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: Ahmad Wildan
Dikky Fakhrudin

( 120534400671 )
( 120534431472 )


: Pendidikan Teknik Elektro ( 2012 )



Fire Detection Equipment

Fire is the most feared by everyone. This disaster lurks us wherever and whenever we
are. And often we can not know the symptoms - symptoms of impending fire. And when it
was a fire then the fire will spread quickly where - which will eventually cause damage and
many casualties. So we created a tool that can detect quickly if there is a fire in which we
Here is the basic theory of the tools that we have created. In this circuit monostable
utilize the functionality of IC 555 as an active barrier alarm circuit for a specified time, if do
not want to hold the sensor output condition at the time of the trigger signal from the sensor
circuit is no need to use this monostable circuit with IC NE 555.
And once we know the theoretical basis of the instrument serve targeted, then we
should also study the schematics of this tool. Here is a schematic of the tools that we have

Seen above that comprises many components electronic. Whether it's active or
passive component parts. The components - components in the circuit above is as follows:
1. Resistor
Serves to custody or inhibitor, is an electronic component that provides resistance to
movement of electrons (negative charge). Resistor size we use in this tool are: R1
(100K), R2 (10K), R3 (47K), R4 (1K)

2. Trimpot
A resistor whose value can change with the shifting or turning the toggle on the tool.
So the value of the resistor can be set according to the kebutuhan.Ukuran trimpot that
we use in this tool are: 10 K

3. Non-polar capacitor
Storage device that serves to charge without polarity. Capacitor size that we used in
this tool are: C1 (10F), C2 (1F)

4. Diodes
Tool that serves to rectifier currents. Diode size that we used in this tool are: D1 (IN

5. Transistor

Is a semiconductor device that is used as an amplifier, as the circuit breaker and

connector (switching), voltage stabilization, signal modulation or as other functions.
Types of transistors that we used in this tool are: Q1 (BC 547)

6. Thermistor
Obstacles electric current whose values change based on temperature or temperature.

7. IC (intregated Circuit)
Serves as a component in the brain of the working tools that we have created. IC
type we use is IC NE555.

8. Relay 9 Volt
Relays are electrically operated device that mechanically controls the transport of
electrical circuits. Relay is an important part of many system control, useful for
remote control and for controlling voltage and high current equipment with a control
signal voltage and low current. When current flows through the electromagnet in the
relay control electro mechanical, magnetic field which attracts the iron arm of the
anchor on the core formed. As a result, the contact on the anchor and frame relay
connected. Relays can have NO contact (Normaly Open) or NC contacts (Normaly
Close) or a combination of both.

9. Alarm circuit (to taste)

Is the output of a rangkaian.rangkaian can be light or buzzer alarm that other types
We also need to know how to thoroughly the workings of the tools we make. Here are the
workings of the tools we've created this:
1. R3, Thermistor, and VR1 mounted division series in order to determine the appropriate
voltage to be supplied to the transistor switching
2. Supplay voltage is equal to the amount of voltage dropped across R3, Thermistor and VR1.
The voltage on VR1 parallel to the base of the transistor, so that when the voltage reaches
0.7 Volts at VR1 the transistor will be active and to triger monostable circuit.
3. Thermistor mounted at the top of the VR1 meant that when the temperature increases the
voltage at the trigger point (base of transistor = VR1) will increase, because Thrmistor
(NTC) will decrease the resistance value as the temperature rises.
4. Swapping positions with VR1 Thermistor in order alerm circuit will be active when the
temperature decreased.
5. It could also change the value of R3 and VR1 to get the sensitivity to suit the
characteristics of Thermistor owned.
The application of this tool that we created we can use in our living space, office buildings ,
schools and places other public places. and should we place on a strategic and accessible.

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