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Today too many soldiers are risking their lives to protect and serve the United States, but
dying in the process. What we have is a way for people to still protect our nation, but never have
to set foot on a battlefield-we call it the Brain-Bot. Its a robot that connects with the controller's
mind, making it do exactly what a human would do in that particular situation. The Brain-Bot
would let the United States to participate in wars without soldiers leaving the comfort and
protection of their base.

Present Technology
The current progress that the world has made for mind control technology allows for
basic movement of machines and equipment. Basic robots the size of childrens toys have been
developed to do basic tasks, but move slowly. The types of machines that currently use this
technology are very basic prototypes such as mini-drones that have four or more rotors that keep
it afloat. The mini-drone is controlled with basic thoughts that move it up, down, left, right,

forwards and backwards. The current technology has paved the path for the future, but still needs
many improvements for it to be where we want it to be.
The current technology that reads brain waves uses MRI and EEG brain imaging to control the
robots. MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging. It uses a Radiographer to produce detailed
images of body parts in this case the brain. EEG stands for Electroencephalogram. EEG is
similar to MRI as in that it measures brain activity, specifically electrical brain activity. These
two technologies are used in a cap that would measure brain activity. The cap would take the
data retrieved from EEG or MRI scans and send it to a receiver to process the data taken by the
cap. What happens is the cap scans the motor cortex, while the person wearing the cap either
moves or thinks about moving then neurons in the motor cortex start to produce tiny electrical
currents for the cap to scan. The data is then configured to do certain movements. The reason
why movement for the robots is still very basic is that if you think about walking it would
involve many parts of a body. You could have the thoughts in a motor cortex to be transferred to
a language for the robot, but the movement mapping would be very complex. Right now the
movements in the robots are basic in general areas, so six general movements could be mapped
out to be transferred into six general directions for something as simple as a drone. An example
would be professor Bin Hes drone, the simple thoughts of making a fist or actually making a fist
with your hands would transfer into turn to the right and two fists would make the drone go up.
The instruments that involves taking information and translating it use EEG and MRI brain
imaging, but the robot itself requires many other materials.
The Brain-Bot in its prototype stages would consist of many instruments that already exist in
todays world. The Brain-Bot would be controlled over wireless communication and video
recording. We already use wireless transmitters and radio waves. These instruments would be

used to control the Brain-Bot. The Brain-Bot would also need a video recorder to transmit back
to the controller of the Brain-Bot so they know what theyre doing while using the Brain-Bot.
The Brain-Bot would use a combination of these instruments to connect the Brain-Bot and its
controller. The Brain-Bot would need sensors on it, so the controllers would be able to tell the
status of the Brain-Bot and if it needs any adjustments or if it can even work in some ways.
Another important part of the Brain-Bot is what its made out of. Graphene is a strong,
lightweight material. It is one hundred times stronger than steel and only weighs .77 grams per
square meter. The material would allow the Brain-Bot to be a smaller more efficient robot than if
the material was heavy and took lots of material in order for it to be strong enough to be used.
Also the engineering part of the actual Brain-Bot would be the same as any other humanoid
robot with the capability of military uses such as the ability to fire weapons and defend itself in
military situations.

In 1924 German neurologist Hans Berger was the first man to record human brain activity
he called it the Electroencephalogram or EEG for short. It wasnt till 1969 at the University of
Washington School of Medicine when Hans findings were finally used to control machines.
Monkeys were able to to control an arm with their mind and only one year later other research
shows that monkeys also were able to control neurons in the motor cortex. In the 1980s
Apostolos Georgopoulos at Johns Hopkins University was able to find a mathematical
relationship between the single neurons in monkeys brain and the direction the monkey moved
its arm. He also noticed multiple areas of the cortex had neurons move also, but he was only
able to record the data in one area due to the level of his equipment. In 1990 Miguel Nicolelis, a

professor at Duke University, in Durham, North Carolina was able to decode brain activity in
owl monkeys. This allowed him to develop robotic arms for the monkeys to use. In 2000 the
monkeys were able to use a joystick or reach for food to use the arm. In 2011 ODoherty was
able to replicate a similar situation with rhesus monkeys while they received feedback in their
sensory cortex while they controlled the arm. The continuation of research and development has
continued up to 2013 when Bin He and his group developed a flying drone using the motor
cortex by creating fists.
Graphene was first produced in a lab in 2003. This was an odd material due to its 2-D
properties, but is very strong and lightweight. The use of robots in military was first introduced
in 1898 with the use of remote controlled boats. After the use of remote controlled boats there
was the use of a remote controlled tank in 1930. Then followed the remote controlled landmine
goliath. Air Drones are the most commonly used military robots currently. The Brain-Bots goal
would be to replace infantry how drones replaced aircraft in unsafe areas for pilots. A ground
robot would be the current generation Gladiator. UGVs are unmanned ground vehicles and
UAVs are unmanned aerial vehicles. The use of these unmanned robots were when the situation
would be too dangerous for humans. Unmanned robots were popular during the war in Iraq due
to the danger for Americans. The Brain-Bot will need the technologies of the future to be the

military robot that the world will need. The safety of humans will improve if the development of

the Brain-Bot continues.

Future Technology
The Brain-Bot will Improve throughout time, in the next 20 years there will be no need
for soldiers on the battle field. There wont even be a need for its operator because it will
remember everything its operator is doing for an extended period of time through any situation,
remember the operators reaction and replicate that action in any situation to create an AI or
artificial intelligence. Also the Brain-Bot will be able to do tasks like police work and riot
control, due to the AI it will develop over time. To be able to control advancing rioters without
killing them with rubber bullets and tear gas. These are some of the things that the Brain-Bot will
be able to do in the next 20 years.
The AI software will work by the robot storing all of its controllers movements and reactions
through training in any part and situation throughout the world. After the Brain-Bot has stored all
of these reactions it will download all of these into its control center (its brain) then it will go
through all war tactics and create an algorithm to be able to defend against them or use them to
their advantage in war.

The Brain-Bot will also have camo that can adapt to their surroundings. It will have
cameras that will copy its surrounding from all angles of view making it impossible to see. Also
the camo will conceal all heat that the Brain-Bot produces making it undetectable by infrared
cameras. You will be able to walk straight over the Brain-Bot and not be able to detect it. You
can put it on spy mode and it will be able to collect data without being detected. Once you put it
in Spy mode it will be able to take HD pictures and will be able to shoot people from 2 miles

away in the next twenty years.

The Brain-Bot will be able to scan people to indicate who they are. If the United States
wants to discover where a terrorist or enemy is then they can just tell the Brain-Bot a certain
place to look and it will find them. This technology hopefully will help out in locating hostages
and taking out terrorists. The technology will be future in hostage rescue using it crowd control
systems as tactics in taking terrorists down and bringing hostages back to their families and away
from torture and starvation.

In order for our idea to be possible there are many breakthroughs that would have to
happen first. This is because nobody has thought of building a robot like ours and therefore none
of the inventions that we need to make our robot complete have been created or released yet.
First there would need to be an invention of a chip that would be surgically implanted
into the brain of the person that would control the robot allowing it to link their brainwaves to the
robots database. There would also need to be another invention of the robot itself. It would have
to be humanlike so that the controller will be used to its movements. It will also have to be
armored to standards that would sustain heavy combat conditions of war.
There would also need to be an invention similar to the "Go-Pro" that would link the
senses of the robot to the user so that they would experience the robots sight, sound, smell, and
touch of its environment. This would give the soldier the full effect of being the robot and
allowing the user to react appropriately to its surroundings. There would need to be a
sensor/health monitor created/invented that would indicate to the user when the robot has been
critically damaged or is in need of repair. There would need to be a medic type robot built
specifically to repair the damaged Brain-Bots. They would be like human medics in real war.
There would need to be a firewall created that would prevent others from hacking into the chip
allowing them to control the Brain-Bot. This would assist in keeping our invention within the
U.S. and not getting into the wrong hands. If the Brain-Bot were corrupted by a different user,
there would have to be a self-destruct monitor that would erase all memory, linkage, data, etc. to
ensure U.S. safety from the enemy. The monitor would alert the user that the robot was

compromised and will self-destruct so that the user can identify that their chip is disabled and

must be replaced.
To ensure the safety of the user, there would need to be medical clearance that ensured inserted
the chip into the brain would not be harmful or cause any damage or potential risk of death. The
chip would need to be able to mesh with the human anatomy and not breakdown or deteriorate
over time.
Each soldier would need to have their own station created at base that would be specific
to them and their Brain-Bot. Upon entering the station, they may activate their Brain-Bot. If
they were to leave their station, the Brain-Bot would automatically be disabled. This would help
prevent an unauthorized user from enabling or using the Bot.
There would need to be one main board built with a master key that allows the General
the power to enable, disable, and view all Brain-Bots and user activity. There would need to be a
feature created on the master key and main board that gives the General the ability to completely
wipe out the user/Brain-Bot activity in case of a compromised mission that could be detrimental
to the U.S.
The armour created for the robots would need to be invented in a way that ensured the
armour would adjust to the environment automatically. It would need to withstand intense heat

or extremely cold temperatures. It would need to be able to operate under water, in the air and in

almost any condition that a human at war would.

The last add on to the chip would need to be a security cloak that would make the chip
undetectable to metal detectors or any other invention that would allow the enemy to detect
users. It would keep those with the chip safe from being targeted or destroyed. In order to test all
of these projects to make sure that they will work, we would begin by taking the ideas from our
present technology and combining them to create what we are hoping is the Brain-Bot. We would
have to go through trial and error to see what present inventions actually work together. Our
team would measure the the amount of money that it would take to add the additional parts. We
would also want to measure and record the response time between the user and the robot. That
would be so that we could work to make the time as short as possible.
Design Process

Our group had to go through a lot of decision making and debating in order to come up
with exactly what we wanted for our project. Even though we chose the Brain-Bot as our idea,
there are many other ideas that we had and different routes that we could have gone for our
One of the ideas that we were going to do was to have a computer chip put into soldiers
brains so it would make it easier for them to communicate with each other. This idea would
allow soldiers to be able to talk and create a strategy without even making a sound. Therefore
giving our country the advantage when it comes to creating different tactics right in the middle of
war. We didnt like this idea because it is still putting soldiers onto the battlefield. Even though it
would have been a great idea, it was going against the main problem that we are trying to solve
by sending our Americans to fight.
Another idea that we had was to create war robots that were remote controlled. This idea
would be like the modern day video game. Soldiers could stay at base and watch a screen while
moving the robots with their controller. This could give those extreme gamers a role in society
and it would be for a good cause. Every soldier would receive their own custom remote that is fit
to their hands and will allow them to perform at maximum potential. The experience will be
better than your everyday video game by letting you work with your actual team and controlling
real life things that are really out on the battlefield. This idea would be great considering that we
are keeping soldiers out of danger and still using their tactical skills. We didnt feel that is would
work though because it might restrict the movement of the robot and wont allow it to have a full
range of motion by just being controlled by the remote. There is another downside which is not

being able to see all of your surroundings through the limits of a television screen.

The last idea that we were considering doing was a robotic suit that we would put the
soldiers in. The suit would enhance all of a persons abilities and senses. This robotic suit would
give the ultimate edge to soldiers over their enemies. It would enhance their speed, strength,
agility, and even their thought process. There would be a link that would connect the suit back to
base allowing them to communicate with others and identify where they are located. Having the
soldier in the suit would allow them to execute missions as they would in real life rather than
remote controlling a robot from base. They would still be allowed their full range of motion and
not be restricted by any part of the suit. This seemed like a great idea at first, but then we realized
some potential negative's to the suit. If a soldier were to be killed while in the suit then the
enemy would have the potential to take the suit and use our own technology against us. We also
thought this would be ripping off the whole "Iron Man" series. The reason we decided to go with
our "Brain-Bot" is because it does not include the flaws in the other ideas that we had. We
would not be putting soldiers lives at risk and would still be giving the robots the same mentality
as though the soldiers were still on the battlefield. Our idea gives the user full range of motion
and full control of the robot while allowing them to communicate with others who are also using
the Brain-Bots. Our thought takes the best out of each previous idea that we had and combines

them into what we think is the perfect product. Hopefully it can be enhanced and improved
throughout the years making it better.
If our idea works it could be the greatest thing that has ever happened to the United States
Military. It has the potential to be the greatest warfare breakthrough ever. But if something goes
wrong it could be catastrophic. We would put one of the most sophisticated and complex codes
to make the Brain-Bot practically invulnerable. If someone or something were to hack into the
system of our Brain-Bots then we could have close to nothing left of a military and would have
to resort back to square 1 with human troops.
Some positive consequences for our Brain-Bot would be, in all of our military
branches minimal or no humans will be in risk or in potential danger. Brain-Bots will be capable
to do more advanced missions in crucial battle situations, because they are machine and less
likely for error. They will be able to withstand more damage as in bullets, fall damage and
explosive damage. Also robots do not get tired (no sleep) they will not get scared and abandon,
they dont talk to each other no very minimal noise, and most importantly robots/machines do
not have any fear. As sc moniter science say, There are advantages such as the robot does not
deal with anger, revenge, hunger, fear, fatigue, or stress which a regular soldier would. Also the
thing with robots is you can make them as big or as small as you want to. You could make a big
one to take big damage and deal a great amount of damage itself, or you could make a smaller

robot to make less noticeable or fit in tiny crevices and holes. It is just very evident that robots

can do much more than humans could ever imagine.

To express the magnitude and potential of this invention is difficult because it is such a
big and new idea. When this idea launches and becomes reality the training begins.
Some negative consequences for this invention would be if we are in the process of training our
Brain-Bots and war with the United States or in another country and we need to fight, neither our
human troops or our Brain-Bots will be equipped or ready for battle. Also if this idea works as
we expect then it wont be long until most elite warfare counties are copying this new idea and
making it their own and improving upon it. Also if the Brain-Bots get too powerful and the war
gets out of hand, we DO NOT want total world destruction. That is not the intention of this
invention. Also cost is always a factor, since 2012 America gets in about 2.41 billion dollars in
debt a day! So buying a very costly robot army does not help our whole debt problem. Also
what if the robot encounters a situation that he has not been trained or programed to do, what
then? Also as sc moniter science says, If the robots break the rules of war who takes
responsibility? The programer? The country itself? There is just so much to account for. What if
the enemy is surrendering and the Brain-Bot does not recognise it and does not spare any of the
soldiers live? There are so many opinions on this topic, many pros and cons to look at and
consider. What is the right choice? We might not know until the design process begins.

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