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Music Appreciation

Spring 2015 Blackwood MWF L-017

Course Syllabus

Professor Jonathan Shaw
Password: music

Course Objectives

Develop a deeper and more meaningful relationship to the music YOU love

Provide you with resources you can utilize outside of class

Develop a greater ability to discuss and verbally construct qualified value-judgments about a wide
variety of musical performances I . E . T e l l m e W H Y y o u l i k e w h a t y o u l i k e ! !
Develop a greater understanding and ability to discuss musical genres, historical events, and the
modern day music industry

Required Materials
Access to internet
Headphones (bring these every class)
Fundamentals Quiz 10%
Out of Class Assignments (Homework) 20%
Attendance & Participation 20%

Class Top ics:

In Class Assignments 20%

Soundtrack of Your Life 25%
Syllabus signed 5%

Fund ame nt als of Musi c

Jud gi ng M usic
The Blues
Explori ng Ge nre s
Cu rre nt Mu sic Histo ry

Ou t of Cl ass Ass ignme nts

Throughout the course I will assign a handful of assignments. Unless otherwise stated, these will be
due at the beginning of the next class, and are required to be typed. Completing or attempting to
complete these assignments is crucial to the success of the class! These will be graded on a
FULL/HALF/ZERO credit basis. If you complete the assignment in full, you will get FULL credit.
Incomplete assignments will receive HALF credit. If you fail to submit, you will receive a ZERO.

In Class A ssi gn ment s

We will do multiple in class assignments. These will be completed during class and c an not be mad e
up. If you are absent from class, you can make this grade up with extra credit assignments.
Fund ame nt als Q ui z
This will be given at the end of our fundamentals unit and will pertain to terms/topics covered
therein. Although this is not a practical music class it is important that we all know certain terms so
we can have successful, insightful conversations in class. We will review important topics that will be covered
on the quiz.
Sou ndt ra ck of Yo ur Life Po rtfolio
For this project, you will be selecting songs that best represent your life, or different aspects of your
identity. Using knowledge gained throughout the semester, you will provide a written component for
each song selection telling me why it represents you as a person. You will work on this throughout
the course and will receive a final project grade at the end of semester.
Atte nd anc e & Pa rti cip atio n
This is a combination of showing up to class and participating. This class is not meant to be a lecture
by me for 50 minutes. The success of the class depends on your willingness to share opinions and
make contributions. Always remember: I can learn as much from you as you can from me!!
Class Policy
Atte nd anc e a nd Late ness
6 unexcused absences will be permitted. These will not affect your grade and you may use them at
your leisure. You will also be allowed two lateness/early departures from class. Beyond these that are
permitted, any unexcused absence/set of lateness will lower your final grade. If you are absent for
an assignment day, you will not receive credit for the assignment. Disclaimer: We have about 45 (give or
take) sessions together. If you are absent for 10 or more of these, you have missed 20% OF THE CLASS and
Plagi a rism
Plagi a rism is a ve ry se ri ous offe nse. Its important that you note any thoughts that arent your own
in your assignments. If you do not, you may be in violation of our college plagiarism policy and its
penalty. Please see the student handbook for more information. Any assignments that are plagiarized
(not your own thoughts/not cited) will be returned for no grade. Including a citation does not take
away from the validity of your assignment if anything, having corroborating thoughts can only
strengthen your statement! W hen in do ubt, incl ude a c it atio n.
Cell P hone s
Unless we are doing so together, cell phones should not be used during class time. This is supposed
to be an interactive course, and using your phone is distracting to you, others, and especially me.
Repeated usage of phones in class will result in the lowering of your class participation grade. Please
keep your phones away during class unless instructed to use them (this will actually happen!!).
Assi gn men t Su bmi ssio n
All assignments are to be submitted at the beginning of class on the scheduled due date. Unles s
othe rw ise s tat ed, it i s req ui red t hat all o ut of class ass ign men ts be ty pe d. Handwritten

assignments will not be accepted. If your printer is broken, out of ink, or has been stolen, use the
La te Assi gnme nts
Unexcused late assignments will not be permitted. If you are absent from class when the assignment
is due, you are expected to make arrangements to have your assignment submitted. Em ailed
assi gn ment s will o nly be a cce pte d if a st ude nt is abs en t fro m cla ss - an d m ust be su bmi tte d
T HE DA Y OF C LA SS. If you are absent and have a note justifying your absence (legal, funeral
card, or medical) I will make arrangements to accept your assignment the next class.
***Extra Credit***
Although you cannot exceed 100% for the class, I will be offering extra credit options to bolster your
grade. Ex tra c re dit ass ignme nts a re i n 2 p arts, bo t h o f whic h m ust be tu rne d in t o recei ve any
cre dit: Attend a concert of one of the approved groups, then (1) provide a ticket stub/program and (2) a
two-page written response. You may earn a possible 3% points on your final grade for each concert.
Approved concerts: Philadelphia Orchestra, Philadelphia Jazz Orchestra, Symphony in C, Approved Temple
University Concerts, Approved University of the Arts Concerts, or see me ahead of time to approve concert.

Syl labus Agreement Contract

I, ___________________________ ,state that I have read the Syllabus and agree to the
class policy and the conditions specified therein.

Signature: __________________


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