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Mt Torrens Primary School

39 Prescott Street, Mt Torrens, SA 5244

Tel: (08) 8389 4278
Fax: (08) 8389 4448

Nicol taught at Mt Torrens PS for part of 2013 and has been a 0.6 FTE contract for 2014. Because of the small
enrolment numbers Nicol has taught all students from reception to year 7.
During that time she has demonstrated highly proficient knowledge and skills.
Nicol teaches from R-7 for a significant part of her day. She interacts with all the students both individually and
as a group. Nicols teaching program is well organised and thoroughly planned. The strategies used generate a
high level of engagement and promote student enthusiasm for learning. The learning activities provide many
opportunities for critical and creative thinking and problem solving.
When planning and implementing the learning program Nicol uses a range of strategies to meet the students
social needs and intellectual development. This includes providing different learning tasks, providing different
entry points, having open ended tasks and incorporating strategies such as peer tutoring. Using these
strategies Nicol has ensured the learning program is challenging and engaging and meets the learning needs
of students across a large range of abilities.
Nicol has used a range of resources to increase her knowledge of how students learn. This has included
seeking advice from colleagues at this school and neighbouring schools, researching ideas on-line and trialling
new ideas and seeking feedback regarding their effectiveness.
The provision on indigenous perspectives across the curriculum has been demonstrated regularly. Nicol
developed a learning unit for the whole school based around the Murray River. Students learning activities
were supportive of all age groups and students were very engaged in these activities. A critical part of the
learning unit was the indigenous history and connections with the Murray River.
Nicol uses a wide variety of teaching strategies to ensure a high level of engagement in the curriculum. In
several learning areas Nicol has been able to personally develop or research and refine many of strategies that
engage students, from Reception to year 7, in purposeful learning. Currently students are involved in a unit of
work based on the books of Roald Dahl. In this learning older students are able to explore and experiment in
their writing and younger students are able to develop comprehension skills.
When developing units of work, Nicol ensures learning outcomes have strong links with the Australian
Curriculum. She has demonstrated a sound knowledge of all aspects of the AC and has involved herself in
several PD sessions with staff from other schools to enhance her knowledge of AC and TfEL. When planning
activities Nicol includes a range of assessment strategies and these include teacher assessment, peer
assessment and personal assessment.

Re s p e c t

Re s p o n s i b i l i t y

~ Cooperation


Nicol recognises the importance of the general capabilities across the curriculum. Her teaching program
provides (especially) opportunities for students to develop deeper literacy, numeracy and ICT skills through
several curriculum areas. These have included students creating a time line dating back to Mungo Man then
including world historical events on this time line to provide deeper understanding of time; students exploring
the language of Roald Dahl and students creating Moovies as part of their Cows Create Careers project.
Nicol uses a range of strategies when communicating with students in the classroom. In class discussions she
ensures students are encouraged and supported to be involved in these discussions. She uses a number of
non-verbal cues in the classroom to gain student attention, prompt student involvement and re-direct students
behaviour. A range of posters and other tools promote effective communication with students.
Nicols approach to ensuring a safe classroom environment is proactive. She has developed an organised
classroom environment with known routines. She negotiates and establishes clear behavioural expectations
and addresses behaviour issues promptly and fairly with a focus on restorative practices. Nicol ensures that
the learning program reinforces strategies that students can use to maintain well-being and keep themselves
safe in the school, home and when accessing the internet.
Nicol ensure students are regularly recognised for their achievements. They are supported and encouraged to
continue working towards their personal learning goals and outcomes set in learning tasks. Nicol has
developed strong, professional relationships with parents. This has allowed her to discuss students
achievements and concerns in a mutually respectful way. Parents are encouraged to be involved in the student
learning program, either by supporting the educational program at home or as volunteers in the classroom and
extended classroom program.
Nicol is very enthusiastic about her growth as an educator. She evaluates the effectiveness of her program
using a range of tools. These include student achievement of learning goals through a range of assessment
strategies; evaluation of the strategies incorporated through student observation and student comment and
through discussion and review with peers and support staff. Nicol has enthusiastically sought out and been
involved in a range of professional development. Learning from this PD is used to continually improve her
professional practice

Eddy Spear
Mount Torrens Primary School

Re s p e c t

Re s p o n s i b i l i t y

~ Cooperation


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