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Exercise - Will Future

Form positive statements, negative statements or questions where necessary.

1. Peter and Paul ______________________(go) to France next week. They
_________________________ (get up) very early and go to the airport. They ______________________
(take) the bus because a taxi ___________________________ (cost) too much money. They
______________________ (not go) by train, because the train ___________________________ (not be)
there on time.
2. I ______________________ (meet) my friend Sarah tomorrow. She
____________________________(move) to Australia in a couple of weeks. She has found a new job
there and she ____________________________ (not visit) me for the next 6 months. Ive asked
her: _______________ you _________________ (live) in Australia forever? . She answered:No, of
course______________________________ (Kurzantwort)
3. James ____________________________ (marry) his girlfriend Lara next month. They
_________________________ (travel) to Jamaica for their honeymoon. They
______________________________ (not stay) very long, though - only for 4 days. They
____________________________ (not spend) much money, too. The wedding was too expensive
and they ______________________________(get) a baby soon.

A: When _______________ Paula and Alex ____________________ (arrive) in town?

B: I think they ___________________________ (come) on Thursday afternoon.
A: Yes, right, but they _____________________________ (not bring) their dog with them, will

B: No, they ______________________________ (take) him here by car.
A: But, ______________________ they_________________________ (leave) him at home all
B: No, ___________________________________ (Kurzantwort). Alexs mother
____________________________________ (take care) of him.

A: ________________________ you _______________________ (eat) all those sandwiches

B: Yes, _____________________________________ (Kurzantwort). Im really hungry.
A: ___________________ you __________________________ (help) me with the housework
after you will have eaten your sandwiches?

B: No, ______________________________________(Kurzantwort). Im really busy at the

moment. I have to do lots of things for school.
A: Ok, but then you ______________________________ (not play) Playstation all day and
you ___________________________ (not watch) TV in the evening, too.
B: Thats ok. I _____________________________ (not be) at home tonight, anyway.

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