Cssoftware Portfolio

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1) Web User Experience/User Interface Design & Prototyping

Designed complete User Experience and User Interface for an ecommerce enabled professional grade
Farmers Market Web App. The project involved conception and iterative refinement via user testing of
detailed specifications, poster scale personas, Allclear use model, multi-level wireframes, and fully
interactive low and high fidelity Axure prototypes.

2) Mobile User Interface Design and Prototyping

Designed the front end user interface for a mobile Fitness Management Tool targeted for Android
smartphones. Carried the interface through various stages of paper, low fidelity Balsamiq, and high
fidelity Fluid UI prototypes with continuous refinements via user testing.

3) Mobile Apps for Android

Developed a series of Apps involving Android Activities, Intents, Permissions, Fragments, User
Interface, Notifications, Broadcast Receivers, AsyncTasks, Networking, Graphics, Touch Gestures,
Media, Camera, Location, and Content Providers to culminate in a project that allowed users to capture
and replay location based stories.

4) Mobile Services for Android

Developed Apps involving advanced features of the Android Application Framework such as
Threading, Concurrency, Synchronization, Scheduling Mechanisms, Started Services, Bound Services,
AIDL, IPC Mechanisms, and Security.

5) Cloud Services for Android

Developed Android based Web Apps that allowed mobile clients to upload or download multipart
media to or from a Spring Data JPA repository in a cloud service, manage its metadata, like/unlike
uploaded media, and search for media by name and duration. The Apps implemented HTTP API to
send GET and POST requests to the cloud server, performed error checking on requests, and
authenticated users with OAuth 2.0 Password Grant Flow.

6) OO Analysis and Design for an iOS App

Developed detailed requirement specifications including static and dynamic UML models for a feature
rich Multimedia Contact Manager App targeted for the iOS platform using an Iterative Design
Methodology. Implemented Rev 1.0 of the App using Xcode tools, Objective C and SQLite database.

7) Advanced Apps for iOS

Developed a flexible Multimedia Notes Application for iPhone/iPad with support for image files, geocoordinates, and interactive maps using both SQLite and Core Data framework for data modeling and
storage, an MVC architecture, and a combination of storyboard and programmatic approaches for
implementing the user interface.

8) Advanced Ruby on Rails Web App

Refined and validated both the client and the server side code for a fully functional Online Book Mart
Application with SQLite database backend, shopping cart feature, and user authentication based on the
principles of MVC and RESTful design using the Ruby on Rails framework.

9) Software as a Service Projects

Enhanced the client and server side Ruby on Rails source code for an Online Movie Store Application
and a legacy Blogging Engine by adding new features using a combination of BDD with Cucumber
and TDD with RSpec, calling RESTful APIs of a remote service, parsing XML responses with XPath,
and improving query performance of the back-end database.

10) Oracle Web Database Application

Developed a Web Database Application to manage Rental Properties using Oracle DBMS and a
Java/Swing front end. Translated Requirement Specifications into Information Flow, Entity
Relationship, and Relational Schema models. Implemented the application using Oracle SQL*Plus
written Queries, Integrity Constraints, and JDBC to connect with the DBMS server.

11) Multiplayer Game using Design Patterns & AI

Implemented RoboWars, a multiplayer capture-the-flag game between two or more robots. Used
Object Oriented Development and Design Patterns to model various classes, objects and their
interactions. The robots path finding strategy implemented the A* algorithm using a heuristic cost
function to guide the search. The game was coded in C++ and later ported to Java to add
multithreading and additional features.

12) Software Architectures Implementation

Analyzed, implemented and verified major design patterns from the classic Gamma et al. text for
standalone applications including Faade, Template Method, Strategy, Interpreter, and Visitor using
Object Oriented Development in Java.

13) Machine Learning Projects

Implemented a series of projects in Matlab/Octave involving Multivariate Linear Regression,

Polynomial Regression, Logistic Regression, Multi-class Classification and Neural Networks for
Hand-written Digit Recognition, SVM for Spam Classification, K-Means Clustering for Image
Compression, PCA for Facial Image Dimensionality Reduction, and Algorithms for Network Anomaly
Detection and Movie Recommender Systems.

14) Scientific Visualization System for 3D Image Data Sets

Built an interactive system to visualize large 3D volumetric datasets using VTK, C++, and Tcl/Tk front
end and exported it to Python/Tkinter for remote visualization on the TACC (Texas Advanced
Computer Center) clusters. Implemented data IO, user interaction, 3D cutting planes, isosurface
specification, and volume rendering. Tested the system using medical image data sets from the
National Library of Medicines Visible Human Project.

15) Navigable 3D Fractal Universe

Developed an interactive 3D Menger sponge universe with four viewpoints: an observer, a point light,
a spot light and a directional light. Each of the viewpoints could be independently selected to navigate
around the scene using keyboard and mouse controls allowing translation along and turns about each
of the three axes. The scene was augmented with objects that moved relative to one another in a
hierarchically modeled scene graph. The coding was done using C/C++, OpenGL, and GLUT.

16) Stock Market Trading System

Developed an operating trading system and back tester by implementing a set of projects using Python
and QSTK to evaluate, visualize, and strategize stock market portfolios, study events, simulate market
orders, assess portfolio performance, perform technical analyses, and generate trades.

17) Multithreaded STFQ Network Scheduler

Developed a multithreaded Network Scheduler in Java that implemented the Start Time Fair Queuing
algorithm. The scheduler used explicit locks and condition variables to do synchronization and
followed all the guidelines for writing Correct Multithreaded Code.

18) Generic Programming Projects using C++ Templates

Implemented projects that took advantage of the Generic and advanced programming features of C++
such as templates and the STL. Coded an Arbitrary Precision Integer class defined over <value type,
<container<value type> >, a Graph class defined over < vertex type, edge type>, and a Game of Life
class defined over <cell type, <container <cell type>, <container <container<cell type> > >.

19) Scheme Parser and Pretty Printer in ML-97, and C++

Developed a scanner, a recursive descent parser, and a pretty printer for a subset of the Scheme
programming language using two different paradigms an entirely functional style using ML-97 and
an object-oriented style using C++.

20) Pascal Compiler in C

Developed a real compiler for most of Pascal programming language incorporating lexical analysis,
parsing, semantic processing, optimization and code generation for the Solaris platform. Used LEX
and YACC utilities in conjunction with C.

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