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1. Diagram 1 shows cell P and Q undergoing cell division.


Diagram 1
(a) (i) Name the structure labelled K and L.
K :
L :
(ii) State the phase of division of cells P and Q.
Cell P :

Cell Q :
(b) Cell P undergoes three consecutive divisions. How many daughter cells are produced?

(c) (i) Cell Q undergoes the first nuclear division and produces two cells. Complete the
diagram to show the chromosomes in one of the cells produced.

(ii) Name one organ where cell Q is found.

(iii) The number of chromosomes in a somatic cell of a fly is 12. State the number of
in a daughter cell produced at the end of the type of cell division as shown by cell Q.

(d) Cancer is a disease which causes uncontrolled growth of tissues. Radiotherapy is a method to
treat cancer by using radiation. Explain how this treatment stops the growth of cancer cells.

(e) An oil palm planter wants to produce large number of oil palms in short time. State the best
technique to be used by the planter and one problem to be considered in using the technique.


Table 2 shows a breakfast menu for a adult.

Breakfast menu


- 2 slices

Fried egg - 2

- 1

(i) Does the breakfast menu in Table 2 provide a balanced diet for an adult ?
Give reason for your answer.
[2 marks]
(ii) Describe what happen to the end products of digestion of the food eaten during
breakfast in the body cells.
[8 mark]

Table 3 shows the result of an analysis of meat-based fast food

A teenager frequently consumes meat-based fast food for a long time

Describe the effects of consuming the meat-based fast food for long periods as compared
to consume a balanced diet for the same period of time.
[10 marks]

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