UNSC Press Statement On Transfer of Dominic Ongwen To The ICC

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20 January 2015

The members of the Security Council welcomed the arrival of Dominic

Ongwen from the Central African Republic (CAR) to the International
Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, on 20 January 2015.
The members of the Security Council paid tribute to all victims of serious
crimes of international concern committed by the Lords Resistance Army
They expressed their appreciation to all states and organizations that
cooperated on this effort, notably the governments of Uganda, CAR, and
the United States, and the African Union, the United Nations
Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African
Republic (MINUSCA), as well as to the International Criminal Court. They
emphasized that their efforts were essential in order to bring Mr. Ongwen
to justice.
The members of the Security Council viewed this development as a
positive step for international criminal justice and for the fight against
impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the
international community, as well as towards efforts to address the threat
posed by the LRA.
The members of the Security Council recalled that the International
Criminal Courts arrest warrants for other LRA leaders, including Joseph
Kony, on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including
murder, rape, enslavement, cruel treatment, intentionally directing
attacks against a civilian population and forced enlistment of children,
have yet to be executed, and called upon all States to cooperate with
relevant national governments and the International Criminal Court, in
accordance with their respective obligations, in order to execute those
warrants, and to bring justice to those responsible.
The members of the Security Council thanked the African Union Regional
Task Force for its ongoing efforts to counter the threat of the LRA in the
The members of the Security Council demanded an immediate end to all
attacks by the LRA and urged the LRA to release all those abducted, and
to disarm and demobilise. The Council welcomed the progress made with
regard to ending LRA war crimes and crimes against humanity in Central

Africa and reiterated its resolve to maintain the current momentum until a
permanent end to the threat posed by the LRA has been achieved.

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