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By: Carly Ellis

Job Shadowing a Kindergarten


Person I Job shadowed

The teacher I job shadowed name is Mrs. Basciano.
She enjoys the beach and spending time with family

The company
Mrs. Basciano teaches at Three Oaks Elementary
The environment is very friendly and full of little kids

Daily Tasks
She has the morning class for 2 hours and then go to
P.E. Then there is a lunch break, after lunch we go to
pick up the afternoon kids off the bus. They come in
and drop off their stuff and go to P.E. Then they do
the lesson till the end of the day.

Job Salary
The salary is between $41,362 and $70,979 per year.
Teachers get additional rewards depending on the
degree they received.

What I did
I helped out with the math stations, passed out
papers, helped with the science lab, and cut out
shapes in the workroom.

Mrs. Basciaino told me that the morning class is more
productive and more focus with their work and get
stuff done. The afternoon is more rowdy and less
focus. They get more time to wake up and play.
I noticed the same thing . Another thing was that the
morning class has 4 boys and there were only 18 kids.
The afternoon class had 24 students in the class. I
think the number of kids makes a difference too.

Mrs. Basciano went to Mary Baldwin College for 4
years and she majored in sociology.

Personality traits
Mrs. Basciano told me the traits she needs are
patience, flexibility, organization, and consistency.

I feel this job fits me and I am considering this job for
the future. I love to work with kids. I need to work on
a few personality traits to be able to have this job in
the future.

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