Chicago Metro History Fair 2015 Summary Statement: Check If Applicable (And Respond To Question 3)

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Attach an annotated bibliography (AB) that is divided between primary and secondary sources.
Submit two copies of the SS and AB at the competition. Please type.

Student name(s) _____________________________________________________________

Ivy Guo and Kaila Chan
Title _______________________________________________________________________
Womens Right Movement and Women keeping their own name
Check if applicable (and respond to Question 3):
This project uses the 2015 National History Day theme, Leadership & Legacy in [Chicago/Illinois] History
Project Category:




Student Composed

Student Composed

Total Word-Count
(excluding citations):

Documentary Performance



Present the projects argument or interpretation in two sentences. If you are using the NHD theme, you might want to make it
evident in your thesis statement.

In the 1800s, Lucy Stone gave women the same right as men. As well as paved
the way for future feminists by questioning the sensibility of giving up their last


Briefly explain your project and its conclusion. Include: How and why did change happen and what was the impact? Why is
it historically significant? What historical meaning or importance can we learn from your findings?

Our project is about how Lucy Stone stood up for womens equal rights. Change has been
made when Lucy Stone was to be married; she kept her surname instead of the tradition of
taking the spouses (husband) last name. Following after this, other women began to do the
same and protest that they should have equal rights. This has historical meaning and
importance because it shows that women have power and not just men.

3. Required for projects using the National History Day theme only.

Explain how this project integrates the NHD theme Leadership & Legacy in [Chicago/Illinois] History into its argument.

This project integrates the NHD theme Leadership & Legacy in [Chicago/Illinois] History
into its argument because Lucy Stone was the founder of the Womens Rights Movement,
and led the protest of Woman keeping their own last name. She and many other feminists
made an impact in our future because they proposed the Amendment that got signed, and
allowed women to have the right to vote.

A. What historical question did you start off withand how did it change once you began doing
your research?

In the beginning, the historical question we start off with was Why women shouldnt change
their last name after they are married. But then, after doing some research, we found out
the source of protest of women not having to change their last name, Lucy Stone. We began
doing our research on what she did to fight for womens right.

B. What kinds of sources did you use as evidence to develop your argument (for example,
letters, photographs, government documents, interviews, etc.)?

Some source we used were photos, which showed letters and announcements about
women earning equal rights.

C. Select one piece of evidence that you used and explain how it influenced your argument.

A piece of evidence we used was from a prior project we found online about Lucy Stone. It
alludes to the things she has touring the country, and giving lectures about equality for
women. It influences our argument because it supports her restless work to get women in
her time and in the future equality.

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