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In LO1 I have understood the how audience profiling work and what audience

groups there are and how to target them successfully. I made a PowerPoint of our
personal demographics and psychographics profile. My psychographic profile
would be a Belongers traditional, conservative, conformists, family oriented.
Successful, enjoy acquiring things and buy brands names. I have a job and save
up my money to buy the things I want.
We also came up with questions to ask our classmates about their TV lifestyle.
We asked 17 students the same questions and came out with different answers
all around. We then made a chart of all the answers to see the outcome of what
kind of TV students watch and what times they watch it.
For our focus group we worked as a team (Me, Joe, Jerome and Giuesspi) and
filmed us asking questions to a group of students from our class. I wrote down
all the answers to the questions, Joe and Giussepi asked the questions and
Jerome did the filming. We came up with our own questions. We asked them 10
questions which where non biased and they didnt have a yes or no answers so
we could get more information out of them. This is one of the questions we
asked What platforms do you use to view media the most? Why? This way by
asking why at the end of the questions allows us the get for information and
broader stronger answer from them. This focus group is a good example of
qualitative questions and answers. By doing this you are able to understand you
audience better.

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