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EPSE 310 - Assignment #3: Assessment Task/Tool Development


In this assignment, you will design and develop an assessment tool that you can use on
your practicum. There are two choices: 1) developing an achievement test or 2)
developing a combination of a performance task (i.e., a product, performance,
demonstration of ability) and a rubric. In this assignment, you will need to:

Describe the assessment tools characteristics

Explain and justify your choices in its development
Identify why it will allow you to make high quality inferences about learning, and
Note or make any adaptations required for use with diverse learners.

Your peers and the instructor will support you in the development process and you will
have time over multiple seminar periods for its development. The first draft of
Assignment #3 is due on Monday, January 26th for feedback. The final assignment is
due on Friday, January 30th.


Designing and developing assessment tools is an important part of teaching. The key
purpose of this assignment is to develop the knowledge and skills you need in creating
assessment tools so you can make high quality (i.e., valid, reliable, fair) inferences of
your students learning on your practicum. Using the resources and support in this
assignment, you will broaden your knowledge and experience in creating and using the
assessment tools that will serve you and your students learning. This assignment relates
to learning outcomes #2, 3, and 4:

Identify how the abilities, knowledge, experience, and values of diverse learners in
your class impact your assessment practices. (Learning outcome #2)

Demonstrate working knowledge of the purposes, principles, and practices of high

quality classroom assessment. (Learning outcome #3)

Apply key classroom assessment principles to create high quality assessment tools
and strategies. (Learning outcome #4)

This assignment has multiple stages. Over the period January 19 th January 30th you will:
Identify the kind of tool you would like to develop for your practicum. (Monday,
January 19)
Conceptualize your assessment tool with peers, identify its key characteristics,
work on the overall plan with some class time to work on this during class time
(instructor circulates to provide comments, feedback and directions for the
Complete a first draft (including completion of the self-assessment form), conduct
and receive a peer-assessment of your work. Compare your self and peer
feedback forms and discuss. Instructor circulates while peer assessment is
happening and offers suggestions for improvement Monday, January 26th
Incorporate self/peer and instructor feedback for the final submission on Friday,
January 30th.


Assignment #3 is to be submitted as a hard copy to your instructor on Friday, January

30th at the end of the seminar.

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