Himmelblau Problems Set 3 Material Balances With Reactions

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he be Chap.3 Problems 239 3a ads. 346. 3.48. 3.49, 350, 31. 382. Hydrogen-free carbon in the form of coke is burned: (a) With complete combustion using theoretical air (b) With complete combustion using 50% excess air (©) Using 50% excess air but with 10% of the carbon burning to CO only. In each ease calculate the gas analysis that will be found by testing the flue gases with an Orsat apparatus ‘Thirty pounds of coal (analysis 80“ C and 20% H ignoring the ash) are burned with 600 Ib of ait, yielding a gas having an Orsat analysis in which the ratio of CO, to CO is 3 to 2. What is the percent excess ait? ‘A gascontaining only CH, and N, is burned with ar yielding a flue gas that has an ‘Orsat analysis of CO,: 8.7%, CO: 1.0%, Os: 3.8%, and Ny: 86.54%, Calculate the percent excess air used in combustion and the composition of the CH,-N; mix ture. 'A natural gas consisting entirely of methane (CH,) is bumed with an oxygen en- riched air of composition 40% O, and 60% N,. The Orsat analysis of the product {208 as reported by the laboratory is CO," 20.2%, Oy: 4.15%, and Ny: 75.7%. Can the reported analysis be correet? Show all calculations, Dry coke composed of 4% inert solids (ash), 90% carbon, and 6% hydrogen is ‘burned in a furnace with dry air, The solid refuse left after combustion contains 10% carbon and 90% inert ash (and no hydrogen). The inert ash content does not enter into the reaction. ‘The Orsat analysis of the flue-gas gives 13.9% CO,, 0.8% CO, 4.3% O,, and 81.0% N,, Calculate the percent of excess air based on complete combustion of the coke ‘A gas with the following composition is bumed with SO% excess air in @ furnace, ‘What is the composition of the flue gas by percent? CH: 60%; C,H,: 20%; CO: 5%, Oy 59%; Ny:10% [A flare is used to convert unburned gases to innocuous products such as CO, and H,O. If a gas of the following composition (in percent) is burned in the flare— CH, 70%, Cy 5%, CO: 18%, Oy: 5%, Ny S%—and the flue gas contains 7.13% CO,, 12.35% HO, and the balance is O, and Ny, what was the percent ex- cess air used! : » tie [Examine the reactor in Figure P3.51, Your boss says something has gone wrong With the yield of CH,O, and it is up to you to find out what the problem is. You start by making material balances (naturally). What is your recommendation as to the probable difficulty? Show all caleulations on which your recommendation is based. ‘One of the products of sewage treatment is sludge. After microorganisms grow in the activated sludge process to remove nutrients and organic material, a substan- tial amount of wet sludge is produced. This sludge must be dewatered, one of the ‘most expensive parts of most treatment plant operations. “How to dispose of the dewatered sludge is @ major problem. Some organiza 240 Material Balances Chap. 3 Methanol Product (GO aeees| conan eee L een 40 sono in esono4 TSnCSon Figure P31 ions sel ried sudge for feilze. some spread the sug om rman. an in Somme places its ume. To burn dried sludges fel ot sed with and the mnitue is burned ina furnace wit i I you collect he flowing analysis Forth STudge and forthe stack gas sue ce Sack Ges 1 s B 12 c 40 iol Ht, + 465 4 sis? 202 (a) Detenine the weight percent of carbon and hydrogen in heft si {b) Detexmine the ratio of pounds of ey sludge to pou of fuel il in the min tue fet the fumace ASR. Ethane is iialy mined with oxygen to obtain a gas containing SO" C.H, and Bx 0, thats then bummed in an engine vith 200° ences ir. Eighty percent of the ethane goes to CO, 10% poes to CO. and 10% remains unburned, Calculate the composition ofthe exhaust gs ona wet bass 54. Tha handbook you find the following expression forthe approximate percent eX: ess airin combustion based on the percent CO, nthe dry fue gas analysis and 2 parameter K — rcent e Ke -1 hoo pacenexessir=(E- -) “To tes this relation, seit to calelate forthe %CO, = 12.1 the percent excess at for the combustion of (a) coke (all ©), K= 20, and (b) natal ga ll CH, Kz 125 Then check the accuracy ofthe prediction by caleulting the dy fue go tnulyas based on the percent excess ait determined fom the elation, Hos: mis relative difference is there? ‘Another relation is rent excess air = F "C02 le *\2= 900, ’ A ae Me Chap.3 Problems 2m 335. 3.86. 387. ‘where % CO, is the percent CO, in the dry flue gas. Repeat the calculations for this relation given that is fa) F = 100 for coke and (b) F=90 for natural gas. Use as the percent oxygen the percentage calculated forthe fi In order to neutralize the acid in a waste stream (composed of H,SO, and H,0), dry ground limestone (composition 95% CaCO, and 5% inerts) is mixed in. The dried sludge collected from the process is on! partly analyzed by firing itin a fur- nace which results in only CO, being driven off. By weight the CO, represents 10% of the dry sludge. What percent of the pure CaCO, in the limestone did not react inthe neutralization? AA specially prepared gas composed of 80.0% CH, and 20.0% Ng is burned with air ina boilet. The Orsat analysis ofthe exit flue gas is 1.2% CO;, 4.956 O,, and 93.9% Nj To reduce the concentration of CO, exiting from the stack, much of the CO, from the boiler is absorbed before the combustion gases enter the stack. Assume complete combustion takes place. Calculate the percent excess air, and the ratio of the moles afthe gases exiting from the stack to the moles of the special feed gas. |A gas with the following composition, CHy 60%; CyH,: 20%: CO: 5%; Oy: S9e: [N,! 108, is burned with 50% excess air in furnace. You are asked to calculate the number of moles of each component in the flue gases. ‘The solution prepared by one student was as follows: 3 formula Basis: 100 mol gas '50%6 xs air: Calculate O, and N, in the air Reqd. O; (motes) CH, +20, > CO, +2H,0 6012) 120 CiH,+3 40, > 2C0, +3H,0 203.5) = 70 = CO+ HO, > CO; 504) oe 192. xsO3: 192.565) 96.25 Total: 288.15 288,750.79 N,in with 0, 288251039 = 1086 Material balances a Out CC 604220)45 = hoy eels H: 6004) +206) = M02) Mo = 180 ND: 1041086 ms = 1056 2 Sin}e 5428775 = M+ Cul *Moy Mos = 100.25 Isthesoltion correct? Explain 242 3.58. 3.59. 361. 302. Material Balances Chap. 3 [A waste stream from a plant is being disposed of by burning in a Mare with a ‘The waste gas has the composition CH. 30%, CO, 10%, CO; 86%, Hye 10%, OF 2, HS: 2%. HyO: 26, Ny: 36%% “The Orsat analysis of the exit gas shows 0.3% SO, along with COs, O;, and Np Calculate the percent excess ait and the complete Orsat analysis. How much error ddo you think is inthe Orsat analysis you calculate? A number of proposed trials for toxic waste disposel involve injection of small amounts of the waste into a Limie kiln in which CaCO, is decomposed (“burned”) to CaO and CO, at high temperature, The QuickLime Co. has a possible kiln for use on waste disposal, and you are asked to establish « base case for operation so ‘that any differences in operation withthe addition of waste can be isolated, The kiln uses natural gas (80.1% CH,, 9.8% C,H, and 10.1 9 N,) and aie to burn completely the limestone, which has a composition of 2.1 moisture, 96.7% ‘CaCO,, and the balance inert material, The Orsat analysis of the exit gases from the kiln is CO, 17.7%, CO 1.0%. O, 24%, N, 78.9%. Calculate the kg of lime (CaO) produced per 100 kg mot of natural gas used. ‘The products and byproducts trom coal combustion can create environmental problems if the combustion process is not carried out properly. A fuel analyzing 740% C. 145% H. and 12% ash is burned to yield a flue gas containing 12.4% CO, 1.24% CO. 5.7% Oy. and 80.7% Ny on a dry basis. Your boss asks you to deter- (a) The tb of coal fired per 100 tb mol of flue gas (by The percent excess air used (@) The Ib of air used per Ib of coal (a) Will the calculations be valid? Explain, In the anaerobic fermentation of grain, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae digests ‘slucose from plants to form the products ethanol and propenoie acid by the fol- Towing overall reactions: Reaction 1: C,H),0, > 2C.H,OH +2 Reaction 2: C,H,,0, —> 2C.H,CO.H+2H,0 In a batch process, a tank is charged with 4000 kg of 12% glucose/ater solu thon. After fermentation 120 kg of carbon dioxide ae produced together with 90 kp of unreacted slucose. What are the wcight percents of ethyl alcohol and propenoic aid remaining inthe broth? Assume tht none of the glucoge is assim Tate into the bacteria SS Semiconductor microchip processing often involves chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of thin layers. The material being deposited needs to have certain desirable properties. For instance, to overlay on aluminum or other bases, « phosphorus pentoxide-doped silicon dioxide coating is deposited as passivation (protective) ‘coating by the simultaneous reactions eee ee OO OP Chap.3 Problems 243 Reaction |: SiH, +0, SiO, + 2K, Reaction 2: 4PH, + 5 Determine the relative masses of SiH, and PH, required to deposit film of 5% by ‘weight of phosphorus (P) in the protective coating 3.63. A power company operates one of its boilers on natural gas and another on cil ‘The analyses of the fuels show 969 CH,, 25 C,H, and 24 CO, for the natural gas and C\H,,, for the oil. The flue gases from both groups enter the same stack, and an Orsat analysis of this combined tlue gas shows 10.0% CO,, 0.63% CO, and 4.55% O,, What percentage of the total carbon burned comes from the oil? 3.64, Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are used in the eleetronie industry to both connect and hold components in place. In production. 0.03 in, of copper foil is laminated to an insulating plastic board. A circuit pattern made of @ chemically resistant polymer is then printed on the board. Next, the unwanted copper is chemically etched away by using selected reagents. If copper is treated with Cu(NH,),Cl, (cupric ammonium chloride) and, NH,OH (ammonium hydroxide). the products are water and Cu(NH,),CI (cuprous ammonium chloride). Once the copper is dis- solved, the polymer is removed by solvents leaving the printed circuit ready for further processing. Ifa single-sided board 4 in. by 8 in. isto have 75% of the cop- per layer removed using the reagents above, how many grams of each reagent will be consumed” Data: The density of copper is 8.96 glem*, 3.68. The thermal destruction of hazardous wastes involves the conttolled exposure of ‘waste (0 high temperatures (usually 900°C or greater) in an oxidizing environ- ment. Types of thermal destruction equipment include high-temperature boilers. ‘cement kilns, and industrial furnaces in which hazardous waste is burned as fuel Ina properly designed system, primary fuel (100% combustible material) is mixed ‘with waste to produce a feed for the boiler. (a) Sand containing 30% by weight of 4.4dichlorobiphenyl [an example of a polychorinated biphenyl (PCB)] is to be cleaned by combustion with excess hexane to produce a feed that is 60% combustible by weight. To decontami- nate 8 tons of such contaminated sand, how many pounds of hexane would be required? (b) Write the two reactions that would take place under ideal conditions if the mixture of hexane and the contaminated sand were fed to the thermal oxida: tion process to produce the most environmentally satisfactory products, How would you suggest treating the exhaust from the burner? Explain (©) The incinerator is supplied with an oxygen-enriched airstream containing 40% (0, and 60% N, 10 promote high-temperature operation. The exit gas is found to have a xco, = 0:1654 and x9, = 0.1220, Use this information and the data bout the feed composition above to find: (1) the complete exjt.gas concentra- tions and (2) the % excess O, used in the reaction, 3.66. ‘The Clean Air Act requires automobile manufacturers to warrant their control sys- tems as satisfying the emission standards for 50,000 mi. It requires owners to have 244 Material Balances Chap. 3 their engine control systems serviced exactly according to manufacturers’ specfi- cations and to always use the correct gasoline. In testing an engine exhaust having a known Orsat analysis of 16.2% CO,, 4.8% O,, and 79% N, at the outlet, you find to your surprise that atthe end of the mutfler the Orsat analysis is 13.1% CO, Can this diserepancy be caused by an air leak into the muffler? (Assume that the analyses are satisfactory.) If so, compute the moles of air leaking in per mole of exhaust gas leaving the engine. 3.67. A low-grade pyrite containing 32% $ is mixed with 10 Ib of pure sulfur per 100 Ib of pyrites so the mixture will burn readily. forming a burner gas that analyzes (Orsat) 13.4% SO, 2.7% O;, and 83.9% N,, No sulfur is left in the cinder. Caleu- late the percentage of the sulfur fied that burned to SO,, (The SO, is not detected by the Orsat analysis.) Section 3.5 3.68. The diagram in Figure P3.68 represents a typical but simplified distillation col- lumn. Streams 3 and 6 consist of steam and water, and do not come in contact with the fluids in the column that contains two components, Write the total and compo- nent material balances forthe tree sections of the column. How many indepen- dent equations would these balances represent? Condenser fis = 1 Fees coun 2 Ovenens 7 5 ceeting HO 4 Prost | 5 Retox 6 Steam 7 Booms —— 8 Liquid fow toreboer cies 6 fatoier) '9 Vapor flow to column 7 Figure P3.68 3.69. A distillation process is shown in Figure P3.69. You are asked to solve forall the ‘values of the stream flows and compositions. How many unknowns are there in the system? How many independent material balance equations can you write? Explain each answer and show all details whereby you reached your decision, For ceach stream, the only components that occur are labeled below the stream. 3.70, Metallurgical-grade silicon is purified to electronic grade for use in the semicon- ductor industry by chemically separating it from its impurities. The Si metal reacts in varying degrees with hydrogen chloride gas at 300°C to form several polychlo- Chap.3 Problems 245, 3m. 372. 373, 000 a ao oa Figure P3.69 rinated silanes. Trichlorosilane is liquid at room temperature and is easily sepa- rated by fractional distillation from the other gases. If 100 kg of silicon is reacted as shown in Figure P3.70, how much trichlorosilane is produced” joe mS, Figure P3.70 Several streams are mixed as shown in Figure P3.71. Calculate the flows of each stream in kgs. Cryrogenie purification of hydrogen takes place as shown in Figure P3.72. No. mass is exchanged in the heat exchangers. Try to caleulate the composition of stream A, Can you do it? Explain your results. Next, assume you measure the moles of Hy in stream B as 0.3 mol. Can you now solve for the composition of A? Finally, if you measure the H, in B as 0.3 mol and the CH, as 6.8 mol, is the prob- lem solvable? Is the problem now overspecified, exactly specified, or underspeci- fied? {A furnace burns fuel gas of the following composition: 70% Methane (CH,), 20% Hydrogen (H,) and 10% Ethane (C,H,) with excess air. An oxygen probe placed atthe exit ofthe furnace reads 2 oxygen in the exit gases. The gases are passed then through a long duct to a heat exchanger. At the entrance tothe heat exchanger 246 Material Balances Chap. 3 oe ° 20 HCI _ 20 HS. uc 60 5.0 HCI a 40 Naso. 70 HO ¢ [en eis H,S0, 15 } Ho" o70 . 35 ensole F=590\ginin eto mo z NaCl 738 Hess wsO. B21 HO eae tha Sole 1.55 Figure P3.71 the Orsat analysis of the gas reads 6°. Is the discrepancy due to the fact that the first analysis is on a wet basis and the second analysis on a dry basis (no Water condenses in the duct). or due to an air leak in the duet? If the former, give the Orsat analysis of the exit gas from the furnace. If the latter, calculate the amount of air that leaks into the duct per 100 mole of fuel gas bummed. 3.74, In 1988, the US. Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA) embarked upon an Puried nycrogen 48. mole 5.3mal CH, Heat coe exchanger 50 mol He 50 mol CH, Fuel Gas 1 9molHy 447 moiCHe Figure P3.72 3 Chap.3 Problems 247 ambitious and comprehensive environmental improvernent effort the Responsi ble Care initiative. Responsible Care commited all of the 185 members of the and environ CMA to ensure continual improvement in the areas of health, sat mental quality, as well as in eliciting and responding to public concerns about their products and operations. The real core of Responsible Care lies in its six ‘Codes of Management Practices. These cosles require member companies to estab- Tish specifie goals and timetables for improving their performance along the whole lifecycle of their chemical products—from research through production, waste management, product transporation, use and, ultimately, disposal. One of the codes, Pollution Prevention, addresses a problem cited by’the public as one of its ‘major concems regarding the industry—the handling of hazardous wastes. The code requires companies to establish specific goals for reducing theit generation of all wastes, hazardous or otherwise. One ofthe best ways to reduce or eliminate hazardous waste is through source reduction, Generally, this means using different raw materials or redesigning the production process to eliminate the hazardous byproducts. As an example, consider the following coun! traction process (Figure P3.74) to recover xylene from a stream that contains 10% xylene and 90% solids by weight. The stream from which xylene is to be extracted enters Unit 2 ata flow rate eneration of ;current eX- he ‘of 2000 kg/hr. To provide a solvent for the extraction, pure benzene is fed 10 Unit er {ata flow rate of 1000 kg/hr. Assume that the liquid flowing with the Solids li he ing a unit has the same composition as the clear liquid stream exiting from the nt same unit. Determine the benzene and xylene concentrations in all of the streams ‘What is the percent recovery of the xylene entering the process at Unit 2? wos seem] cmartaie []_, Petit stam ' Soeur oosaas |__| 2 eSpetaf Fa Figure P3.74 3.75. Figure P3.7S shows a three-stage separation process. The ratio of Py/D, is 3. the ratio of PJD, is 1, and the rato ofA to Bin stream P,is 4 to 1, Caleulate the com: Position and percent of each component in stream E Hint: Although the problem comprises connected wnits, application of the standard strategy of problem solving will enable you to solve it without solving an excessive number of equations simultaneously. W416. A simplified flowsheet for the manufacture of sugar is shown in Figure P3.76. Sugarcane is fed 0 a mill where a syrup is squeezed out, and the resulting “pagasse” contains 80% pulp. The syrup (E) containing Finely divided pieces of 248 3m. 378. Material Balances Chap. 3 D,A0sD Dp Agar 2-108 i (roe) Pe. x 070 8 030 00 Figure P3.75 Pulp is fed to a screen which removes all the pulp and produces a clear syrup (H) containing 15% sugar and 85% water. The evaporator makes a “heavy” syrup and the erystalizer produces 1000 lb/hr of sugar crystals (@) Find the water removed in the evaporator, bvhr (b) Find the mass fractions of the component in the waste stream G (©) Find the rate of feed of cane to the unit, lbyhe (@) Of the sugar fed in the cane, what percentage is lost with the bagasse? (©) Is this an efficient operation? Explain why or why not, Sodium hydroxide is usually produced from common salt by electroly sential elements of the system are shown in Figure P3.77, (a) What is the percent conversion of sat to sodium hydroxide? (b) How much chlorine gas is produced per pound of product? (©) Per pound of product, how much water must be evaporated in the evaporator? ‘The flowsheet shown in Figure P3.78 represents the process for the production of titanium dioxide (TiO,) used by Canadian Titanium Pigments at Varennis, Que- bec, Sorel slag ofthe following analysis: The es- 000 cre este dy Teese sence ithe 1% se we Lod a ee a Mt Wiese |S aa sae] te we | wee Deyo std aan meh 3 A Figure P3.76 ca Chap.3 Problems ind ‘al. ! | 1 Prost Se eee a Figure P3.77, we 70, 7 n 3 Ie sca 2 is fed toa digester and reacted with H,SO,, which enters as 67% by weight H,SO, ina water solution. The reactions in the digester are as follows; TiO, +H,$0, > Ti0sO,+H,0 a Fet Lo, HSO, > FeS0,+H,0 @ Both reactions are complete. The theoretically required amount of H,SO, for the Sorel slag is fed. Pute oxygen is fed in the theoretical amount for all the Fe in the Sorel slag. Scrap iron (pure Fe) is added to the digester o reduce the formation of. ferric sulfate to negligible amounts. Thirty-six pounds of scrap iron are added per pound of Sorel sla. ‘The products of the digester are sent to the clarifier, where all the inert sili- cates and unreacted Fe are removed. The solution of TiOSO, and FeSO, from the clarifier is cooled, crystallizing the FeSO, which is completely removed by a file ter. The product TiOSO, solution from the filter is evaporated down to a slurry that is 82% by weight TiOSO,, ‘The slurry is sent to a dryer from which a product of pure hydrate, TIOSO,- is obtained. The hydrate crystals are sent to a direct-fired rotary kiln, where the pute TiO, is produced according to the following reaction: TiOSO,H,0 ~ TiO, +H,S0, 2) Reaction (3) is complet. On the basis of 100 Ib of Sorel stag feed, caleulate (a) The pounds of water removed by the evaporator, (b) The exit b of H,O per Ib dry air from the dryer if the air enters having 0.036 ‘moles H,O per mole dry air and the air rate is 18 Ib mol of dry air per 100 Ib of Sorel slag, (©) The pounds of product TiO, produced. In a paper machine system (see Figure P3.79), a stock suspension of cellulose Chap. 4 4.20, 421, 422. 423, 424, 42s, 426. Problems 363 ‘What is the density of propane gas (C,H) in kg per cubie meter at 200 kPa and 40°C? What is the specific gravity of propane? What is the specific gravity of propane gas (C3Hs) at 100°F and 800 mm Hg relative to air at 60°F and 760 mm Hg? What is the mass of 1 m} of Hy at $°C and 110 kPa? What is the specific gravity of this H, compared to air at $°C and 110 kPa? Gas from the Padna Field, Louisiana, is reported to have the following compo- nents and volume percent composition, What is: (a) The mole percent of each component in the gas? (b) The weight percent of each component in the gas? (©) The apparent molecular weight of the gas? (@) Its specific gravity? ‘Component Percent ‘Component Percent Methane 87.09 Pentanes 046 Ethane 442 Hexanes 029 Propane 1.60 Heptanes 0.06 Isobutane 040 Nitrogen 4.76 Normal butane 0.50 Carbon dioxide 0.40 | Total oo. Methane is completely bumed with 20% excess air, with 30% of the carbon going to CO. What is the partial pressure of the CO in the stack gas if the barometer reads 740 mm Hg, the temperature of the stack gas is 30°F, and the as leaves the stack at 250 ft above the ground level? ‘A mixture of IS Ib N, and 20 Th Hy is at a pressure of 50 psig and a temperature of 60°F, Determine the following (assuming ideality forthe gas mixture) (a) The partial pressure of each component (b) The specific volume of the mixture (©) The density of the mixture ‘Three thousand cubic meters per day of a gas mixture containing methane and n-butane at 21°C enters an absorber tower. The partial pressures at these condi- tions are 103 kPa for methane and 586 kPa for n-butane, In the absorber, 80% of the butane is removed and the remaining gas leaves the tower at 38°C and a total pressure of $50 kPa. What is the volumetric flow rate of gas at the exit? How many moles per day of butane are removed from the gas in this process? Assume ideal behavior. A heater burns normal butane (n-C,H,o) using 40.0 percent excess air, Combus- tion is complete. The flue gas leaves the stack at @ pressure of 100 kPa and a temperature of 260°C. (a) Calculate the complete flue gas analysis. (b) What is the volume of the flue gas in cubic meter per kg mol of n-butane?” peed 364 Gases, Vapors, Liquids, and Solids Chap. 4 Recycle gas stream, A ‘90% Ha, 1056 CpHe Feed fees (gas) at 100°C and 150 KPa -—— Pas) Oye Restor (sie a 950 Umino Co 260 Lin, of Cy Hy re P4.28, 4.28. Benzene (CH) is converted t0 cyclohexane (CyHl;.) by direct reaction with Hy, The fresh feed to the process is 260 Limmin of C,H, plus 950 Limin of Hy at 100°C and 150 kPa, The single pass conversion of H in the reactor is 48% While the overall conversion of H in the process is 75%, The recycle stream contains 80% H, and the remainder benzene (no cyclohexane). See Figure 4.28. (a) Determine the molar flow rates of H., CH, and CH)» in the exiting prod- uct. (b) Determine the volumetric flow rates of the product stream if it exits at 100 kPa and 200°C. (©) Determine the molar flow rate of the recycle stream, and the volumetric flow rate if the recycle stream is at 100°C and 100 kPa 429. A flue gas at 790 mm Hg and 200°F has the following composition: CO,, 12.0%; CO, 0.8%; O>, 5.2%, and the balance N. What is the partial pressure of the CO, and the N.? 430, Ammonia is burned in air with a resulting fue gas having the Orsat analysis of 4.1% O, and 95.9% N>. Calculate (a) the m? of air used per m? of ammonia used, (b) the percent excess air used, and (c) the m°/min of air at 25°C and 100.0 kPa used if the NH, flow rate is 20.7 m/min at 40°C and 125.6 kPa 431. The majority ot semiconductor chips used in the microelectronics industry are made of silicon doped with trace amounts of materials to enhance conductivity ‘The silicon initially must contain less than 20 parts per million (ppm) of impu ties, Silicon rods are grown by the following chemical deposition reaction of trichlorosilane with hydrogen: HSiCI, +H, aor? SHCI+Si ‘Assuming that the ideal gas law applies, what volume of hydrogen at 000°C and 1 atm must be reacted to increase the diameter of a rod 1 m long from 1 em to 10cm? The density of solid silicon is 2.33 ler. 432. The accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant began in March 1979 when 4 pressure relief valve of a water purifier stuck open. A series of operator errors and equipment failures stopped the flow of cooling water to the eactor core. As Chap.4 Problems 365 2 result, the water began to boil and the core reached the temperature at which the steam reacted with the zirconium cladding ofthe fuel rods producing zi. nium oxide (Zr0,) and hydrogen gas (H,). The hydrogen bubble that formed ‘was estimated to be 28,000 L in volume. and further impeded the flow of cool ing water, which was at 250°C and 6900 kPa, From the measurements cited, de- termine the numberof kilograms of zirconium that reacted. 4.33, When a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons (C and H only) are bummed in a test en- gine, the exhaust gas is found to contain 10.0% CO, on a dry basis, Its also found thatthe exhaust gas contains no oxygen or hydrogen (on the dry basis. Careful measurement indicates 173 ft of air of 80°F and 740 mm Hg absolute enter the engine for every pound of fuel used. Calculate the mass ratio of H to C inthe fue. 434, A medium-Buu gas analyzes 6.4% COs, 0.1% O;, 395 CO, 51.8% Hy, 0.6% CHy, and 2.1% Np. It enters the combustion chamber at 90°F and a pressure of 35.0 in, Hg, It is burned with 40% excess air (dry) at 70°F and an atmospheric pressure of 29.4 in, Hg, but 10% of the CO remains unbumed. How many cubie feet of air are supplied per cubic foot of entering gas? 4.35. Methane containing 4.0% Np is flowing through a pipeline, To check the fowrate measurement, 2.83 m? of Ny per minute at 22°C and 105.1 kPa are introduced into the pipeline. At some distance down the pipe, by which point complete mixing has taken place, a sample is found to contain 4.82% Ny. What is the flowrate of the pipeline gas (before the addition of N) in m/min at SC? 4.36. An incinerator produces a dry off gas of the following Orsat composition mes sured at 60°F and 30 inches of Hg absolute: 4.0% CO, 26.0% CO, 2.0% CH,, 16.0% Hy and 52.0% N>. A dry natural gas of the following (Orsat) composi- tion: 80.5% CH,, 17.8%, C3Hy, and 1.7% N, is used at the rate of 1200 feVmin at 60°F and 30 inches of Hg absolute to burn the inineration off gas. The final Products of combustion analyze on a dry basis: 12.2% CO,, 0.7% CO, 2.4% Op, and 84.7% N;, Calculate (a) the tate of flow in fP/min of the incerator off gas at 60°F and 30 inches of Hg absolute on a dry basis, and (b) the rate of air flow in f/min, dry, at 80°F and 29.6 inches of Hg absolute, 437. A gascous mixture consisting of $0 mol % hydrogen and 50 mol % acetalde- hyde (C,H,O) is initially contained in a rigid vessel at a total pressure of 7600 ‘mm Hg abs. The formation of ethanol (CjH,O) occurs accord C)H,O+H, — CHO ‘After a time it was noted that the total pressure in the rigid vessel had dropped to 700 mm He abs. Calculate the degree of completion of the reaction using the following assumptions: (1) Al reactants and products are in the gaseous state; and (2) the vessel and its contents were ut the same temperature ‘when the two pressures were measured, hE

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