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Dwight-Englewood High School 14 / Colgate University 18


Dwight-Englewood Gradution GPA 3.62


Manhattan Yacht Club, Guest Coordinator (Summer 2014) Member greeter and reservation coordinator,
directed departures for VIP launch to Private Boat Clubhouse; worked full time hours

D-E Student Tour Guide & Open House Speaker (9,10,11,12); selected Tour Guide Leader
Stephen Gaynor Middle School Basketball Team, Assistant Mgr (10,11)Ran drills, one-on-one skill
building for 5th8th grade students at school for children with dyslexia
Partnership 2000 (10)Israeli-American Exchange Student Program, attended workshops for uniting Arab
and Jewish teenagers in Israel, hosted Israeli teens in NY
Religious Action Committee (9)Represented Congregation Rodeph Sholom Temple Youth Group at
weekend conference in Washington DC to learn about political issues, lobby local congressman and senator

Bloomberg Day in the Life Shadow (Summer 2013)Shadowed staff in Terminal Support, Social
Media, PR, Newsroom & HR, invited back for extended shadow experience during winter break

Columbia Univertisy: Corporate Evaluations: What is a Company Worth (Summer 2013)

3-week course: basic accounting, statistics and corporate evaluation at Columbia University. Presented
fundamental and technical analysis report on oil / gas company

Westcoast Connections- Backpacking Italy & Greece (Summer 2013)17-days exploring Italy and
Greece; 4 days hands-on sailing through the Greek islands
Blackstone Executive Shadow Program (Summer 2012)Shadowed Portfolio Managers, Analysts and
Traders; attended portfolio management meetings and observed trade executions; private tour of NY Stock
Exchange; one week
National Student Leadership Conference - Business and Entrepreneurship Program
(Summer 2012)10-day course in creating, managing and growing a start-up business at Northwestern
University with US high school honors students. Business simulation team won 1 st place
Dwight Englewood Stock Market Club (10,11,12)High School club board member, President of Middle
School Club organize weekly meetings
Action Quest (Summers 2011 & 2012)British Virgin Islands based sailing and SCUBA diving school.
Lived on and crewed a 55 monohull for 3 weeks. Earned 5 certifications including, Advanced Diving,
Night Diving and International Crew.

Varsity Soccer, Captain; Varsity Lacrosse;

MKN Sports Camp: Olympics Team Captain, Gold Medal Decathlon winner


Turkey (Summer 2014)

Canada (Spring 2014)
Greece (Summer 2013)
Italy (Summer 2013)
BVI (Summers 2011 & 2012)
Israel(Summers 2007 & Spring 2010)

Costa Rica (Summer 2006)

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