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Science is integration of all the thing in our daily life. Whatever we do and
wherever we are, we live with science. All of our life is science, up to now we can still
alive and survive because we are learning science. We can know what will we do to
survive and develope, is come from learning science. So science have a strong
corelation with our life. But, how the human that life at olden times can survive
without learning science in the school? Science is dinamic, not static. So the way to
learn science is not static but dinamic. Maybe at that time they learn science to survive
just by observing. Why we can say that?
By learning science, we can solve humans problems. We can understand why
the problem come, so we can solve the problem. Many significant problems in our life
that have a corelation with science development. For example, how to solve global
warming, how to take care our environment. Eventhought we cant fix all of the
problem, at least we can make it better.
From learning science we can develops technology, then the technology can
help human doing their activity. From learning science we have a knowledge about
technology, it can help us using a technology and it can help us to make a new
technology. Science have a strong corelation with technology, because the good
technology is made based on science principle. For example, communication
technology make people can be easier to talk with other people. So, people can do
their activity easier.
Beside that learning science can help us to search and use natural resources.
For example, we can use natural petrol and develop it so we can use it efficiently. Not
only to use, learning science can help us search a new natural resource. For example,
we know how to search a new place that can produce a natural petrol.
And how we can conserve the natural resources? Thats another important
thing that we have to know. If we explore the natural resources but we dont know
how to conserve, it will become a big problem. So, learning science can help us how
to conserve our natural resources. For example, we can know how to recycle and reuse
a product, so we can make a greener environment. This knowledge is very essential to
help save our environment for the future.
From the text above we can conclude that learning science is one of the
important for our life and our enviroment. Because of the importance of science in our
life, we have to learn science deeper.

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