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1. Classical organization theory is an

amalgamation of
2. Policy making is an important part of..
3. Strategic planning is the mainly the
responsibility of
4. Taste and preference is ____
5. Delegation of authority implies

Transfer of authority to subordinate

Entrustment of responsibility to subordinate
Creation of accountability

6. General manager has delegated
authority to the production manager for
achieving budgeted production targets.
who would be responsible for low
production to the board of directors?
7. Delegation is a part of the process of:
a)organizing b)controlling c)directing
8. Division of labour is a principle of:
a)organizing b) planning c)controlling
9. F.W.Taylor is known as the father of

10. Span of control means:
11. tactical plan is an effort to decompose
long range plans into actionable
programs.. T/F
12. rational legal authority is same as
positional authority.. T/F
13.Controlling means looking back.. T/F
14.Tactical planning is carried on under more
risky conditions than strategic planning..
15. all plans are not based on premises.. T/F

Management by Objective
Good proactive
mechanism to be used
within the processes of
Planning and Control.
MBO is a way of thinking

Helps to align the goals
Provide focus
Use S.M.A.R.T. system for establishing
the goals
Prevents Activity Trap
Empowers employees
Emphasises participative management
Concentrates on key result areas


Defining overall corporate objective

Setting departmental goals
Setting targets for individuals
Establishing check points
Review of performance
Employee counselling

For Effective MBO

Top level commitment

Training of managers
Encouragement of participation
Delegation of authority

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