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Ten Traits of a Great Urban Educator

1. Empathy Many teachers have not experienced the traumas and issues that their
students are dealing with on a daily basis. Urban teachers need to be empathetic
toward their students in an effort to understand their struggles. As an educator it is
important not to impose your own morals, values, religion and cultural assumptions
on the students.
2. Respect for the students Despite a students environment, teachers need to respect
all students and believe all students are capable of learning and achieving success.
Every student has a right to a future.

Invest in the community- Teachers in urban schools not only work with students but
also with their families and members of the community. This partnership is vital for
student growth and continued improvement within the community to reverse the
cycle of being undereducated.

4. Flexibility Teachers in urban schools need to be flexible in terms of curriculum

guidelines based on each students actual grade level, classroom disruptions and
student behavior. It is necessary to recognize when a classroom plan isnt working
and readjust.
5. Ambition- Set ambitious goals for students to obtain. Teachers must lead their
students toward substantial academic growth. A teacher should project his/her
aspirations for the students on to them to show them what they are capable of.
6. Self-care - In order to be a successful teacher in an urban school, teachers need to
take care of their personal needs in addition to the needs of their students. Urban
schools are challenging, and teachers need to take care of themselves emotionally
and physically in order to properly manage stress. A balance of the two is needed to
the students and you as an educator can succeed.
7. Patience - Another characteristic that proves infinitely useful is being patient. The
diverse population of students at urban schools can present challenges. Being patient
with students allows them to make progress on their own and feel they are in an
encouraging environment.
8. Sense of humor A successful teacher in an urban school must possess a sense of
humor. The stress that comes with teaching at an urban school can be draining, but if
you have the ability to laugh the environment becomes more relaxed for both you
and the students.
9. Collegiality - Another important characteristic for teachers in urban schools
collegiality and peer support. Staff members need to work together to support on
another through the high and low points of their teaching. This type of peer support

is a valuable resource and an avenue for teachers to gain knowledge from other
urban educators.
10. High energy level The daily challenges facing urban school teachers requires a
teacher to be energetic and express a willingness to give their energy and time into
an urban school to make it successful.

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