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History notes


Bacons rebellion stems from issues about tobacco production (models class
structure throughout country)
Depressed tobacco market, prices are low
Nathaniel Bacon- wealthy
Organizes a rebellion by rallying native peoples and an
unauthorized war breaks out between natives and wealthy
individuals who are hoarding the land so Nathaniel and others can
access it.
Jamestown is burned down and many plantations are destroyed
Those who were hoarding land has access to the docks so they
were able to trade with other places (England/Europe) which gave
them more resources to keep them in business
Bacons laws gave small white farmer an opportunity to vote,
regulate religious freedoms
North has simple trading, South has it more difficult
Once you have access to water you have the ability to have a central
favored planters are merchants who identify as having the will and
access to negotiate with others abroad that enables them to make the most
of the resources.
There is a tearing of the wealthy
The water is impassible in south; makes it difficult to reach individuals
The water creates a division; tide mont area and peade mont area
Tide mont- relationship with mercantilist in England bc of tobacco
Headright system: 50 acres are assigned to an investor who is willing
to pay transportation cost to import workers for duty in this country.
Headright was granted to all individuals who came to Virginia on their own
and brought others to Virginia. People who werent so wealthy could borrow
money from the wealthy to build this plantation.
Begins to create plantation complex notion
Structures economic hierarchy
Middle colonies

NY- Dutch fur trading- engaging in relationships with indigenous


Manor- north; need indentured servants to keep it alive (indentured

servants become tenants in the manor who are low paid)
Plantation- south; slaves- overseen by tenants also
Wherever theres a port the location will thrive
Quakers were more friendly with native peoples. They were able to use
indigenous goods more than others
Had issues with Delaware tribes
Christian black servants
Indian servants are below them
Molotto servant (black/Indian mix)
What are the problems for these aspiring farmers
Tension between classes who are fighting to find their place in this
economically stratified structure
Navigation acts- passed when tension between classes and the
economy is becoming depressed
Laws which protect farmers/planters from whims of environment
Planters found themselves reducing price of their product
All designed to regulate trade and commerce
o How they should export goods/nature of goods

o Acts are being tweaked for new commodities

Indentured servants act out and fight bc they dont want to be part of
the larger community (those who are established)
Its as much as a racial conflict as it is a class conflict
Stratified slavery system comes out of Bacons Rebellion
After rebellion there was a reduction of the idea of indentiture of
More freemen as servants
Some individuals are sent overseas for education
Think they can be leaders bc they bring back political ideas for their
Use their knowledge to help create a government system here that
will be politically and economically stable
Gentry class will begin to structure govt
Creation of a tax system is needed in order to survive
Planters even wealthy ones need to establish a tax based system so
they dont become vulnerable
They come up with NAVIGATION ACTS
Staple acts, coastal trade acts; do these acts affect certain ports
Slavery is Chesapeake area is different than slavery in the south
North: non plantation slavery but its still slavery

Nature of population/how the town is laid out determines type of

Cash crops/economy determines type or slavery
Plantation complex: large land manned by people
Those who purchase this are known as planter elite
Water helps plantations- makes soil rich but requires planters to stay
constantly focused on their land just incase of natural weeds/vines which can
prevent crops from growing.
Favored planter: merchant for neighbors, works transactions, makes
sure exporting is possible and certain things are imported for them. Looks
out for the individuals who will work the land (slaves).
Variety of domesticated animals: cattle,
Gentry class- wannabes/middle class who are striving to be more
Newcomers with money/capital
Not part of royal group yet; need to take orders at first
Dont posses wealth of largest planters
They need to rise and become important which requires coming into
Need workers too so they need $$ to buy land and workers
Separates gentry from Scots, Irish, Germans, etc
Land location separates them as well

System of Deference: system of power/class

Marriage within same class to keep money within them
o Helped maintain a dominance over farmer class
Animosity between certain groups, aristocracy has the most control
Rice: important cash crop that requires a different kind of man labor
Minimum of 30 enslaved individuals to gather the rice
Rice planters are need more resources
Requires certain instruments/farming tools; tools could be used to
escape/harm owners
Corn: detach it, shuck it and pull the silk out before you cook it
If a slave wanted to escape he could use canoe (which they build and
hide in the woods) and the river
Map out rivers so they can get away with their canoes
Canoe is small and quiet and can easily be hidden

Need for human resources

Initiated by Spain and Portugal

1750s black outnumbered whites in South Carolina

southern needs were greater than New England needs
Rice: major product
Indentures servants have different skill sets than Africans
Could be based on where they are from
Slaves have ability to think for themselves, communicate with others
and their desire to be free hence their planning to escapethis was
Have motivation to be free
Gold silver diamonds copper add to our goods
***Skillset of slaves maximized wealth of planters-weaving for baskets
and chairs etc ***
revolts and rebellions happened
Ship of slaves middle passage- boat ride from Africa to colonies
Young kids were left to fend for themselves bc they served no
If they didnt leave child, child becomes child of all slaves on board
Blended families are created in order to take care of one another
Point of no return= cant go back anymore...past halfway.

Place of bad spirits= below deck on the ship; strange sounds/noises

Slave ship names- religious names; contradiction
8 week journey
slaves sprayed down and oiled up to make them look acceptable to sell
most tragic aspect was being separated from family
Americans have established religious sectors/churches
Diversity of individuals
Great deal of infusion of information due to new people with voices
Information in print is being brought in with individuals
New reading material -> expansion of minds; could be beneficial for
their society
World is shiftinginfo in print is given out globally
People might cluster based on shared ideas
Awakening of soul, religion, thoughts, how they grow/create etc.
Inter-colonial networks being created
*Religion is in a state of controversy*

leading up to great awakening

Loss of charity
Tension between outliers and town fathers in new towns (political
Pews in church are arranged in a specific way and designed in a
specific way to represent social stratification
Great awakening advances evangelical Protestantism
Happens in ripples it starts and stops
Quakers are anti slavery group
Enlightenment is the dawn of a new day just like great awakening, it
effects entire country (some parts more than others)
Elite, politicians (north)
Elite merchants, planters (south)
John Locke- improvement of society, human good, human nature,
emphasis on reason

Chapter 4 questions:
What are the imperialist wars and why are they called this?
Why does the 7 years war take place for 7 years?
Why were certain acts enacted and whats their connection to each
What do all of these occasions lead to/what does it mean?

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