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Lunar Basketball

Dear NASA,
I am a physics student here at Springport High School, writing to propose to you a new
idea: Basketball on the moon. Hear me out; this is all possible under the laws of physics! If we
alter the rules and mechanics of the sport, it can be possible to play it fairly on the moon. This
could also become a new form of entertainment for people around the world and could be on
live TV, earning profit for NASA and various benefactors.
We all know that gravity on the moon is of what it is on Earth (9.8

). With this

factor that would mean travel distance of projectiles would be much greater due to the moons
lower gravity. If the distances of the projectile increase, the scale of the game would have to be
increased. For example, the distance of the court would need to be increased to account for the
players ability to shoot farther. Another huge factor of this sport is the height of a players jump

and launch. Since gravity is 1.6


on the moon, the height a player could jump would be

significantly increased. The height of the basketball hoop would have to be increased for the
game to be played properly and fairly.
One other factor to be considered in this sport on the moon is the players running
speed. The players would have a more difficult time running on the moon due to lowered gravity.
This being so, the time of the game would have to be increased in order for it to be played the
same as you would on Earth.
The game would be much more interesting with these alteredfactors considering the
immense change of the sport played by professionals. If this sport made it to a TV series it
would definitely get high ratings, especially with todays society.

I hope you consider the proposal to host lunar basketball. Its a new idea that could
change peoples perspectives on all sports played professionally such as football, soccer, or
even hockey. This idea has the potential to generate huge revenue if taken in the right direction.

Consider these equations:

- D=1.5 g t 2
- F w=m g

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