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Faade. A church.
ST. FRANCIS OF ASTORIA: (opening door, howling) LA LA LA-LA-LA LA LA LA-LA
LA LA LA-LA LA LA (skipping offscreen)
Cut to a park. St. Francis of Astoria is joyfully skipping about, humming to himself his humble
ST. FRANCIS OF ASTORIA: (Calling out) Come to me, my avian friends! Come to me!
Animated birds fly to St. Francis of Astoria and perch upon his pretty shoulder.
ST. FRANCIS OF ASTORIA: la la la-la-la la la la-la
BIRDS: twee twee twee-twee-twee twee twee twee-twee
St. Francis of Astoria and the birds dance in the sunlight until St. Francis of Astoria has a vision
whilst looking at the sun. The Sun is a colorful dancing smiling animated disc of many colors
who greets his presence by showering the earth in golden rays.
O my Lord, thou art London and liversGracious be your name and subsequent your pipers.
Beseechful is thy voice,
Glorious is its timbre.
I thank thee for this magnificent vision.
I will now speak thy word to the birds.
I who speak for the Lord, salute you.
Carry on in your merry ways.
ST. FRANCIS OF ASTORIA: (turning back and forth at the birds perched on his shoulders and
arms) How does that sound, my dear feathered brothers? I will now speak the word of the Lord
to you.
BIRDS: (tweet excitedly)
ST. FRANCIS OF ASTORIA: (psalm-like: half-singing, half-chanting)
His passion is the fruit of this earth
It erupts forth in spring year to year

For his righteousness is perfected.

For He is the Lord; He is Good.
He is everything, and nothing.
He is the Ruler of the Earth
And All that is Good in the Earth,
And What is Bad,
It is All his Creation.

Cut to two NYPD officers from behind the shoulders looking out at a guy singing and dancing to
himself in the park.
COP 1: (shrugging) I dunno Chief, whats the deal with this guy?
COP 2: Dont know dont care.
They approach ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI - seen from the front as he continues chattering with
the birds. The birds fly away when the cops reach to put their hands on his shoulders.
COP 2: Hey youre comin with me, pal.
The cops escort him offscreen peacefully.

PETER FALLS, P.I. crosses the screen and stops halfway.

PETER FALLS, P.I.: Madman or visionary mystic? You decide. For those who truly seek to
know: the answer lies on the other side, of the Twilight Realm.
PETER FALLS, P.I walks offscreen. Fade to black. One more time St. Francis of Astoria sings
his strange tune:


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