2002 Wilmott Dynamics of Regenerative Heat Transfer

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anics and tanics and g Green's slution eat Transfer: lid Flow and opts and unics with inics and DYNAMICS OF REGENERATIVE HEAT TRANSFER A. John Willmott Retired University of York United Kingdom eke oy TAY, SID fe Rounaes TAYLOR & FRANCIS New York Denise T. Schanck, Vice President Robert H. Bedford, Editor Cathetine M. Caputo, Assistant Editor James A. Wright, Marketing Director Published in 2002 by Taylor & Francis 29 West 35th Street New York, NY 10001 Published in Great Britain by Taylor & Francis 11 New Fetter Lane London EC4P 4EE, Copyright © 2002 by Taylor & Francis Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or uiized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording or in any information storage oF retieval system without permission in writing from the publishers, Library of Congress Willmott, A. John, 1934 Dynamics of regenerative heat transfer / by A. John Willmott p. cm. ~ (Series in computational & physical processes in mechanics and thermal sciences) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-56032-369-8 (alk. paper) 1. Heat—-Transmission. 2, Thermal regenerators. I. Title, Il. Setes, T3260.W495 2001 621,402'2~de21 00-050785 ‘aloging-in-Publication Data 260 W495, 2002 Willmott, CONTENTS 73322” utilized in any Aiea Pelacce te bocce eee eee Xi eval system Nomenclature .........- oxy 1 Dynamics of Regenerative Heat Transfer: An Introduction 1 sand thermal ii sincroductionee teeters 1 1.2 Underlying Problems . . . 2 1.3. Concluding Remarks 6 References 6 0.050785 2. The Storage of Heat in a Packing: The Single-Blow Problem 2A Introduction ..... 0.0... 002 2.2. The Single-Blow Problem . 2.3. Approximations. . . . . 24. Finite-Difference Approximations . 25 Use of a Modified Heat Transfer Coefficient in The Simplified Model 29 References. . 31 3. The Single-Blow Problem: Effect of Solid Finite Conductivity 33 3.1 Introduction ...... . coven 38 The Finite Conductivity Model... 00.00... 35 3.3. Simplification of the Finite Conductivity Model... . . 36 a vi Contents 3.4 Measure of Longitudinal Conduction ..........,. 37 3.3. Simplified Approach to Axial Conduction a) 3.6 Analysis of the Effect of Longitudinal Conduction ... 4] 3.7 Axial Conductivity in Packed Beds ... . a2 3.8 A Comparison Between the Models Representing | Latitudinal Conduction ....................., 42 3.9 Comparison of the Three Models .............. 44 3.10 Other Geometries: The Hollow Cylinder .......... 61 3.11 Concluding Remarks Re reo References Bere 70 4 Basie Concepts in Counterflow Thermal Regenerators 2 4.1 Introduction . eee . 72 4.2. Fixed-Bed Regenerators . . 74 4.3. Rotary Regenerators . . 719 44° Reversals . peopnncodaaaonns +. 83 4.5. Mathematical Model ...........00..00.. 0... 8h 4.6 Modeling Rotary Regenerators............ |, 88 4.7 Discussion of the Design Parameters... .. 91 4.8 Effect of Cycle Time upon Regenerator Performance _ 93 4.9 Particular Packings for Different Regenerator Configurations....... er 5 4.10 Imbalance in Regenerator Performance . . . 102 4.11 Concluding Remarks 110 References... . 113 5 Introduction to Methods for Solving the Equations that Model Counterflow Regenerators id 5.1 Introduction bas a alia 52 Methods ee 116 3 118 4 124 Contents 37 39 41 42 ting 242 44 . 61 cee. 69 eeoncne 70 4 - 14 .. U8 . 124 124 125 .. 125 . 126 130 Contents vil 6.4 Numerical Development of the ®-Factor 6.5 Hausen’s Development of the ®-Factor....... 6.6 Formulae for @ for Cylinders and Spheres ....... 139 6.7 Formula for ® for Hollow Cylinders. ....... 1. 148 6.8 The Precise Representation of the Latitudinal Conduction in Regenerator Packing . . 148 6.9 Relationship Between the 3-D and 2-D Models .... 150 6.10 Limitations of the Adequacy of the 2-D Model . . .. 156 6.11 Improvement of the 2-D Model by the Introduction of a Time-Varying (0) ..... 0.002002 eee ee es 159 6.12 The Effect of Longitudinal Thermal Conduction upon Thermal Regenerator Performance 162 6.13 Concluding Remarks . 167 References. .... . . 167 7 Integral Equation Methods for Modeling Counterfiow Regenerators 169 7.1 Introduction . . 7.2. Initial Considerations : 73 Difficulties with the Quadrature Methods. ........ 174 714 Difficulties with the Early Series Expansion Methods 176 7.5. Legendre Series Expansion Methods ie 7.6 The Choice of Data Points ......... 181 7.7 Summary of the Collocation Method Using Legene Polynomials and the Chebyshev Data Points ...... 184 7.8 A Computational Consideration . . 184 7.9 Fast Galerkin Methods. . » 185 7.10 The Nonsymmetric Case. . 187 TAL The Calculation of the Double Integral . . 190 7.12 The Thermal Ratio for Nonsymmetric Regenerators . 192 7.13. The Volterra Method for Solving the Integral Equations . 193 7.14 Concluding Remarks 196 References... 197 8 Nonlinear Models of Counterflow Regenerators 199 8.1 Introduction ....... veces ees 199 8.2 Models and Methods . 201 = vit Contents 8.3 Overall Structure of Typical Software... . . wees 202 8.4 The Underlying Differential Equations. .......... 205 8.5 Integration of the Underlying Differential Equations . beeeeees 206 8.6 Overall View of _ Methods. . . 210 8.7 Time-Varying ©-Factors Within the Lumped Heat Transfer Coefficients... eee 211 8.8 Variable Gas Flow Operation with Hot- Blast Stoves... eee Bee ale 8.9 Comparison of Several Models, for Different Regenerators.. 6.0... eee 216 8.10 Hill Method of Analysis for the Spatially | Nonlinear Model... . we. 224 8.11 Solution for Constant Inlet Gas Temperatures . +. 230 12 Obtaining the Solid and Fluid Temperatures at Periodic Steady State... 20.2.2... 231 8.13 Assessment of this Closed Method for Nonlinear Problems..............0..00.. . 232 8.14 Radiative Heat Transfer Between Gas and Solid Surface in Regenerators............ sevens 233 8.15 Convective Heat Transfer Between Gas and Solid Surface Settee eee eee 236 8.16 Dimensionless Parameters for Convective Heat Transfer . . Sciscsetstemetscassssasassasass cians 8.17 Data for Certain ‘emperature-Dependent Thermophysical Properties .........., . 239 References sae 7 See . 242 9 Transient Response of Counterflow Regenerators 2A4 9.1 Introduction . . . 244 9.2 Response to a Step Change in ‘Op ating Conditions ..... . +. 247 9.3 Step Changes in Inlet Gas Temperature eens 249 9.4 The Effect of a p Ch Teme 9.5 Limit e in Inlet Ster atrix Contents - 202 . 205 - 206 . 210 239 242 Comtents ix 9.6 Unifying the Theory of Open and Closed Methods for Solving the Equations that Model Counterflow Regenerators.....0-- +2 2000s ee ee 260 9.7 Overall Performance from the Matrix Method sees 261 9.8 The Effect of a Step Pulse Change in Inlet Gas Temperature 0.0... 0c eve eee teeters 262 9.9 Unsymmetric Balanced Regenerators w=. 263 9.10 Unbalanced Regenerators.. 6.6.0... +--+ eee 265 9.11 Interpretation of the Relation Between the “Transient Performance of a Regenerator and its Dimensionless Parameters ......5----005 beet eee eee 267 9,12 Step Changes in Gas Flow Rate . . 269 9.13 Further Considerations of the Transient Response of a Regenerator 273 9.14 The Thermal Inertia Exhibited by Variable Gas Flow Regenerators........++ 278 9.15 Concluding Remarks . 280 References + 281 10 Parallel-Flow Regenerators 283 10.1 Introduction .. . ++ 283 10.2 Method of Analysis . . 284 10.3 An Open Method for Parallel- Flow Regenerative Heat Exchangers 0.0... 02.00 ceeeee ee eeee ee 285 10.4 Closed Methods for Parallel-Flow Regenerators +. 287 10.5 Symmetric Regenerators: Reversal Conditions ..... 288 10.6 Other Closed Methods for Parallel-Flow Regenerators . 289 10.7 Parallel-Flow Regenerator Performance . 290 10.8 Concluding Remarks . bee References... 6.602200 ee saseeeeeaiaaeaae: 294 Index .....---- 295

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