Vectors: (Start To Addition of Vectors by Rectangular Components)

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CH 2


(Start to addition of vectors by rectangular components)

1. If two forces of equal magnitude are also equal to the magnitude of their
resultant force then angle between them should be
b. 120
c. 1820
d. none of these
2. A vector of magnitude 5 cm makes angle 30 and other of magnitude 6 cm makes
an angle 90 with x axis their scalar product will be
a. 30 cm2
b.20 cm2
c. 15 cm2
d. 10 cm 2
3. If

=i j lies in xy plane then angle of

a. 45

4. If A + B
a. 90

b. 180

= R

with +VE Y axis will be

c. 225

and A+ B = R then the angle between


c. 180

5. The vector A

= -6 j makes an angle with y axis

a. 120

b. 270

6. A vector A

d. none of these

A and B
will be

d. 0

c. 180

d. both b and c

of magnitude 10 and in the direction of 4i + 3j is

a. 8i + 6j
b. 20i + 15j
c. 40i + 30j
d. none of these
7.The minimum number of equal force whose vector sum is zero is
a. 3
b. 4
c. 2
d. 1
8. The direction of a vector in a plane is denoted by the angle which the vector
makes with positive x axis in the
a. clockwise direction
b. anticlockwise direction c. upwards d. downwards
9. Magnitude of resultant will be maximum when angle between vectors is
b. 180
d. all
10. Minimum number of vectors of unequal magnitude whose vector sum is zero
b. 2
c. 3
11. When a vector is multiplied by -1 then its
a. magnitude remains same and direction will be reversed b. Magnitude changes and direction
will be reversed c. Magnitude changes and direction remains same d. none of these
12. Reverse process of vector addition is
a. subtraction

b. resolution

c. product

d. none

13. A force of 10 N acting along x axis has y component

a. zero

b. 10 N

c. 5 N

d. 20 N

14. In which quadrant both components of vectors will be positive

a. 1st quadrant

b. 2nd quadrant

c. 3rd quadrant

d. 4th quad

15. The magnitude of resultant of three vector is 3 .Magnitude of its x component is

2 and magnitude of y component is 1 then magnitude of its z component will be
b. 1
c. 2

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