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Readiness Cutover-sap


The Cutover is the critical point in the project when very specific activities are performed to
set up, initialize and verify the proper operation of the production environment prior to going
live. The purpose of the cutover is assure all required information is accurately loaded in
the new system, all users and systems are ready to go-live and that all old systems are shut
down appropriately.
The focus of the cutover is on the activities, tasks and timing of the final days prior to going
live on the new system. Required activities such as installation, conversions, data loads and
verifications are included in a cutover plan.
The cutover plan is a series of tasks to be performed in the appropriate sequence to ensure
system readiness. It provides the basis for the approval for proceeding to go-live and use
the new system to entire live data and transactions. A final cutover checklist is used to
ensure all the proper steps have been taken, all users and management are prepared to
start using the new system and the old system has been closed down to further processing.
The written cutover strategy, plan and checklist must be reviewed and approved by the
project manager, teams leads and key management. Then, the plan must be presented in
summary form to the steering committee.

Preparation Blueprint Design & Build Transition/Cutover Go-Live

The cutover it the final step of the transition phase. While some initial tasks are performed
in parallel, the final cutover should be performed following the successful completion of the
integration testing and end-user training. This implies that all development, testing and
training have been signed off.

Production system established and validated

End users using the production system
Live transactions are being entered into the production system
Help desk strategy implemented

> Production environment ready for go-live

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