult to
say, whether a 4-year-old fund with a 15% IRR is better or worse than a 7-year-old fund
with a 20% IRR.
In a project sponsored by advisory firm Peracs Due Diligence Services, Prof. Oliver Gottschalg
from HEC School of Management, has developed a proprietary methodology1 that makes it
possible to comprehensively assess the aggregate performance of all funds managed by a Private
Equity Firm. The basis for this assessment is the performance of each fund, measured in terms of
three complementary performance measures: IRR, DPI (cash-only return multiple) and TVPI (a
return multiple that considers accounting values of ongoing investments). We assess performance
in each measure both as absolute values and measured against the corresponding performance
benchmark, leading to 2*3=6 performance indicators.
These six indicators are then combined for multiple funds based on a proprietary statistical
method that considers the empirically-derived historical reliability of performance measured at a
given fund age as weights. The intuition for this method is as follows: We determined
empirically the reliability of performance of funds that are 2, 3, 4 years old. Our sample
included detailed data on the evolution of the performance of 492 actual buyout funds over time.
Imagine, the performance of a 3-year-old fund predicts its final performance with 35% accuracy,
while the performance of a 5-year-old fund predicts its final performance with 70% accuracy. We
would then give twice as much weight to performance data of 5-year-old funds than to the
performance data of 3-year-old funds in the aggregation. Finally, we combine all six performance
measures to a single performance score2 using a standard statistical method called Principal


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The extracted factor has an Eigenvalue of 5.1 and captures 86% of the total variance of all 6 performance measures.

Component Analysis. This makes it possible to compare the overall value creation ability of
Private Equity Firms across all their funds.
How to Interpret the Aggregate Performance Score?
The aggregate performance score is neither an IRR-type annual return measure nor a money
multiple. It can only be interpreted relative to the average aggregate performance score of all
firms we analyzed: An aggregate performance score of 1 means that a given PE Firm has an
aggregate performance that is one standard deviation above the average performance, which
would position it typically at the 85% percentile, i.e. 85% of all firms would have a lower
aggregate performance. Also, an aggregate performance score of 2 means that performance is
twice as high as for an aggregate performance score of 1. A PE Firm with the average
performance has (by design) an aggregate performance score of 0.
How sensitive are the results to the valuation of unrealized investments?
The valuation of unrealized investments has only a small impact on the rankings. First, we only
consider funds that are at least four years old. Second, according to our methodology young (with
relatively more unrealized investments) funds carry less weight in the performance aggregation
than older funds, as we consider that the performance of younger funds is inherently less precise.
Finally, two of our six individual performance measures (DPI) consider cash-on-cash
performance only and ignores valuations of unrealized investments.
What does the ranking not capture?
The Performance Ranking is backward-looking by definition. It cannot capture recent changes in
the strategy, the core team or the fund/deal size of a PE Firm. As such, it may not capture all
elements of the current competitiveness of a given PE Firm.

The confidential nature of the PE industry makes it impossible to compose a 100% accurate
database on private equity and we cannot exclude the possibility of biases in our results due to
missing or inaccurate information. However, we rely on the same data sources typically used to
compose industry-standard statistics of PE activity and we consider our data by far the best
available for this kind of analysis.

This material has been prepared on the basis of publicly available information, internally
developed data and other third party sources believed to be reliable, however, HEC Paris and
Peracs, LLC have not sought to independently verify information obtained from these sources
and makes no representations or warranties as to accuracy, completeness or reliability of such
information. This material is for information and illustrative purposes only, is not investment
advice and is no assurance of actual future performance or results of any private equity segment
or fund. HEC and Peracs do not represent, warrant or guarantee that this information is suitable
for any investment purpose and it should not be used as a basis for investment decisions. Nothing
herein should be construed as any past, current or future recommendation to buy or sell any
security or an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy any security. This material does not
purport to contain all of the information that a prospective investor may wish to consider and is
not to be relied upon as such or used in substitution for the exercise of independent judgment.
For Further Information, please contact

Oliver Gottschalg

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